Cheater/Cheating Discussion Megathread 12-Jan-22

1 : Anonymous2022/01/12 17:52 ID: s2ccmc
Linking or displaying cheats/providers or adverts for them will result in you being banned from the subreddit without warning regardless of your intention in posting it. No accusing other players of cheating, if their name is visible this will be counted as an accusation. Vague accusations are not a way round this rule. Flagrantly doing this will result in a ban. Exposing cheater forums/social media/discord channels and videos from the POV of cheaters aren't allowed.

When topic becomes spammed to the subreddit to the point where it is displacing other content occasionally we will create a megathread stickied to the top of the sub.

/comments/pfan4s/state_of_the_community_poll_please_vote/" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

2 : Anonymous2022/01/12 17:57 ID: hsdjrlv

Is there an official way to report with video evidence? Just ran into a speed hacker scav on interchange and I have a pretty clear video of it. He killed me so you can see the name + my report

3 : Anonymous2022/01/12 19:21 ID: hsdxcnl

-Cheating megathread created:

-Can't submit any content showing someone blatantly cheating if the cheaters name is in it.

-Can't list the player name of someone blatantly cheating, even with video evidence.

-can't list the links to any cheating discords to try and get them banned.

What can we do? Make vague statements that cheating exists and that's it?

ID: hsdyupv

^ This guy gets it.

ID: hsgqv5n


ID: hseqta9

I saw a cheater on a map, he did something, I have video evidence but why would I show anyone.

This is the perfect way to expose cheaters. /s

ID: hse7rd8

The point of this megathread is to give the mods an excuse to censor people discussing cheaters.

They're on a rampage deleting all criticism of cheaters and themselves

ID: hsecz1i

mods and power tripping, name a better duo.

ID: hsftz1i

Hacker mods confirmed lmao /s

ID: hse3h33

Mods please ban this guy from the sub, he's a troublemaker.

I reported this post.


4 : Anonymous2022/01/12 18:06 ID: hsdl9la

Quick question. Do we get any confirmation if reported cheaters have been banned or reviewed? Thx.

ID: hsdlrnd

No. Only way is to check their level every couple days via the friend request screen to see if they've suddenly stopped progressing

ID: hsemjv8

No, they likely won’t do anything and just wait for BattleEye to ban them. Then the cheatmaker slightly changes the code which changes the hash. BattleEye can’t detect the new hash, the cheater rebuys game, BSG profits. Eventually BattleEye identifies the new hash and the cycle starts again.

Meanwhile, BSG puts out a tweet saying the banned x people but in reality those people are already back in game under new accounts.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/12 18:05 ID: hsdl59a

Watched a streamer team with a hacker for 2 labs raids. The hacker and the streamer both still are not banned.

ID: hsdm05l

semi relate- report the streamer to twitch they will review and ban usually very quick

ID: hsdvdqr

This is the correct response. When BSG won’t ban you have to try the next best thing.

ID: hse48ov

The post about that greecePeasantX streamer and the hacker got removed. How convenient

ID: hsf0nt7

GreekGod still not banned for streaming while playing with hacker?

ID: hsdoaid

Does his name rhyme with freakmodx

6 : Anonymous2022/01/12 21:39 ID: hsejj36

what the fuck is the point of a cheating discussion if we cant discuss cheating with evidence?

7 : Anonymous2022/01/12 18:49 ID: hsds69e

Lootvacuum cheats are back as well. Saw first time on customs today.

ID: hsdwikq

Wow. I guess I won't splurge on any marked keys

8 : Anonymous2022/01/12 17:57 ID: hsdjtc0 if we can't talk about cheaters here, why is this a thread? The guy I saw today on the flea with 39 graphics cards for sale with a 99 flea market rating was slightly suspicious...

ID: hsdlzme

Totally legit having people find and sell well over 1000 GPUs to get the their rep up that high, would need 500m sold to get 100 rep.

1000 GPUs barely 4 weeks into the wipe, 250 a week, 35 a day every day, all FIR. That's either some seriously dedicated grinding or a map hack/radar cheater avoiding players and scooping all the good stuff.

This is the obvious RMT that needs to be targeted.

ID: hse6o50

Re-commenting this because mods are trying to censor people speaking about it by shadow deleting their comments without notice.

This is a megathread because the mods use it as a way to silence people talking about cheaters.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/12 20:24 ID: hse78aj

Cheating exists in this game and remains a significant barrier to a more universal enjoyment of the game, and the subreddit's intense suppression of the sharing of stories and examples makes the entire community weaker. I appreciate that you have a rule, but if there is an arbitrary rule like this, there should be an explanation for it that far surpasses the value obtained by identifying blatant cheaters and discussing potential solutions in view of the developers. This conduct emboldens cheaters and encourages developers to believe the problem is just something a small, whiny minority of the rabble have fabricated.

In the past, the reasoning I've seen from mods is: We don't want this sub to be overwhelmed by evidence of cheating - it's not the atmosphere we want. If that's still the case, then let's stop pushing it all under the rug and talk about it and let it see the light of day so there's a faint chance of BSG actually taking it seriously. This is one of the only feedback mechanisms BSG actually pays attention to - because of its size - so when the community constantly and completely suppresses this stuff, it looks like it's not there, and it is literally never going to get fixed.

If I get banned from this sub for these thought crimes, then I guess I got what I deserved, but the TL;DR is that nothing gets fixed if you hide it from view.

10 : Anonymous2022/01/13 00:47 ID: hsfaphp

-Cheating megathread created:

-Can't submit any content showing someone blatantly cheating if the cheaters name is in it.

-Can't list the player name of someone blatantly cheating, even with video evidence.

-can't list the links to any cheating discords to try and get them banned.

What can we do? Make vague statements that cheating exists and that's it?

11 : Anonymous2022/01/12 18:29 ID: hsdoz68

Seems like a useful thread. Hot take: people who cheat are bad.

ID: hsdzj4c

Any time I die to a QUC-81590825 I always think to myself: "this person is so bad they literally spent money and risked their account." That saves me from being mad about a problem that I can only complain about on Reddit.

ID: hse1uoy

They have fun and/or make real money doing it. The cheaters don’t care if you think they are trash examples of human beings. You should be mad though because they are literally taking your fun/leisure time away from you which is your own personal time and is valuable.

12 : Anonymous2022/01/12 23:09 ID: hsexiuc

If I die to cheater twice, and it’s obvious as fuck, I’m done for the day.

13 : Anonymous2022/01/12 17:53 ID: hsdj44s

Ok. The restriction of labs access has really failed in my mind. They're everywhere now.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/12 19:04 ID: hsdunla

Lmao. Funny how fast you get banned on here while cheating players can go weeks without worry of a ban. This reddit is a joke.

15 : Anonymous2022/01/13 00:30 ID: hsf8q4s

Mods: deletes hundreds of posts showing how cheaters are ruining the game.

Mods & bsg: see there is no cheaters in the game

16 : Anonymous2022/01/12 23:29 ID: hsf0c3w

What do the Mods of this sub think they’re accomplishing… bleh

17 : Anonymous2022/01/12 18:46 ID: hsdrsbe

Idk what BSG thinkgs about cheating but how your guys don't limit basic stuff like speed and the ability to fly? even other silly games have that, if you go too fast you got banned, if you fly you got banned and that is it... not hard to do.

ID: hsf1vx5

Tarkov has the worst server side detection of any game in the last 10 years. Nothing is stopping them from adding that, other than their lack of interest in doing so.

ID: hse6gyn

Because BSG doesnt know how to. There's no server side sanity checks for shit like this and it's mind boggling but also Nikita himself said that he didn't anticipate people to cheat in EFT, so if you build a product with such shaky ass core foundation, you're gonna have a depressing time going back to refactor all that shit down the road.

18 : Anonymous2022/01/12 20:54 ID: hsec75m

Yo fuck this thread. A cheating mega thread, but you can't fucking post anything cheating related. This shit is about as useful as BSG's anti cheat.

Edit: Nothing will change until they implement some type of verification to make it harder for cheaters to keep buying accounts and fat fucking chance of that happening cause that's a loss in profits.

19 : Anonymous2022/01/12 18:44 ID: hsdrd2n

The last week the balance of "GG Kills, nice play man" to "Headeyes, how the fuck did he know i was there + EOD" is slowly shifting unfirtunately to the latter side fo things.

Im in danger of giving up on the game, again.

Last wipe i lasted until the last month before the cheater infestation was too much.

Sad to see it shifting SOO EARLY this wipe.

BSG DO More - hire a team to look at cheat reports if you are taking this seriously.

20 : Anonymous2022/01/12 21:10 ID: hseevnv

The thing that promotes people to pick up cheating the most is the apparent amount of cheating people see, or at least think they see, in game.

If the devs did anything to try to show, in game or otherwise, that they were working on the problem people would be a lot happier.

21 : Anonymous2022/01/12 22:56 ID: hseviwx

Sitting in ice-cream on customs healing, and I'm facing the window.. get one tapped head, lower nape by a level 1. Nice game. Is anything being done about cheaters?

22 : Anonymous2022/01/13 01:34 ID: hsfghl2

With all the cheaters talk around i became really suspicious about everything. Today during night raid at dead server (cause it's late night time irl as well) i was checking a closed room on interchange, i opened it with a key and checked a pc. There was cooler in 3rd slot there, i have never seen before items spawn not in 1st slot, obviously i thought that it happens when someone looted that stuff before you. Now i have that paranoid idea that some cheater snitched gpu i might have looted.

23 : Anonymous2022/01/13 05:42 ID: hsgbwre

Hackers on shoreline 100%

24 : Anonymous2022/01/13 01:13 ID: hsfdrm4

Just loaded into a customs run, slow-walked like 10 metres into a building to chill out for the first few minutes, maybe 2-3 minutes pass and all I hear is 3 pairs of footsteps, then all of a sudden some dude peeks me in full chad-armor and sprays the shit out of me, I was literally sitting in a room for minutes having made no noise, and this team ran straight up to me from their spawn and just magdumped me in an obscure hiding spot, without me making any noise to let them know I was there lmao, can't say their names because of rules but like dude's name was literally just multiple racial slurs like bruh

ID: hsh22cc

Try out interchange where if you loot the tech stores/ultra medical there is a 90% chance some lv.40+ white name is camping around a corner for no reason other than that they know where you are from radar. The amount of radar users there are insane, its also really noticable when 20 min in raid ultra medical isnt opened and lo and behold when the only things that has spawned in there are three morphines.

If you get there first and find a ledX you can be sure that within 30 seconds there will be a chadded duo up your ass.

25 : Anonymous2022/01/13 03:25 ID: hsfvp5k

Imagine hiding the cheaters instead of shaming them....

26 : Anonymous2022/01/13 09:28 ID: hsgulvs

showing other peopels nickname is not a fucking privacy breach, get your head out of the ass NA mods

27 : Anonymous2022/01/13 00:41 ID: hsf9yk6

Clearly mods support cheating then, either they're garbage cheating themselves or have buddies cheating / rmting.

Why would you not want to continue to shine light on the pandemic when it's the worse it's ever been.

28 : Anonymous2022/01/13 02:47 ID: hsfqmxg




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