Only the true OG’s will remember that! (Damn I actually miss It, It’s gone for a good reason though…) REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年3月6日 Apex Legends
Mad Maggie is now 12th in terms of pick rate. We’ve not even half way through the season yet. do you still think she’s balanced or in need of buffs? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年3月6日 Apex Legends
I was wondering why they didn’t have armor. Then I realized… REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年3月6日 Apex Legends
[OC] I’m loving the Crypto buff and excited for heirloom. Here’s a fanart piece I made! :) REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年3月2日 Apex Legends
Three bogies, one grenade ☠️☠️☠️ Here’s the full clip since memes get you banned lol REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年3月2日 Apex Legends
I was thinking about getting another legend but am unsure which to pick. I currently main Horizon and want a cool/fun legend as I play primarily for fun. Do you guys have any suggestions? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年3月2日 Apex Legends
why gold knockdown doesn’t belong in ranked in its current state REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年3月2日 Apex Legends
Take away legend editions just to resell them at a marked up price. We love you Respawn REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年3月2日 Apex Legends
I, a gay person, just got banned for saying that I was gay. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月26日 Apex Legends
If only we had a legend that could “silence” other legend abilities. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月26日 Apex Legends
Justine Huxley (Wattson) made my friend an amazing happy birthday on Cameo and an hour after watching it he got his first 20 bomb! Thanks Queen Justine and your magical Wattson powers! REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月26日 Apex Legends
is it safe to report someone or will EA just ban me instead? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月26日 Apex Legends
Just a reminder that we got unlimited ammo in Control and it’s still not in the Firing Range REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月22日 Apex Legends
It boggles my mind they gave us team wall hacks in Control, but enemy Caustics traps and gas are still the same colour. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月22日 Apex Legends
Just wait like 30 seconds to see if you get spawned back in plz REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月22日 Apex Legends
Happy 3rd Anniversary, Apex! I’m 2 weeks late, but here’s a drawing of (almost) all the legends having a toast. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月22日 Apex Legends
The night I found out apex was a horror game …. (Season 4 oldie) REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月19日 Apex Legends
Why does the Kraber have such a huge magazine if it only has 4 bullets? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月19日 Apex Legends
Holosprays should not be part of a collection event. Absolutely no one wants them and getting them from the free event tracker pack is so unrewarding. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月19日 Apex Legends
I designed Valentine’s Day skins for EVERY SINGLE legend and weapon in the game so far, including special event arc stars! Here, I present to the apex subreddit: the “MATRIMONY MAYHEM” collection event! [OC] REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月15日 Apex Legends
So we wanted to play bowling. Gotta have little fun sometimes! REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月15日 Apex Legends
Are people seriously rage quitting in control now? Had a full team and started noticing that my teammates are no where to be found. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月11日 Apex Legends
Control is not Team Deathmatch. It’s Domination. So why aren’t people playing it that way? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月11日 Apex Legends
61% of Apex players haven’t played any ranked Arenas or didn’t complete their placement matches. This should be evidence enough that Arenas needs a drastic overhaul. (data from Apex Legends Status) REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月8日 Apex Legends
Who hopes that the patch notes today reads that backing out of pubs will count as a death and not an abandonment penalty REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月8日 Apex Legends