VOIP is a double edge sword

1 : Anonymous2022/02/08 18:30 ID: snr6vm

I’m a level 39 chad, met a group of 3 Timmys who sound like they’re in middle school in reserve bunker. “Hey man we’re just trying to do the quest where you have to find all the bunkers” no problem. I tell them I’ll run them through the bunkers. Hear a friendly player scav after we finish their quest. “Hey I’m a player scav, do you guys need gas analyzers??” Two of our Timmys reply hell yes! We all run towards extract together. He drops the gas analyzer and the kids are ecstatic. 3 minutes left in raid the Timmy’s turn on us as we’re only a few steps away from extraction. I turn around and dome one of them, but it’s too late. My scav buddy and I both die. Another day in Tarkov. They probably didn’t make it out since D2 and Hermetic bunker were both inactive, but next time a Timmy asks for help I’m going to spray him like a psycho to get over my trust issues

2 : Anonymous2022/02/08 19:38 ID: hw4g25d

Rest assured your gear will remain in their stash until the wipe.

ID: hw4jvt1

Or be lost in their next raid

ID: hw4ppgf

As a new player this wipe, I never had this mindset come to me hahah, every time I had high level weapon/gear I just wanted to leave the raid ASAP to get into a new one with this gear and try out x or y gun for the first time

ID: hw4ug92

A lot of career Timmie's have tried that gear out before and have gotten a taste. Then the gear fear sets in waiting for the right time to use it... Which is always now

ID: hw4xowe

You can always practice in offline mode so you don't lose it in the raid.

ID: hw518qc

This is so true it hurts. Goes and looks at stash full of meta guns…

ID: hw4wcj5

Or probably just came back to him since I hardly think they made it out.

ID: hw4yu8x

If they got out, which is not a given.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/08 18:57 ID: hw49b5h

Weren't you here a month ago or so? Never trust kids!

ID: hw4ohdm

Dude, i shoot every kid i hear now, and its been great. Children are NOT to be trusted, ever. Theres a reason geurilla fighters recruit 10-17 year olds

ID: hw4tuuo

Dude, i shoot every kid i hear now, and its been great. Children are NOT to be trusted, ever.

May I quote you on that out of context? I had a good laugh.

ID: hw4u0u0



4 : Anonymous2022/02/08 20:08 ID: hw4kw1q

Unfortunately, I have to stick to the rule of not trusting the younger players. Just the way it is. Sorry to the kids that actually are trustworthy.

ID: hw4yu59

Yeah it's unfortunately a negative feedback loop. A lot of untrustworthy kids make it so people shoot kids on sight, which causes potentially/formerly trustworthy kids to get frustrated and start acting like shit heads which feeds back into the negative view that kids can't be trusted.

ID: hw5c2xr

Yeah sucks pretty bad for us. My friend and me are 14 and are trying to play the game correctly. But every time as scav we talk to someone and say friendly and we’re going and hear “Is ThAt A kId!” And get gunned down. Same thing on pmc if not worse

5 : Anonymous2022/02/08 19:09 ID: hw4be0i

My VOIP interactions with others goes like "I don't want trouble. I''m gonna go my way, you go yours"

ID: hw4k63b

Usually if I’m scaving shoreline for stashes I’ll show others the stash’s very carefully if they want to, only ever had to kill 2 people who turned on me

ID: hw4l8ee

That's a bro mentality. I'm a loot goblin through and through, so I just want to get my loot and get out. You don't mess with me, I don't mess with you.

ID: hw4oy95

Same. Me and my group worked together at the start of the wipe with a random on Factory and it ended up with me getting domed at the exfil. Now, if you’re trying to close the distance with me even after VOIPing, I’m warning you I’m gonna shoot.

ID: hw4s4n5

Yuuup. Haven't been betrayed yet. Have negotiated cease fires before though. My buddy and I have gotten into stalemates with other groups and we come to the conclusion that both parties are gonna back away and find other routes. If we see eachother, we start firing.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/08 18:35 ID: hw45r40

fuck i hate these kind of people .. if you want to turn your back dont do it in the end , show your hostility right at the beginning, fuck these timmy bro!

ID: hw4dxrw

Thats why I kill them all

ID: hw4xoib

Hey if I'm a friendly scav and a PMC gats me down without warning I just shrug and move on. Can't blame em

But, you should know that especially on interchange I have extracted with Scavs at that PMC+Scav exfil more times than I've been betrayed, by a lot. I know it's a game, but Tarkov is filled with good and bad people. Although the worst I risk is like a 200k kit. I'm not good enough to go in on a multi million ruble kit and actually take advantage of it.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/08 18:46 ID: hw47jvo

My team trusts no one as a PMC lol. Shoot on site.

We don’t kill other scavs as scavs though.

ID: hw599jp


8 : Anonymous2022/02/08 18:41 ID: hw46mq2

It's rough when people betray you. I was on my scav when I met a group of 3 other scavs on interchange we joined up and eventually fought a very geared 2 man pmc duo. We fought and won losing one of scav from their group. We got up to the corpses and I started to loot one cuz I killed him. By the time I saw the slick BAM. One of them headshots me. I trust no one

9 : Anonymous2022/02/08 19:38 ID: hw4fzg4

There are a lot of trash players out there that the only way they get kills is by using voip to get you to let your guard down. I stay cautious around players that voip me. On the flip side there are so many players just trying to complete quests or get loot runs done that many voip interactions are enjoyable and quick. I refuse to let the shit players of tarkov ruin the potentially great interactions I will get to have.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/08 18:35 ID: hw45mt2

Sorry man, you can’t claim chad until level 42.

ID: hw4csz3

Chad...it's not a level. It's a mindset.

ID: hw4ivrv

True. A Chad can be a level 10 with a double barrel.

ID: hw4d26o

It’s about drive, it’s about power, we stay hungry we devour

ID: hw4qx8e

Shift W is our motto

ID: hw4tiem

Chad but died to 3 Timmy’s with PST GZH

ID: hw50k41

Yeah if you have to say your a chad then your not a chad.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/08 19:56 ID: hw4j05f

My VoIP interactions while as a pmc are pretty much all hostile or shit talking. But as a scav it's fun to negotiate and try for the coop extracts.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/08 20:14 ID: hw4lr9x

A new rule that got formed when VOIP was introduced was to kill all kids/pubescent teenagers on sight because they will eventually backstab you

13 : Anonymous2022/02/08 20:16 ID: hw4m4ia

I usually run a two man. We will ask you to pull a knife and move on, if you refuse we throw persuasion frags to make your decision.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/08 20:44 ID: hw4qtk8

Your first mistake was trusting children in a game, they're fucking snakes when there's no risk of being punched in the face.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/08 20:08 ID: hw4kwmn

I don't mess around when I'm PMC running. The only thing people will get out of me is honeysuckle lies and the ol classic "If I see you your dead, get your task done and get the fuck out of here".

When I'm on my scav though I'll do whatever with people, I'm along for the ride and since the risk to me is zero I feel less bad about getting betrayed or whatever. Scav is for making memories, PMC is for making enemies.

ID: hw4yc6i

If I'm doing a light kit run on my pmc I'm definitely more willing to mess around and try and work with other people, but yeah if I'm goin heavy or have a quest item, there's no way I'm risking it. But if I'm hunting scavs with a pistol or SKS or something eh we'll see what happens lol.

ID: hw4yvs5

I remember one time my 3 man scav met another 3 man scav and we stormed the rogue base, all but one of us died and he got out with all the loot lmao, that was glorious

16 : Anonymous2022/02/08 19:28 ID: hw4eh2m

The other night I used voip to tell someone hey I don’t want to fight I have no loot just doing a quest I’ll let you extract then we will go after you. I still threw some grenades in after we waited enough time just in case he was waiting to ambush. He left like he said he would but I don’t trust until I know you are true to your word

17 : Anonymous2022/02/08 20:09 ID: hw4kzay

It only took me getting backstabbed twice to give up on the idea of being friends with with other PMCs and scavs as a PMC. If you VOIP me and want to be friends, fine, you better take out your melee and walk in the other direction, but I ain't teaming up with you or getting anywhere near you.

I'm not antisocial, I'll collaborate all day long as a scav, but not a PMC.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/08 20:24 ID: hw4njq2

I'll sometimes run around trying to find people to give stuff to using VOIP. Gave a dude a Gphone and flashdrive the other day that way.

19 : Anonymous2022/02/08 20:47 ID: hw4rc6f

If it squeaks it dies.

NO no No dont shoot! DIE SCUM hears cries over voice ip

20 : Anonymous2022/02/08 20:48 ID: hw4rgeb

if they sound younger than 22, kill them. that’s my rule

21 : Anonymous2022/02/08 20:57 ID: hw4svig

Middle school sounding kids all die to me no matter how nice they sound, just on the principle because I know what sack of shit human beings middle school kids are. I help grown sounding Timmy's all the time, and scav players tho

22 : Anonymous2022/02/08 21:21 ID: hw4wts9

Anyone who sounds like they havent graduated is a kill on sight.

23 : Anonymous2022/02/08 21:33 ID: hw4yvei

Man must be weird because most of my Voip interactions have been cool. My very first one was a scav trying to kill me in factory, but apart from that, 90% of my interactions have been friendly or straight up not talking or saying to fight. Tried once to team up with a pmc on reserve to ask to extract for rep, and he told me to get away or he would kill me, and i left.

24 : Anonymous2022/02/08 21:45 ID: hw50tq8

Always kill the kids man.


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