What healthy rules you got with your friends in Tarkov?

1 : Anonymous2022/01/10 15:40 ID: s0mu2k

I for example i have the following:

You died? Don't pressure the others to get your loot if they can't, insure your stuff if you want it back. The most i can do about your guns it's to ditch them in a bush IF it's safe.

Maybe if it's safe i can pick valuable stuff from your body like a GPU or whatever and give them to you next round.

No one is forced to stay in raid with you if they completed a mission or got valuable loot. It would nice to give them an escort out as they would do the same to you.

Don't abandon your friends in a firefight unless you are almost dead and can't do anything. Or you know. You ran out of ammo or something

I can't believe i have to say this but share food and water

I played with people that were the opposite of this. The most annoying was when they were like: get my gun, get my rig, get my helmet.

If i would fail and die they would be like: fking idiot.

If i would succeed they wouldn't even say thanks.

Don't be like them

2 : Anonymous2022/01/10 17:34 ID: hs3702k

So we bought a pair of twitch rivals glasses off the flee market, I don’t remember why exactly but I think we were just fucking around to see who could swag out the hardest.

First raid in and this turned into a very important game of saving private glasses, here’s how it works. The main goal, see how long we can keep the glasses in our group before we all die and lose them. The expectations are clear, the glasses survive at all costs. So far there have been quite a few heroic moments of looting in the middle of firefights to snag the glasses into the inventory. We have also had MANY casualties due to the same logic, but thus we persevere.

We are currently still in possession of the original glasses, and are ~20 raids deep without losing them. The glasses will survive at all costs.

EDIT: in retrospect I’m unsure if this qualifies as a “healthy” rule

EDIT2: It appears that there are no longer any rivals glasses on the market. I have no idea if this has anything to do with you people, but I really hope it does. Remember, the glasses survive at ALL costs.

ID: hs3x3m3

My group and I have a similar “game” but with an absurd auto Glock with 50 round mag and stock. If it goes in raid, one of the goals is to make sure we get it back to one of our hideouts if the person holding it dies first.

ID: hs3xy84

It’s a great game with anything that’s just like a “stupid” item. If you played with like a slick or something I don’t think it would have the same effect. Something about being and a firefight and one of you bois yelling “GET THE FUCKING GLASSES” is hilarious every time.

ID: hs3o8xl

Totally stealing this. I love it so much lmao

ID: hs3owde

Please do hahaha it’s fucking awesome

ID: hs40qqf

My brother and I do this but with our dog tags, we try to play the same time at wipe so we can get the "rare limited edition lvl1 tags" when one of us dies.

ID: hs3yg6k

This sounds really fun. I just need to find friends first.

ID: hs3qkog

I love this

ID: hs3yyam

It gives you extra fun. It's definitely healthy.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/10 16:02 ID: hs2rt9v

One rule.

“If he dies, he dies”.

ID: hs2ww2t

Rocky 4

4 : Anonymous2022/01/10 16:31 ID: hs2wkoo

My friends don't know maps. So I Sherpa them through to get tasks completed. While doing this I hit stashes on the way to pay myself. Though I'll give them an item if I see it'll benefit them in some manner (Ie. Future task).

Now that they've played for a couple weeks and learned some maps, there's a greater sense of 'playing together' and as such I don't immediately loot stashes and instead give them a chance.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/10 15:59 ID: hs2rdox

Your kill, you get first dibs on loot, whether it's a pmc or scav. Don't go looting a body you know a team mate killed and its all good.

For clarity, first dibs doesn't mean you take all the loot, just first pick and then donate the rest to the squad.

ID: hs3hshj

Played with a dude the other day who didn't understand this, he got pissed when I asked him to stop looting the people I killed after he did it for the 5th or 6th time and had an attitude the rest of the night. Fuck that guy.

Edit: He wasn't tapping for XP, he would sprint to the body after I just killed it and grab the dogtags and backpack as quick as he could.

ID: hs3kjag

I played with a guy like that then started head tapping him everytime he went to steal my kills.

ID: hs3kdvc

High velocity lessons are approved for this situation, especially if verbal cues didn't work

ID: hs3rsnx

After 2 times of not listening there would be a shot to the head. Forget people who don't figure it out in this game.

ID: hs4b9pw

Shoot them while they're looting and say "That guy had a buddy trying to get his gear!" and when they inevitably say "ThAt WaS mE!!!1!!" you respond with "No it wasn't, I shot a guy looting my kill. My teammate wouldn't loot my kill"

ID: hs360qe

Add to this: if you come into a fight and finish off the enemy while your teammate has been doing most of the work, don't go looting the body right away. At least have the courtesy cover your injured teammate while they put all their limbs back on after doing all the work.

Especially if you put in a ton of damage into a scav boss only for one friend to finish the job while you're reloading. Yes it's a team effort but the least you can do is cover my bleeding ass for getting all the XP and loot.

ID: hs34n2v

Ill touch the body for exp and search to see whats there, but i dont take anything unless its been stated that its free loot. Good rule for everyone

ID: hs3fa09

Same I tell my buddy "just touching for exp" he doesn't care because he knows I'm not skimming loot but as long as I touch it first(or before he loots anything that is) then I get a bigger chunk so we usually let each other touch the bodies before looting. But I've played for 2 years now with him so we know each other pretty well. He's aggressive I'm much more reserved and in that he gets more kills haha

ID: hs3ciwi

I used to play with people that got mad at me tapping for XP. Like really you know I'm not taking your shit I don't even search it.

ID: hs3i5gy

To go with “your kill, your loot” we’ve got “your key, your loot” ANYTHING behind a door you unlock with your key you have first dibs on.

ID: hs3huox

The big add to this from my group. If a few guys get fat from a firefight. We stay and help the others find loot so we can ALL leave fat. Win a fight at dorms and 2 of 4 get super looted. Let’s head to fortress and get you guys looted up.

Only other rule we have is for team kills. It’s no biggie, but when it happens try to get his shit out so he can use it next raid.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/10 16:30 ID: hs2wfdh

If you teamkill bring out your teammates gun and mags, armor if they ask. If no space, bring out their ammo at least

ID: hs3dden

To add to this if you tk and can't get their stuff (or die with it), bring them as equivalent or better a kit as your trader levels and wallet allow. Doing this with ppl you play a ton with helps both smooth over rough mistakes and cut down on TKs.

ID: hs3q64a

Yea, we tend not to get too fussed about tks, mostly because I am the one who most often gets tked and I play the most so I can afford it. They just dump my shit and say sorry, I give em shit for a bit and we call it even.

ID: hs3av3j

And if their mags are half empty you top them off with the same ammo. Better if you can.

ID: hs3bvpp

Ultimate bro move right there.

ID: hs3osub

also don’t forget to repair their armor

7 : Anonymous2022/01/10 17:06 ID: hs32b54
ID: hs3ojwm

Spacing is so important and so many people have a hard time with it

ID: hs40m7l

Now picture your self as a fresh Timmy loading into woods with you 1000+ hour friend leading the way.

You are either inside his pouch or you are lost and alone.

Tarkov is a difficult game.

ID: hs3rz21

I hate when people cut in front of me or body block. At least call out that you’re crossing in front.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/10 15:57 ID: hs2r0xa

I play with an IRL friend group so we are pretty comfortable with each other and half of our communication is giving each other shit. We can get mad at times, but it's never for long/serious.

We don't have any "rules," but it's basically understood that we're bros so we do w/e we can for each other.

We dump entire kits and bring out stuff when we can.

We fight to our last bullet (that's more because all of us prefer to take the fight unless there's some annoying quest at stake).

Help each other with quests (I gave away a FIR ledx).

Meds/food are for whoever needs them.

ID: hs32hb1

Quest progress before financial benefit. You sound like a great squad mate.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/10 16:17 ID: hs2u8un


These rules doesn't apply to me and my friend because we ALL die everytime.

10 : Anonymous2022/01/10 16:50 ID: hs2zrfm

Super simple rule: If someone says the word 'comms' everyone immediately goes silent. Then when the person that called comms speaks again you can talk again (assuming you havent moved much). -not being able to hear enemy movement is a death sentence, hearing that you found a screwdriver from that toolbox isnt important when youre dying.

ID: hs3kpr3

To add to this, instead of saying stuff like "IS THAT YOU?" I've been trying to get my squad to say "DOWN" and everyone either crouches or goes prone. If someone doesn't, that's their loss.

11 : Anonymous2022/01/10 15:56 ID: hs2qxeq

I ay with a usual group and some of them don't have a lot of experience in tactical shooters. I am trying to enforce rules about coms about saying what you are doing, where you are going and in high traffic areas no chit chat.

And don't blame your team for you dying, you're allowed to get frustrated but don't blame your team.

ID: hs2rcph

Yep playing even in a team of 2 needs a lot of communication to make it work

12 : Anonymous2022/01/10 19:10 ID: hs3mvww

A rule I'd like to have: Be very clear about your kills and deaths. So often any gunshots in their direction is responded with "I'm dead" even if they just got hit in the arm and found cover. Other times one shot to a still living enemy is "I got them". It leads to so much unneeded confusion.

13 : Anonymous2022/01/10 16:55 ID: hs30l8z

After a while of constant conflict, confusion, and other bs I just sat down and wrote a 20 page doctrine for our squad lol

14 : Anonymous2022/01/10 17:15 ID: hs33wt4

Used to be:

Team kill someone? You owe them a bitcoin (when they were 600-750k, ish)

Team kill on labs? Bitcoin plus a keycard

ID: hs37q8t

For a while we did the, if you get team killed and it's their fault. You get to build the gun the have to run the next raid.

15 : Anonymous2022/01/10 17:28 ID: hs35zo5

The only one we have that hasn't been said yet we have is, if you unlock a door you get first dibs on the loot behind it.

My first tarkov match with an online buddy he ran into a room I unlocked in resort and grabbed a GPU first thing. I asked him to give it to me and he got all bent out of shape about it... We now have a "if you sprint into a room someone else unlocked and start snatching loot, you're gonna catch a bullet to the head" rule 🙂

ID: hs3cxog

This is the one that really iritates me. I'm usually pretty generous with sharing loot but when I open a door and 3 people just come in and start looting before I've had a chance to see what's there I get annoyed.

16 : Anonymous2022/01/10 16:28 ID: hs2w3tp

1 - Your kill your loot.

2 - Got a spare non found in raid key (valuable or needed for quest) share with the homies

3 - Found a quest item i dont need anymore, share with the homies

17 : Anonymous2022/01/10 16:04 ID: hs2s8nl

Meds are a shared resource, if a teammate isn't at full health it's bad for everyone.

Take and use my stuff if the situation demands it, being pushed and out of ammo? Grab my gun if I'm dead and use it, can't dump insured stuff if everyone's dead.

18 : Anonymous2022/01/10 17:09 ID: hs32ylu

one ring to rule them all (one leader)

Audio should always be clear and define your calls for the map before

Objectives clearly defined before raid ( that include calling your needed items)

Your kill your loot we deal with cover.

Discard is not mandatory but appreciated

Sharing is caring. ( of course i can make 2mil with FIR 6b47 0-50% but if my mate need it, i’ll give it).

Don’t blame others. But learn to say sorry. Take your responsibilities if you’ve done shit.

If you got a quest item don’t engage, let other do it.


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