Things get heated when one user calls out Stone toss for being racist. Some users ‘went through 50 comics and didn’t see anything racist’ while quoting crime statistics.

1 : Anonymous2021/03/07 04:24 ID: lzj0mc

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2 : Anonymous2021/03/07 06:06 ID: gq2mzbe

Imagine my shock that there are racists, nazis, and Nazi apologists on

ID: gq34651

Say it once say it a million times: that place is just where right wingers like to cosplay as leftists to play fight with eathother but ultimately agree at the end.

ID: gq3indd

I thought you mean pcmasterace and thought I missed something.

3 : Anonymous2021/03/07 05:07 ID: gq2htb0

Pointing out facts is racist? Have you never seen a bell curve graph on race IQs or wondered why 40% of billionaires happen to be Jewish?

Only in one subreddit you can pull out the JQ card and claim to not be racist but not downvoted

Mmm yeah look I don't support the guy or agree with him, I believe in his right to free speech tho, gross as it may be

Incredible fallback argument "I support free speech"

ID: gq2hx1y

God - if only it was just one subreddit.

ID: gq2mwwj

Mmm yeah look I don't support the guy or agree with him, I believe in his right to free speech tho, gross as it may be

Incredible fallback argument "I support free speech”

This is your daily reminder that free speech has only ever meant that the government is not allowed to throw you in prison for saying something. It is not, and has never been, a rule saying that people aren’t allowed to say you’re an asshole when you are in fact being an asshole.

ID: gq2zv13

Jewish Question and Bell Curve in one sentence. Racist bingo!

ID: gq2ld0m

What does JQ mean?

ID: gq3by4j

Mmm yeah look I don't support the guy or agree with him, I believe in his right to free speech tho, gross as it may be

Incredible fallback argument "I support free speech"

Imagine your best argument for your or somebody else's opinion being the fact that it is not explicitly illegal to say it out loud.

ID: gq4nqtl

People pull out the "check the stats!" argument and act like they've hit peak intellectualism. Has anyone ever questioned why the stats are like that? Do they genuinely believe it's because black people are genetically inferior? They treat statistics like a symptom of nature itself and not caused by societal factors. Wonder what these fellas would say if you pointed out how many school shooters are white. I wonder if they would just accept that white people are maniacal child killers.

ID: gq3gpgn

But he is downvoted.

4 : Anonymous2021/03/07 05:40 ID: gq2kv31

This comments section is sad. A lot of freed slaves didn't want to leave their plantation either. The outside world is so big, scary, and not safe! Better just stay with massa, don't want to risk accidentally having a life.

"Centrist flair"

ID: gq3d5ps

You can easily look this info up yourself, you'll see that the only correlation is high amounts of blacks. It's not my fault that they kill way more than every other race combined, geez.


ID: gq3fdo8

Guarantee this guy thinks being a centrist means being a just a tiny bit iffy on commiting an ethnic genocide

ID: gq3grdg

A lot of centrists are just far right wingers in disguise.

5 : Anonymous2021/03/07 07:49 ID: gq2ug1s

"All I see is a based compilation".


ID: gq41elz

Flaired as Centrist

Call me a sceptic, but I'm not entirely sure that poster is a centrist.

6 : Anonymous2021/03/07 06:03 ID: gq2mrn8

Anyone got odds on PCM, FDS, and superstraight catching it in the next subreddit ban wave?

ID: gq38i0r

After TheQuartering had a thread full of people directly telling trans people to commit suicide, I'd like for them to get banned.

ID: gq2skuj

Cringetopia, eh?

ID: gq2n5hk


ID: gq322m6

I know I'm going to regret this but what is superstraight?

ID: gq3ke1d

Doubt PCM or FDS, they have been around for long enough already. Super straight probably though despite how silly it is.

ID: gq3bvpu

I'd take a bet against PCM getting the ban hammer, because unlike it's perception it is not actually full of Nazi's, full of extremists sure but extremists from all over the political spectrum and generally speaking the majority are actually progressive when it comes to identity politics.

I think the reason people presume it is all Nazis is because comments don't get down voted if people disagree with what you think, only if you are saying it in a way that is counter to discussion. For instance someone genuinely believing in ethno states is fine, however coming down on someone like a ton of bricks for saying something you don't like would get down voted to oblivion.

Then of course you have all the meta jokes, dry satire and in jokes of the community where the content of the comment is less important than the reference it's making.

I am really bad with words so I'm sure this sucks as an explanation, but I tried my best.

7 : Anonymous2021/03/07 12:34 ID: gq3bia9

I went through literally the last 50 of his latest comics and didn't see any overt racism

and from the same user

I just assumed peoples opinions on him was of a extreme reactionist behaviour

Funny how people defending racists always turn out to be bad faith acting morons.

8 : Anonymous2021/03/07 05:10 ID: gq2i3t4

And of course is a "centrist" doing all the heavy lifting for the rest of the racists. Because that shit hole of a sub is just a big role play game for nazis

ID: gq35uqq

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

[/] "DAE if you're not progressive you're a racist" replying to a comment criticizing centrists on

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

ID: gq2mcux

DAE if you're not progressive you're racist

9 : Anonymous2021/03/07 15:15 ID: gq3pice

Oof. I saw people on twitter arguing over if rock throw is a nazi. Someone said that he has written comics denying the holocaust, and someone else replied that being a holocaust denier doesn't make you a nazi. I hate people on twitter so much.

ID: gq76fyw

being a Holocaust denier doesn’t make you a nazi

Ah yeah because asserting that the nazis didn’t commit horrible atrocities despite the massive amounts of evidence to the contrary is totally a thing that normal people who are not nazis do.

10 : Anonymous2021/03/07 06:09 ID: gq2n98u

PCM was genuinely funny and then it got too big and turned into a shithole cesspit of racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, and general bigotry masked as "memes"

ID: gq2nfqu

I used to just shit post there, but after awhile I realized that the ratio of shit posts to actual hate posts changed.

The ironic satirical aspect is whoooshed over so many heads, as many people took it as a safe place to say racist things and get away with it.

11 : Anonymous2021/03/07 18:33 ID: gq4e3e3

Can I ask - what’s with the “flair up fer Chrissake” comments that I keep seeing on PCM? I checked the sub’s rules, and unless I missed it, there’s nothing there about needing flair.

ID: gq4k5gz

It's a 'community' rule, not an enforced sub rule

ID: gq5mojk

The "flare up" stuff is actually really common on sport subs too, just so people know who you're a fan of when you're talking shit about another team. Which tells you all you need to know about how PCM sees "politics".

12 : Anonymous2021/03/08 03:27 ID: gq68tlx

Oil, famously a low-paying industry that involves the working poor.

13 : Anonymous2021/03/08 07:22 ID: gq6sk9i

PCM is a garbage subreddit.

14 : Anonymous2021/03/08 09:43 ID: gq71b28

15 : Anonymous2021/03/07 05:43 ID: gq2l3sb


ID: gq2wo70

Statistics are also very easy to misinterpret or abuse since individual stats are often only one piece of a larger picture.

There's an old saying: "Lies, damned lies, and statistics"

ID: gq2na0i

Statistics are never racist, they are just numbers.

Being able to quote racial crime statistics off the top of your head without real context to spin a narrative is racist

ID: gq404j8

They're also sometimes meaningless.

I just did a project and got the correlation between two factors I was looking for. Good right? Well the R2 value was something like 0.0078 so my correlation was almost entirely due to chance.

Xkcd has some good comics about correlations

ID: gq4q67a

Statistics are just numbers. Our interpretation of statistics, like what someone implies when citing them has all the biases any other kind of language can have.


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