Mechanic doesn’t buy WD-40

1 : Anonymous2022/01/10 17:39 ID: s0pmue

Realism gone.

2 : Anonymous2022/01/10 17:41 ID: hs385i6

Therapist needs it to oil up your joints

ID: hs49atj

No that’s for the prostate examination..

ID: hs4pukd

This is Tarkov. It goes in dry.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/10 19:53 ID: hs3tzkr

To be honest I'm more annoyed he doesn't buy cigarettes when he's the one that smokes. At least with the wd-40 maybe therapist is lubing up them med case hinges.

ID: hs49lxa

All the prostate exams..

ID: hs4to6p

He really should pay the highest price for cigarettes.

Jaeger sounds like a drunk with all his tasks, feel like he should buy vodka / whiskey for 3x the price of everyone r else.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/10 20:31 ID: hs4076q

Also, Ragman doesn't buy sewing kits

5 : Anonymous2022/01/10 20:41 ID: hs41tsj

He doesn't buy cigarettes either, but has a whole task about how much he loves smoking.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/10 17:50 ID: hs39qg5

A true mechanic doesn’t use WD-40. It’s a solvent, not an oil. It’s best use is breaking loose stuck bolts, not greasing things.

ID: hs3v2y9

It's best use is displacing water, like it was designed for and the name stands for. water displacement formula 40.

ID: hs3rplj

WD40 is a fucking lame ass solvent. Its a half ass lubricant in certain applications.


ID: hs3gf57

A true mechanic doesnt remove rusted or corroded bolts and nuts. Lmao

ID: hs423jf

We use the flame wrench on them!

ID: hs3uwcy

It’s a water displacer that was designed for rockets. Believe it or not there are mechanics that work on rockets.

ID: hs3hnsu

Mechanic isn't even a mechanic anyways, he was the foreman at a chemical plant.

ID: hs481ip

A true mechanic doesn’t use WD-40.

Lol what a load of shit

ID: hs3yz1w

Came in here to say this loo

ID: hs440ev

So what do they use to displace water?

ID: hs3e66d

Definitely could still be used as a light oil but okay.

ID: hs3qu04

It’s a light lubricant for sure. But people suggest it for everything, even when a heavier oil or grease should be used.

ID: hs3snoh

hey, this is russia, lots of rust, so it would have lots of use

7 : Anonymous2022/01/10 19:41 ID: hs3s0ra

literally unplayable

8 : Anonymous2022/01/10 20:40 ID: hs41q0w

He doesnt buy cigarettes either which bothered me since my first wipe.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/10 19:03 ID: hs3lq4k

Can’t use big cans of WD-40 for an upgrade. Only little cans.

I have 3 big cans and one little can. What gives?

ID: hs3mofn

I thought that was so strange. I had 5 of the huge cans, but for about 5 days I trudged about on scav runs trying to find a mini can for the upgrade. haha

ID: hs3qqsi

I think there's a craft that turns the big ones into small ones

10 : Anonymous2022/01/10 21:08 ID: hs4679b

literally unplayable

11 : Anonymous2022/01/10 19:35 ID: hs3r6bp

fuckin broken, uninstalled.

12 : Anonymous2022/01/10 20:18 ID: hs3y5qy

I haven't ever read any of the lore behind the game but this ruins everything for me!

13 : Anonymous2022/01/10 20:42 ID: hs41ytf

Mah Immersion!

14 : Anonymous2022/01/10 20:43 ID: hs42905

He also doesn't but cigarettes and he's the only one that ask you for smokes.

ID: hs4bs18

Big John doesn't pay.

15 : Anonymous2022/01/10 19:46 ID: hs3sv5z

It's an oil. It was invented to displace water. It is the 40th attempt. "Water displacement number 40"

16 : Anonymous2022/01/10 20:07 ID: hs3w9fg

This requires 100ml WD-40 comrade!

But....but I have a 200ml, just take it and keep the change.


BUT 200ML IS 100ml times two!


17 : Anonymous2022/01/10 19:44 ID: hs3siai

in general its sad how little barters there are for items that have lots of uses

18 : Anonymous2022/01/10 20:13 ID: hs3xau8

And the one trader with a beard doesn’t buy beard oil.

ID: hs4s948

He does give you an m700 for it though

19 : Anonymous2022/01/10 19:35 ID: hs3r5fu

He should buy it and give you the best price for it, i am guessing mechanic should give you like 8 bitcoins and 3 LEDX for a can of WD-40

20 : Anonymous2022/01/10 19:56 ID: hs3ujy6

Like a true gentleman, he spits.

21 : Anonymous2022/01/10 20:12 ID: hs3x1ue

What about a 10mm socket?

22 : Anonymous2022/01/10 20:46 ID: hs42li1

peacekeeper doesnt buy his own gamma case either

23 : Anonymous2022/01/10 20:52 ID: hs43o6a

Also can't use a 400ml can of wd40 to upgrade stash cause it HAS to be 4 cans of 100ml wd40.

24 : Anonymous2022/01/10 20:57 ID: hs44ixg

Maybe he's a WD-60 kind of guy? Give him a break


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