Every Monday night, no matter where I was, I would head to Mt. Moon to watch these little guys dance.

1 : Anonymous2021/09/21 15:29 ID: psl3bh
Every Monday night, no matter where I was, I would head to Mt. Moon to watch these little guys dance.
2 : Anonymous2021/09/21 16:47 ID: hdqjsc5

Gen 2 was full of mysteries with shit like that

ID: hdr30qy

I remember when I was 9, and the NPCs in Union Cave were talking about a growling noise coming from deep inside, and I was super intrigued, but all my searching turned up nothing.

Then I re-talked to the NPC and found out that the growls came on Fridays, and so one Friday, in Honolulu Hawai'i, on a day my family were heading up to Kailua to go to the beach, I was playing while we drove to meet up with some friends and I checked the cave out.


I hadn't learned the save-before-battles rule yet, but I managed to capture it on my first go. To this day, Lapras remains my favorite Water-type Mon and I find every excuse to stick one on my team whenever it's able to be capped.

ID: hdr8wgl

TIL the fact that I encountered and caught Lapras without incident was serendipitously because it was on a Friday

ID: hdr8yz2

I think Gold might be the game that made the biggest impact on me as a kid. Moments like those were just awesome

ID: hdrf2r6

Lapras is also my absolute favorite but for other reasons. That’s a cool story, I had no idea they threw so many mysteries and secret encounters like this into the games

ID: hdr2nq4

Gen 2 was magical to experience. We were obsessed with the "Pokegods" myths from Gen 1, and were super stoked for the next region. I remember my friend had the internet before we did and he had found some gen 2 pokemon, that we thought were the "Pokegods." There was Pikablu (Marril) of course, but I remember Slowking, Ampharos, and Hoothoot. He just had them printed out on a small piece of paper taped to his wall.

It is also a beautiful sequel. It takes everything that was great with Gen 1 and improved it while adding to the world we we already loved.

ID: hdr3wi1

Finishing the league only to be able to go back to the old world and have a whole batch of additional content was great

ID: hdra4zz

There was Pikablu (Marril)

Marril was the source of SO many myths and rumors at my school. I remember one of them working on me... my sister and I traded a Pikachu back and forth between two copies of Pokemon Blue 10 times, then tried to use a Water Stone to evolve it into a Pikablu.

ID: hdr9ped

Then of course there was a good chance you didn't hear about the endgame content being the whole damn Kanto region. It took a bit for me to believe the map wasn't lying.

ID: hdr7r0d

I vividly remember reading a poorly translated list of the new pokemon in some magazine. Wooper was "Upaa." I'm not sure I remember others.

ID: hdrnp1i

Day / Night Cycle was REAL with night being really Dark. Some things happened some specific days. It was cool AF. Too bad GF toned down the night stuff to not encourage kids staying late or only night players to have a too dark game...

ID: hdr0fo1

Dang I didn’t even know this happened

3 : Anonymous2021/09/21 18:25 ID: hdqy2ai

Man, me and one of my best childhood friends had a fight one day, and he wouldn't talk to me. I remembered it was Monday, and he never saw the Clefairy dance at mount moon. Went to his house and showed him this and we were friends again.

Being a kid was easy. I miss it. Be well all.

ID: hdrcxpd

I imagine you like John Cusack, holding up your GB.

ID: hdrlh04

ghettoblaster ~ gameboy / well done.

ID: hdresht

pls joey, just look at the gameboy screen!

4 : Anonymous2021/09/21 19:10 ID: hdr4lds

Gold and Silver are the best game sequels of all time. Literally kept everything that was great about the original, and improved and expanded everything else. And when you beat the elite four... you have an entire new game to play through as the post game content. Truly incredible games for the time.

ID: hdrkoly

Man. I remember beating the elite 4 and was like “that game was so much fun. It was great”, then just the reveal you go to basically replay the 1st game. It felt like such a treat. I remember my brother looking over my shoulder when we surfed to the old region and were like “No freaking way!!!!”.

ID: hdrj0t4

It blew my childish mind that Ho-oh was actually the bird Pokémon Ash saw in the first episode of the anime.

ID: hdr7lit

One of the main reasons why this game is my favorite from all the gens

ID: hdrjivh

And it's all thanks to Mr. Iwata.

5 : Anonymous2021/09/21 17:04 ID: hdqmc9d

The best event was when my boy Joey would call me up. He’s got a rattata that’s in the top percentage.

ID: hdqo6cw

Hahahahaha I loved being able to go back and battle trainers again....sigh those were the days no school no job just sitting on the couch in the summer listening to the ingame radio walking around trying to figure out where I wanted to go next.

ID: hdqp0eb

I don’t miss being a kid. Growing up to see the industry evolve was amazing though. I remember seeing the graphics on the GBA for Golden Sun and almost couldn’t believe handhelds could look so good. Now my phone can play PS2 games converted for mobile play.

ID: hdr2rsu

If you are interested I hear there is a pokemon hack called crystal clear that is basically a open world version of crystal. Like the gym leaders and trainers scale to you and the roadblocks are removed (trees). Might bring back some of that enjoyment. Still haven't gotten around to it myself

ID: hdr94mj

Fun fact about Joey's Rattata, if you hacked the game to let you catch other people's Pokemon, you'd find that Joey's Rattata did, in fact, have perfect IVs.

ID: hdrjrsf

Haha that's such a great Easter egg

6 : Anonymous2021/09/21 15:42 ID: hdqa3gz

Such an awesome game in it's time.

ID: hdqadho

One of my favorites

ID: hdqahmb

The whole time thing was such a neat mechanic.

ID: hdqzw0l

Still probably the best in the series. Heartgold was the last one that felt like an adventure with a living world vs a scripted linear anime story

ID: hdr7oy6

Yea, it's still the only game that I have on my emulator on my phone, heartgold, then 10or so other heartgold, but modified to be harder / remove the need to exchange for evolve and other stuffs.

7 : Anonymous2021/09/21 15:54 ID: hdqbya0

Is this crystal? And this only happened on Monday nights? Please enlighten me

ID: hdqcl7l


all had multiple daily events and other time based things going on in the world

ID: hdqcybs

Oh boy. Time to download that emulator! Thanks brother

ID: hdqcqwv

This was Silver, and yea on Monday nights

8 : Anonymous2021/09/21 16:17 ID: hdqfbo8

My word. This takes me back.

9 : Anonymous2021/09/21 20:40 ID: hdrhm1v

Silver and Gold were the perfect sequels to a cultural phenomenon.

Pokemon went downhill from there in my opinion. Maybe because I got older.

10 : Anonymous2021/09/21 18:25 ID: hdqy1xc

Pokemon crystal was one of the best games I ever had. When I was a kid I was always in awe at all the little things I'd find. So many night time events and tricks too!

11 : Anonymous2021/09/21 16:10 ID: hdqe6lw
12 : Anonymous2021/09/21 20:41 ID: hdrhtzh

Crystal is and always will be the ultimate Pokémon game it had so much amazing stuff to be found. I remember this being really neat when I first saw it. Also the unknowns and ruins of alph puzzles were really interesting. And all the crazy rumours about getting the gs ball outside of events and trying the most cryptic shit to catch celebi haha good times

13 : Anonymous2021/09/21 16:23 ID: hdqg7n2

The magic is ruined as an adult. I remember trying to find mew on red version googling all the conspiracy theories om how to do that. I think they added this stuff due to so many people trying to find mew.

ID: hdqmg13

turns out the nugget road glitch was true though, I called bs, but I was able to get it to work on the 3ds eshop version of red

ID: hdrbp9r

It goes even deeper. A while back someone made a guide (I believe it was a college final project actually) to what numbers you had to align in order to catch literally any Pokemon. I remember spending an outrageous amount of time to finally catch them all without having to trade anything. I always wanted a golem but didn’t have anyone to trade with. Those were fun times.

ID: hdqzt9o

You can get Mew when you reach Cerulean. Just need to catch an Abra and follow some easy steps to glitch into Mew appearing as a wild pokémon and then catching it.

ID: hdr2s7n

Catching an Abra is really the hardest thing about it. Fuckers keep teleporting

14 : Anonymous2021/09/21 18:00 ID: hdqufru

Thank you very much for this. I love this and needed this nostalgia today

15 : Anonymous2021/09/21 17:58 ID: hdqu6yo

Just took my 16 years to know this exists!

16 : Anonymous2021/09/21 18:02 ID: hdqus98

I want a remake of this on the Switch

ID: hdr1zyn

Was kinda hoping they would of done a sequel to the let's go games and done it for gold and silver.


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