Meet the Rot, Kena: Bridge of Spirits’ cute sidekick creatures

1 : Anonymous2021/09/17 23:13 ID: pqb1zy
Meet the Rot, Kena: Bridge of Spirits’ cute sidekick creatures
2 : Anonymous2021/09/18 02:07 ID: hda7zdm

The comparisons to God of War + Pikmin I’ve seen have me excited but would like to see a review or at least some more impressions since the last mid-June ones that are floating around.

ID: hdg9nkt

Review embargo drops tomorrow, probably either 1pm or 2pm BST. Reviews will come flooding in then, I recon an 80-85 Metascore "great game, fantastic animation, could be slightly longer"

ID: hdaqjb6

I was thinking a Zelda like game for PlayStation but now not so much.

ID: hdbklit

Horizon fills that niche nicely.

3 : Anonymous2021/09/17 23:24 ID: hd9obzb

It's kinda weird that we didn't see any of this game during the showcase last week considering it comes out on Tuesday. I'm really hoping it's good...

ID: hd9oktf

Yeah I was surprised about that aswell. Maybe they only had advertisement allotted till a specific date and that was before they delayed it. Like some contractual thing, because even though the game is Sony exclusive, it's still a third party studio.

ID: hd9pknj

im thinking they proly feel like the have shown enough and any more would proly just ruin the experience.

ID: hd9p3wj

I think it’s a timed exclusive so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it. Of course, that didn’t stop us getting a Deathloop update everyday.

ID: hda7whx

Manage your expectations. Not saying it will be bad, but something is off about this game. Its either VERY short, or very simplistic. The combat doesnt look that deep, we have only seen 2 or 3 enemies. Idk. I hope its worth the $40

ID: hdbw2nx

I’m expecting it to be very pretty, solid story, but mediocre gameplay. Which seems about right for an animation studio making their first game

ID: hdg9tcz

The devs have already confirmed it's short, their exact words were "you can probably complete the main story over a weekend".

I think it'll be a very good experience, not every title has to be 100 hours+, in fact I think telling a great story over 10-15 hours is way more preferable.

ID: hdfletv

It’s not a AAA game

ID: hdg70dj

Reminds me of Biomutant. I had high hopes but then with each delay and video they posted you could see something is off. And the game was meh.

ID: hda4rgh

Yea they had to make room for the 9th deathloop trailer 5 days before it’s release.

ID: hdc3onb

Not weird at all. Being in those showcases requires the team spends valiable time creating trailers - with the game so close, they spent the time finishing the game.

ID: hddfyqd

Same, a lot of people would have preferred to see this being showcased last week than Deathloop

ID: hdguspc

I feel like deathloop getting delayed a bunch didn’t help either, since Sony was all in on the marketing for the game.

4 : Anonymous2021/09/18 12:10 ID: hdbmzh8

This one is on my radar, but I need to see reviews first before I pull the trigger

5 : Anonymous2021/09/18 07:47 ID: hdb352i

I'm praying this is good, because I love the look of it, but I won't lie I'm worried. It just feels like it's fell off the face of the earth a bit.

6 : Anonymous2021/09/18 18:05 ID: hdcx5rz

Sometimes we all need some cute in our video games.

7 : Anonymous2021/09/17 23:32 ID: hd9pe8a

Very cute! Can't wait to play the game.

8 : Anonymous2021/09/18 05:35 ID: hdat431

I can’t wait for Kena, I’ve been looking forward to playing it since it was announced.

9 : Anonymous2021/09/18 02:06 ID: hda7t5a

I forgot about this. Gotta finish tales arise lol

10 : Anonymous2021/09/18 04:19 ID: hdama4r

Why is this game so cheap? Is it tiny or something?

ID: hdao2km

Last I heard, it was suggested the game is 8-10 hours. 12 hours for completionists.

ID: hdaoh3g

Ah ok. Glad they're charging accordingly then

ID: hdatwvj

Most indie games aren’t AAA priced

ID: hdbbj6a

Where are you from and how much does it cost? It costs like 50 USD in India and that is not cheap.

ID: hdbblev

UK. It's £32 here. Which is basically half the normal price

ID: hdfki7m

if u have pc its rs 939 on epic store

11 : Anonymous2021/09/18 22:07 ID: hddwhod

embargo for the reviews is over monday right ?

12 : Anonymous2021/09/18 12:58 ID: hdbrxym

I read the game is only 12 hours for completionists and like eight hours if you run through the story. Would explain the 50 bucks I think but damn is it worth it?

ID: hddm4da

It’s $40

ID: hddq2td

It's 56 plus tax Canadian lol

ID: hddgjgc

It looks good, but I just can't see myself buying it right now with how short it's supposed to be. You also have to keep in mind that games coming out now will probably go on sale around Christmas.

13 : Anonymous2021/09/18 03:27 ID: hdah33z

Looks amazing. Unfortunately, I only buy physical copy games. Hopefully they announce a run soon!

ID: hdbm8kb

Maybe we will have physical copy later like Hades and Disco Elysium.

Edit: typo

ID: hdb1pgp


ID: hdb465k

No, I'm old fashion. If I can't hold it in my hand I don't really own it.

ID: hdaj4h0

Wait, this is only coming out digitally? I genuinely didn’t know that was a thing for some games.

ID: hdatv83

Not every dev can afford physical releases

ID: hdaslkq

Yes, it happens alot when smaller indies studios make games. Making physicals means more $$$ spending. If the game sells well though they will probably make a limited run of physical copies. They've done it before.

14 : Anonymous2021/09/18 19:30 ID: hdd9kuh

Did not realise it was a cross gen one again... will give it a miss - I wanted something to really push the PS5, originally it looked like it but I imagine it will have tons of cutbacks for the ps4.

ID: hdhw1fw

I guess you're skipping on forbidden West and ragnorok as well?

15 : Anonymous2021/09/18 15:33 ID: hdcb649

I want it to be received well. But, I highly doubt it will.

16 : Anonymous2021/09/19 18:11 ID: hdhp67g

This game is on my radar, probably buy any special bundle that it can come with just to support the Dev.

The trailer look very good, almost like playing a Pixar movie.

I hope the game play can back it up.

17 : Anonymous2021/09/19 20:00 ID: hdi5whu

I'm not in the mood for a game like deathloop right now, hoping kena is my next purchase if it's good.


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