Enforcement update and hard removal of a topic

1 : Anonymous2021/03/13 04:03 ID: m3yo65
What will we be doing

Going forward there will be a blanket ban on everything "transgender"-related as a topic. Violations of this will result in a removal with a public message from a moderator explaining the issue. No warnings or bans will be issued due to this unless you purposely try to get around automod or violate other rules in the same comment.

Why we are doing this

Recently there has been a lot of admin activity around this topic which has raised the issue for us that we cannot tell which post/comments are fine with admins and which are not.

I personally had a comment removed and received a warning from that admin for a comment that had no negative implication about transgender people whatsoever. After reaching out to the admins directly, the response I was given was that "Using slurs for trans women...falls under this policy." Requesting a list of what the admins consider slurs so that we could effectively update automod and our own moderation policies failed to produce any kind of list to operate off of, with essentially scripted replies that were not really related to what I was asking about. With the current enforcement by the admins we have no way of determining how to moderate any discussion on the topic. To protect both the userbase and the subreddit itself we have decided to ban all discussion on the topic.

This means anything in any form using words related to transgender anything will be removed by automod. We will still be filtering to the queue to try to catch any false positives, but there is no other way we can viably moderate the sub when the admins insist on having vague rules listed, while enforcing very specific things which are not in those rules, especially when the last word related to anything similar from spez was that "While we don’t ban specific words site-wide".

Where this is going

For now all discussion on this will be banned indefinitely, unless we either get clarification and clear guidelines from the admins on how to enforce the rule or the sitewide rule itself majorly changes.

Keeping this post open for now to answer questions, though we fully expect brigading to start within a few hours as AHS, SRD and other meta subs take notice and lose their shit by intentionally interpreting this as being anti-whatever when it's strictly about the admins, inconsistent and vague rules, and protecting our users as well as the sub.

2 : Anonymous2021/03/13 04:11 ID: gqrnr5p

but of course, slandering and slurring against CIS this or that or white straight males is perfectly fine....

ID: gquuh1n

Or sending me rape threats in private messages because I mentioned I was a women and felt uncomfortable with something. Which early this week was first time I received non-spam private messages.

ID: gqrr3pf

Punching others isn't bad. In fact it's good!

Punching down is what's bad.

All hail progressivism and the Progressive Stack!

ID: gqrom0l

We encourage you to refer to:

In case you spot anything that violates the rules of reddit, and use reddit's tools accordingly and by the terms of the policy.

3 : Anonymous2021/03/13 04:38 ID: gqrq9g5

Mods are superphobes confirmed /s

4 : Anonymous2021/03/13 05:07 ID: gqrsouc

If your "marginalized" group has more social power than the majority group, you ain't marginalized.

The author being completely irrelevant (if entirely accurate) "To find out who rules over you...", 2021 prove this topic and Congress for sure.

Choo Choo Koo Koo! Going off the rails on a crazy train!

Nice to know my sexual orientation is hateful and against Reddit rules now.

ID: gqv4ehp

Its become a joke because its intentionally misunderstood, but "to see who rules over you, see who you arent allowed to criticize" is still extremely true. If someone is above any criticism whatsoever, regardless of how awful what theyre doing is or how dumb their point is, then either theyre part of the ruling class or a pet of theirs. People dismiss it because of eho coined it, but thats just because they dont want you to criticize those who have power.

5 : Anonymous2021/03/13 06:05 ID: gqrx5ev

In other words, reddited jannies are triggered about 2+2 being 4.

ID: gqrz6vq

Admins have begun hard enforcing some nebulous rules we can't even remotely figure out, and so the only path we see forward is just verbote'ening the entire topic. As I pointed out, we've had users get banned for comments that had already been removed and were not visible to regular users.

6 : Anonymous2021/03/13 04:52 ID: gqrrf9z

Trash compactor walls edge just a bit closer

7 : Anonymous2021/03/13 12:41 ID: gqsl963

So like, we can't talk about Sophia Narwitz being.....uhhhhhh...how she is, even in a positive light or how games "journos" like to ignore that fact? (The way I had to word that sounds worse than using the slur).

ID: gqsmyc1

On this sub? Probably not. On pro 't' subs you probably could, except they generally don't like her and would probably ban you for talking about her in a positive manner.

8 : Anonymous2021/03/13 04:47 ID: gqrqyq0

Actual serious question: how many topic bans/enforcement changes you guys implemented in the past 18 months have subsequently been loosened or dropped? I feel like every other month a new rule gets created but none of the old rules ever go away.

ID: gqrrolv

Sadly things have just gotten progressively worse and worse. This isn't something we like or want. We've removed comments only to have the users still get banned.

ID: gqrrpj8

US Election hard block was lifted and worked back into general Unrelated Politics. Can't think of anything else offhand in that specific timeframe.

9 : Anonymous2021/03/13 11:07 ID: gqsf9e3

Look, i get that you want to keep the sub alive, but at some point you need to make a stand instead of bending over and letting yourself being fucked in the ass. (especially with such a vague 'order' as what you describe)

this sub has 'acquiesced' for years and with every capitulation it started to become a lot less about what it is actually about.

this sub started because talking about ethical failings in journalism was forbidden on other subs due to a women being fucked. So censorship or i guess 'self censorship' of the other subs was the original inception of this sub.

by blanket banning a specific topic, you are going against the subs own founding principle after being boiled like the frog in the water for years.

For example, the TLOU2 topic would most likely face a complete ban despite it being gaming that was intentionally made worse.

SO stop rolling over and becoming a part of the machine you do not like anyway. (at least if you still dislike this machine...?)

There is no point keeping a horse in a stable that you make gradually more sick, it only drains resources.

ID: gqsp67b

Look, i get that you want to keep the sub alive, but at some point you need to make a stand instead of bending over and letting yourself being fucked in the ass. (especially with such a vague 'order' as what you describe)

Try to "make a stand" and the admins will nuke the sub. That's all there is to it.

Reddit is not a free speech platform, and the community is not owned by its users or moderators. It is owned by admins. As they have a clear side that they enforce with they vague and malevolent rules, all you can do here is submit.

The only real option is establishing elsewhere. Easier said than done.

ID: gqv4peb

The sub is a rotting corpse and were all maggots infesting it. The fact so much censorship news during the election was, ironically, heavily censored by the mods here is just yet another proof of that. This new prohibition is just pilong another ounce of shit on the tons of crap already there.

10 : Anonymous2021/03/13 11:18 ID: gqsfv2g

This is why I don't get involved in these kinds of discussions. I have some legitimate concerns about the movement and the way it's being handled, but literally any negative speech about this community is instantly labelled hate speech.

As some others in this thread have stated, if you can police other's speech to this extent, you might not be as oppressed as you like to claim.

ID: gqsmpzu

I don't blame you one bit. OTOH, beating people into submission is what they're after. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

11 : Anonymous2021/03/13 05:52 ID: gqrw83c

Hey, look I just learned maths:

2 + 2 = 4

12 : Anonymous2021/03/13 16:49 ID: gqt9hl3

Wew, lad. It's not a slippery slope. It's a fucking rollercoaster made of frictionless material in zero G powered by a perpetual motion engine.

13 : Anonymous2021/03/14 00:21 ID: gquncaz

"I'm oppressed!"

While people are literally banned from talking about you in a way that could be perceived as critical.

Sadly, there are people employed by reddit who genuinely think "YES, this is what I always wanted to do; control people and surgically define what they can and cannot say. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THE GOOD GUYS™ DO."

14 : Anonymous2021/03/14 03:07 ID: gqv41jt

Requesting a list of what the admins consider slurs so that we could effectively update automod and our own moderation policies failed to produce any kind of list to operate off of, with essentially scripted replies that were not really related to what I was asking about. With the current enforcement by the admins we have no way of determining how to moderate any discussion on the topic. To protect both the userbase and the subreddit itself we have decided to ban all discussion on the topic.

Welcome to reddit, where the rules are made up on the spot and complying with them is impossible.

This is a pretty big rule change. I get why, but its nuts that they arent giving any guidance at all when this is their own fucking rules.

15 : Anonymous2021/03/13 05:23 ID: gqru0b9

I got the same kind of admin message as well. I think they are targeting all the mods of pro-speech right leaning subs. It's really about time we start grouping together to go to an alternative site.

ID: gqrykow

I think it's less admins targeting specifically and more constant pressure from a specific block of users targeting everyone they can without regard for context, nuance or any concept of "this isn't actually a slur except in a tiny world view".

As far as alternative options, you can always try reaching out to the dot win guys for alternative hosting - it's where our backup is.

16 : Anonymous2021/03/13 14:31 ID: gqsumdq

You guys allowing the freedom to speak and asking for clarification is more than most subs. I mean subreddits like fightporn and failarmy and the like pulled the ban card months ago with some haughty language about human dignity and exploitation and blah blah. And they literally peddle that stuff.

17 : Anonymous2021/03/13 14:43 ID: gqsvtqm

"I, for one, welcome our ███████████ Overlords." (Overladies? Overxirs?)

ID: gqsz9hb

OMG. You can't just use xir to refer to a mixed group. Some of those people are only cis or [_____] and they haven't faced the challenges that non-binary people have. You're literally erasing the NB struggle and by extension the lives of all enby people. You are a genocidal maniac and that's gross. Gross things are also misogynistic and I am literally shaking and dying at how much you hate women.

ID: gqtx3xk

Over-ies 😉

18 : Anonymous2021/03/13 05:19 ID: gqrtnmp

Then post this stuff on win, no hypocrite jackass admins over there.

19 : Anonymous2021/03/13 04:07 ID: gqrnbnj

"lose their shit by intentionally interpreting this as being anti-whatever when it's strictly about the admins, inconsistent and vague rules, and protecting our users as well as the sub"

The future is now, old man.

20 : Anonymous2021/03/14 07:44 ID: gqvpum0

Having watched what a certain sub did to a now banned sub that specialised around this topic, I can't honestly blame you. /

is now being brigaded hard by that same sub over this and I suspect within the next few days they'll get the same response.

Man does this ever remind me of the early days of this sub's founding.

21 : Anonymous2021/03/13 11:18 ID: gqsfvla

What good is it to allow this sub to become a toothless tiger? At what point do we let the sub die rather than give in to the admins?

ID: gqsnego

Even recently we have had new people discovering GG and coming here to learn more. If we get this sub banned, that isn't really going to happen anymore. If you want teeth, you can go to the lifeboat site. Or KIA2, presumably.

ID: gqw2zky

At what point do we let the sub die rather than give in to the admins?

Why would we give the admins something that they already have?

22 : Anonymous2021/03/13 04:29 ID: gqrpfhn

Feel free to ask any questions and we will attempt to answer them to the best of our ability.

ID: gqrpk76

Are instruments of dangerous surprise predisposed to unusual happiness?

ID: gqrqzq2


23 : Anonymous2021/03/13 04:05 ID: gqrn62v

Archiving currently broken. Please archive manually

I am Mnemosyne reborn. Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they're usually a damn sight worse. /

24 : Anonymous2021/03/13 16:49 ID: gqt9kad

Man oh man... they are going to turn you into them one way or another.

25 : Anonymous2021/03/13 17:53 ID: gqtgvo7


26 : Anonymous2021/03/14 01:20 ID: gqutg9p

Honk Honk, I guess. 🙂

27 : Anonymous2021/03/14 04:15 ID: gqvafvb

This site is transitioning to a glue factory soon.

28 : Anonymous2021/03/14 16:21 ID: gqwqaf8
29 : Anonymous2021/03/14 08:06 ID: gqvr7ue

Eh, this sub's been dead for anything useful since we stopped being allowed to organize even mundane things like letter writing campaigns. (They're harassment, right? I don't actually remember the why on that.)

I'm pretty firm in a "then let them nuke it" category but I understand maintaining the community by just folding to whatever rules they're throwing at you.

30 : Anonymous2021/03/14 17:39 ID: gqx1eqd

You are so afraid of losing KIA that you are making it pointless to have KIA in the first place.

Now there's an entire category of people who are not only above criticism, we simply cannot talk about them at all. And next it'll be black people, and then something else, and so on and so forth, and...well why are we here? Most of the malfeasance we're opposed to and the rhetoric of our enemies comes cloaked in supposedly speaking for groups we can't mention. So how do we push back on any of their arguments?

And we have a mod team that just carries water for this and doesn't even try to fight back.

Our lifeboat sailed over 8 months ago. It still doesn't have custom CSS, and the temporary rules I put up "for a couple weeks" while we sorted out permanent rules changes are still in place.

The alleged loosening of the Unrelated Politics rule that was supposed to be on the agenda when I got fired two and a half months ago...where is that?

If the admins say jump, you guys can double time it go see who can get the highest, but when it comes to doing stuff that's actually helpful to the community, you're all asleep at the switch.

I mean jeez. You wonder why I was so argumentative in mod chat. Somebody had to be giving constant kicks in the ass for ANYTHING to get done besides making the rules more and more restrictive.

ID: gqx6246

Once again you jump to conclusions while ignoring the information placed directly in front of you. You've seen the weird admin removals in the past that made no sense, and that has only escalated since then, including a removal of my own comment in the HuniePop2 thread which was not remotely negative as being a "slur" in violation of sitewide policy by Anti-Evil. In addition, if you look upthread a bit, you'll see mention of another mod of a meta sub getting purged before being reinstated. That was a prominent AHS mod, nuked for quoting another user, without any semblance of context or nuance factored into it. If they weren't a powermod, do you honestly think they would have gotten a fair shake to get that permanent suspension overturned? How do you think any of our users would fare trying to appeal that kind of action from above? You know as well as anyone else that there is no such thing as a fair trial on reddit.

31 : Anonymous2021/03/14 03:06 ID: gqv3zra

Jfc, still fighting the good fight against censorship in media I see. Hey, how about standing by the principals this sub was founded on and continuing to allow open discussion? If the sub gets banned then so fucking what. Something, something overdramatic and cliché about it being better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

32 : Anonymous2021/03/13 06:56 ID: gqs0q78


34 : Anonymous2021/03/13 09:38 ID: gqsacwo

Comment removed as per new enforcement rules.

As for your question, male genitalia on a female would be the term that was punished seemingly nonsensically. The simple problem is that we've seen things that are completely without any malice, things not meant to be attacking or hurtful in any manner, punished by the admins. We cannot figure out a means of protecting our userbase from inconsistent enforcement and punishment outside of just making the whole issue verboten.

35 : Anonymous2021/03/13 19:15 ID: gqtqd9r


36 : Anonymous2021/03/13 19:18 ID: gqtqmh3

Posts, Comments, content within two clicks.

37 : Anonymous2021/03/13 23:05 ID: gqufhlq

then people that will want to post about this topic will do it on the kotaku in action (point) win where the threads are slow and there is no censorship therefore the topic and any negative post will stick around longer. sasuga admins.

38 : Anonymous2021/03/14 17:32 ID: gqx0jmq

You're never going to get a clear answer from the admins on this shit, because they want to be able to site-wide ban anything and everything they see fit on their own whim. At this rate, you'd all do better to just shutter the doors here and head over to the .win lifeboat, because it's only going to get worse.

39 : Anonymous2021/03/14 00:22 ID: gqungyj

We didn't need three paragraphs on why, its simple... you're pussies.

40 : Anonymous2021/03/14 02:31 ID: gqv0ltt

Hey look everyone, a 23 day old account rolling in to be a dick in his first comment.

So let's show him the door.

R1 - Dickwolfery in first comment - Expedited to Permaban


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