Apex Legends Dark Depths Event – Discussion & Support Megathread

1 : Anonymous2022/01/11 17:58 ID: s1j357

Hey legends,

This thread serves to consolidate player feedback and issues with the newly released Dark Depths event.

As always, please post any bugs or issues that have come up with this current event so that Respawn can help out!

Information that's helpful when reporting bugs:

What platform are you playing on? Which skin you were using? What were you doing leading up to the issue? Can you reproduce it? What are the steps? PC players - provide hardware specs, OS version, and GPU driver version. Did your game crash? What error did you get? Please include "apex_crash.txt" from your "Documents" folder. If possible, it’s great if you can capture the bug and submit that with your report.
2 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:00 ID: hs8hx6u

Dark Depths Event Flash Sale

ID: hs8j1xb

Lol for real

3 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:11 ID: hs8jo0u

Respawn you can do better than this... come on.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:13 ID: hs8jzuk

So what about this is considered part of an event

ID: hs8of15

They are getting so lazy they just release a shop rotation and call it an event

ID: hs8t8h6

What you’re not happy with all the fun stuff you can buy? /s

Yeah this entire “event” is so underwhelming. The arenas map looks cool but eh? Other than that it’s just monetization which blows

5 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:01 ID: hs8i1pe

Still no fix for missing treasure pack rewards?

ID: hs8izkk

nope. i have been waiting a fix for this like for 3 weeks, who knows when they are going to fix it.

ID: hs8piwg

They are working on a fix..they said on twitter

ID: hs8pske

link ?

6 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:01 ID: hs8i3kp

Are there even any bug fixes in this patch or nah Edit: I'm not even sure it's a patch

ID: hs8j40m

No. Just cosmetics. Not an event nor a patch

ID: hs8jan4

Thought so. Thanks Blood

ID: hs8iixx

Yeah nah it’s literally just cosmetics

ID: hs8jeqv


ID: hs8u1zs

No. This "update" was already downloaded last update.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:12 ID: hs8jxv4

Each time they release one of these I think it cant get worse and each time they prove me wrong.

This is literally a cash grab "event". Fuck off

ID: hs8p3ba

But if you bust your ass you can get two f-tier packs and a holospray!

ID: hs8s392

Respawn sold a faulty Valk skin around Christmas, followed by a Bangalore skin people bought and cannot use, and now they're running an event exclusively to sell more skins. I'm all for early April Fools jokes, but forget it being an early one, it's just a bad one.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/11 19:00 ID: hs8rssr

Remember when events included LTMs and town takeovers and weren't just a cash grab featuring uninspired cosmetics? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

ID: hs91w18

I've said it a certain number of times ill say it again; the best days of Apex are behind us. I believe its now a downhill glide until people just stop playing. The game makes enough money that it should get better and better but it seems like LTMs are all repeats, skins have gone to shit, the amount of balance changes have dropped significantly since Klein was fired. Its on its way out fight me about it

ID: hs9abc8

Yep. Full on maintenance milk mode. Have seen it with many many other games. Specially f2p

9 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:12 ID: hs8jugx

These prizes lol. No skins, no trackers, not even a themed pack.

ID: hs8o32x

You missed a memo that there are three trackers as it is a three week event

ID: hs8niar

This one is like the Halloween one, everything will stay after it’s over and you can craft them whenever

10 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:10 ID: hs8jmag

Has every event been like this recently? No option to just outright buy the skin you want right now?

ID: hs8kbu9

Seems like it's the standard for so called 'thematic events' now. They're also added to the loot pool, so you'll be able to get them in regular packs aswell.

11 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:09 ID: hs8je6j

err.. hate to complain but the epic skins are really underwhelming (most are essentially recolours with no changes made to the character models), and the banner poses which I usually look forward to... they even re-used the same spide

animations on three of them.. 🙁

12 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:08 ID: hs8j8hn

Dark Cash Grab Event.

13 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:14 ID: hs8k9oo

Dark depths in greed

14 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:12 ID: hs8jw5b

How do I play the event? I just see a progress bar for generic items and a holospray.

ID: hs8larg

You're playing it!

ID: hs8mxk1

Don't tell me all the cool stuff is just shit to buy...

ID: hs8nyv9

Was any of the event in the last 6-7 months any different? Apart from recycled shadowfall and recycled winter express

15 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:15 ID: hs8kfip

No bug fixes lmao

16 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:09 ID: hs8jdx1

Is there even an update?

ID: hs8l3su


ID: hs8ltyc

So this is all just a cash grab

17 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:14 ID: hs8k47y

Is Habitat a new permanent Arena map, or is it just for the event?

ID: hs8mmoi

Permanent. I think any map that isn't just a cutout section of a Battle Royal map is a permanent part of the pool.

18 : Anonymous2022/01/11 19:20 ID: hs8v0pn

Sales aren't "events", Respawn. Take more of your CEO money to fund new stuff, thx.

19 : Anonymous2022/01/11 21:23 ID: hs9f99p

This is not an event. This isn’t even a patch. Fuck your cash grab.

20 : Anonymous2022/01/11 19:02 ID: hs8s6ma

This "thematic event" store & Items are fucking trash.

Lol, why did I even get my hopes up

21 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:13 ID: hs8k2ni

Not even a LTM ):

22 : Anonymous2022/01/11 19:12 ID: hs8trlu

The packs are a trap, don't fall for it

23 : Anonymous2022/01/11 18:17 ID: hs8knjy

LL and Path now have 3 and 4 sets of lifetime trackers, respectively?

Lmao. Okay.

24 : Anonymous2022/01/11 19:25 ID: hs8vyb8

The bar gets lowered and lowered each time and this is just a cash grab, plain and simple. They didn’t event do a good job of hiding it. This is just gambling and it’s gross. Everyone, for the love of god, don’t buy anything from this.

25 : Anonymous2022/01/11 19:03 ID: hs8saav

Im eating popcorn and enjoying the show. Im actually interested in seeing how lazy can they become until game starts falling apart completely. Main devs already left. Some skins and stuff barely working. No events. They are shaking our hands while spitting in our faces. 😀

26 : Anonymous2022/01/11 19:37 ID: hs8xwe1

Imagine calling this an event.

27 : Anonymous2022/01/11 20:01 ID: hs91sor

For the love of god don't pay for the loot-boxes. It's literally a scam. Just wait till they come out and use mats.


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