Kena: Bridge of Spirits – PS5/PC/PS4 Pro – Digital Foundry Tech Review

1 : Anonymous2021/09/25 13:57 ID: pv78jm
Kena: Bridge of Spirits - PS5/PC/PS4 Pro - Digital Foundry Tech Review
2 : Anonymous2021/09/25 14:57 ID: he87ya5


PS4 Pro dynamic 1440p30fps performs well. Lower settings than PS5. Sometimes has streaming issues.

PS5 Quality mode dynamic 4K30fps. Flawless performance, runs at or close to native 4K.

PS5 performance mode runs at dynamic 1440p60fps and reconstructs to 4K via TAA. Performance hitches during cutscenes and traversal. At least a part of these issues seems engine related as they pop up even on high end PCs as well.

PC vs PS5: PS5 uses low textures and possibly also low/medium fog. Everything else is high or ultra. An RTX 2060 Super at 1440p with PS5 settings and TAA upscaling to 4K can almost hit 60fps. PC doesn't have TAA in the graphics options for some reason so it has to be activated via digging into the game files.

Something that affects all systems is that prerendered cinematics are only outputting 24fps which looks quite choppy.

ID: he8awcc

For EL’s first game, this is good. For PS5 games in the future, I hope devs optimize for medium/high textures because 16gb is enough ram for it and the and disc space is 100GB before requiring game data to be downloaded from PSN (a.k.a Warzone).

There’s no excuse for low quality textures on PS5.

ID: he8dz9e

the thing is that 16gb ram in shared with gpu, and on pc you can have 16gb ram plus the vram of your video card 2060 has 6gb of vram.

ID: he8pkd4

So they have to run it BELOW 1440p to get it to run it at 60 FPS compared to 30 FPS which runs at native 4k with higher details. That’s how demanding 60 FPS is.

ID: he8whfv

Yup, I always reiterate on this. A render budget of 16.6 ms is very demanding to maintain consistently, especially in the console space. Right now since we’re in that awkward cross-generational period, old and new games are able to hit 60, but I really wouldn’t be surprised if we eventually drop back down to 30 once true next gen games start coming out and devs really start to push the PS5 to its limits, probably around 2024/25.

ID: he90d0n


ID: he92wu9

DF literally addresses this in the video....

ID: he96qbm

Is anything mentioned of audio (cannot watch the video right now), is 3D audio supported on PS5?

ID: hea0hwm

I’ve been playing it with the Pulse 3D header and it doesn’t have that “3D-ness” to the sound - Sony has quite a distinctive soundstage for 3D, you could hear it in the Gold series headphones on the PS4, and you can hear it in the Tempest Audio supporting titles on the PS5. It’s probably the cross platform nature of the game - it has a fabulous soundtrack, and the effects are top notch, it just doesn’t feel particularly 3D, especially compared to something like Astro’s Playroom.

ID: he9px6a

I'd really like some clarification on PS5 using "low" textures, because Alex's comparison showed little to NO differences in ground detail

3 : Anonymous2021/09/25 18:20 ID: he8z8ob

As much as I like 4k fidelity in my ps5 games, quality mode is too choppy to play on Kena. Finally been spoiled with 60fps mode on new games and I can't go back to 30fps now.

ID: he9s2hc

I think there is no motion blur on the 30fps mode. Other games have a much smoother 30fps experience.

And on top of that, the reaction time also seems worse than other 30fps games.

I’m currently playing Lost Judgement with the 30fps resolution mode just fine, but Kenas 30fps is impossible for me to play.

ID: he9uqti

Yea I think so too now that you brought it up. I remember playing ff7 remake and other ps5 games in 4k fidelity mode and it was pretty smooth at 30 fps that it didn't bother me at all.

Hopefully a future patch will optimize the 4k mode a bit further so it's doesn't stutter as much as it does now.

ID: hea2ds2

I think there is no motion blur on the 30fps mode. Other games have a much smoother 30fps experience.

Thank you! I was trying to figure out why 30fps is so noticeable on this compared to (for example) the Spider-Man games from Insomniac. It’s the lack of motion blur smoothing things out slightly.

4 : Anonymous2021/09/25 16:49 ID: he8mtc4

PS4 Pro:

1440p Dynamic (1188p-1440p), mostly 1440p 30 FPS, Very minor drops to 29 PFS during Real-Time cutscenes, Sometimes objects need more time to load into the game Reduced Vegetation Density Object LOD's are lower Lower Shadow Resolution No Signed Distance Field Ambient Occlusion Pre-Rendered cutscenes are 24fps (60 is not divisible by 24 causing fluctuating frametime's between 16.6ms and 33.3ms and therefore a stuttering image) Loading takes 11:59 seconds

PS5 Performance Mode:

60 FPS, Rare drops to 57 FPS during some battles, Real-Time cutscenes drop to 53 FPS sometimes 4K Reconstruction (1296p-1440p), complex areas can be 1296p Softer image compared to PC at the same resolution High Shadow Quality Low texture Quality Low Anisotropic Filtering Medium or Low Volumetric Fog (Difficult to tell) Pre-Rendered cutscenes are 24fps (60 is not divisible by 24 causing fluctuating frametime's between 16.6ms and 33.3ms and therefore a stuttering image) Loading takes 03:13 seconds

PS5 Visual Quality Mode

4K Reconstruction (1944p-2160p) Mostly 2160p 30 FPS, No issues Greater Plant Density compared to Performance Mode High Shadow Quality Low texture Quality Low Anisotropic Filtering Medium or Low Volumetric Fog (Difficult to tell) Pre-Rendered cutscenes are 24fps (60 is not divisible by 24 causing fluctuating frametime's between 16.6ms and 33.3ms and therefore a stuttering image)


Everything can obviously be set to Ultra @ 4K depending on the hardware No default TAA unless you edit the engine.ini file Setting Volumetric Fog to medium disables Signed Distance Field Ambient Occlusion Better DX12 performance, DX11 stutters more when trying to load new areas Some Shader Compilation issues causing massive FPS drops for a split second Pre-Rendered cutscenes are 24fps (60 is not divisible by 24 causing fluctuating frametime's between 16.6ms and 33.3ms and therefore a stuttering image Loading takes 02:04 seconds

Sorry if I messed up something

5 : Anonymous2021/09/25 15:21 ID: he8b1g4

When I see a game that looks like this I just get so annoyed at the AAA obsession with realism. Art style goes a really long way, shooting for and failing to achieve realism is much uglier than something like this

Also a little sad we don't see base PS4 comparisons

ID: he8jjnt

What obsession exactly? There are so many cartoonish AAA games.

ID: he8rly6

It’s free karma mate.

ID: he958ve

Not even that lol. A game with realistic visuals can still have strong art direction. No idea what this dude is talking about.

ID: he8czge

Realistic graphics are eventually outdated, good art styles last forever

ID: he8gg6l

Case in point: Super Mario World vs. Mario 64, or A Link to the Past vs. Ocarina of Time... Honorable mention for Wind Waker still looking good.

ID: he8k0lj

Theres no obsession, you just ignore all the other AAA titles that use different art styles. Each game whether its cartoonish or realistic art style compliments the game it is.

ID: he93nrs

Ignoring Nintendo, how many AAA games/franchises don't have realistically stylized graphics? There's a bunch of anime styled games like Persona and DQ, tho even those can trend towards more realistic like Final Fantasy. Other than that in AAA there's what exactly? Ratchet and Little Big Planet... Ori? Knack? Edit: oh obviously Borderlands and Blizzard things too

But which ones do? Every Ubisoft tentpole, every EA tentpole, HZD, TLOU, GOW, the other GOW, Halo, Spiderman, Uncharted, Ghosts of Tsushima, Yakuza, Control, Cyberpunk

Do these styles suit the games? Yes, and the majority I wouldn't change, but as pretty as Miles Morales is a Spiderverse stylized Spiderman would've been cooler

ID: he8ix1d

Yep. Breath of the Wild to me is still one of the most beautiful games ever made, even if it objectively has lower complexity graphics.

6 : Anonymous2021/09/25 19:38 ID: he99twj

i’m gonna wager there are small hiccups that nobody playing the game would truly be super bothered by, as usual

7 : Anonymous2021/09/25 19:55 ID: he9c1yd

What can they do to fix the cutscenes, they are beautiful but look terrible because of that issue.

8 : Anonymous2021/09/25 14:07 ID: he81f6s


ID: he85qll

30 fps mode on ps5 is near perfect and outputs true 4k 90% of the time, performance mode dips under 60 quite a bit and can drop sub 1440p. These hiccups, which are present on pc as well, are probably a limitation of the engine they're using. Overall though, it's pretty decent.

ID: he8gjih

Too long didn’t read.

ID: he8hrfp

Ummmm, it’s clearly spelled “wead”

9 : Anonymous2021/09/25 18:06 ID: he8xdne

More I played this game, more I wish BoTW or BOTW2 looks like this. Such a shame it is Switch only game.

10 : Anonymous2021/09/25 17:27 ID: he8s4sc

Is this game good?

ID: hea0f8i

why are people freaking out over this comment????? I bought the game but haven't gotten a chance to play it yet, hoping it's good personally I think it looks really great from what I've seen but again, haven't played it yet. Gonna start tonight!

ID: he9mg6c

I was going to ask the same thing. This sub has some weirdos

ID: he92u45

That's an opinionated question.

Watch videos of it (or buy it) and figure that out yourself.

ID: he97ed4

who gives a shit if the question is opinionated. You are the only one that cares. I asked an opinionated question because I wanted to know people opinions on the game. It's really not rocket science

ID: he8vb7c

do your own research and decide for yourself. we don’t know what you like or play.

ID: he8wwue

I like games and I play games. Are you seriously getting pissed because I want to know if others like this game or not?

11 : Anonymous2021/09/25 13:58 ID: he80bn1

Damn you're too quick Turbo! 🙂

ID: he81awh

because they’re a bot.

12 : Anonymous2021/09/25 17:34 ID: he8t461

I love the game but it needs more life, environments/scenery are beautiful but lifeless, needs birds, animals, fishes, insects, more life. The map is beautiful but lifeless.

Also, voice work is terrible.

ID: he9cb3t

Without getting into spoilers, I feel like you missed the point of the game, because there's a reason why the environment is the way it is.

ID: he9kxjn

I know I know, i already finish it. Just a personal taste.

13 : Anonymous2021/09/25 16:30 ID: he8k6eq

Lol, thumbnail Kena looks quite different to actual Kena.

ID: he9dtvy

Yea because this is a drawing not a rendered image

14 : Anonymous2021/09/25 19:36 ID: he99jao

Hmmm now it really make me think now on PS5 to go performance or go visual mode.

I want 4k and I want 60 frames but can’t have both…..

ID: he9e84q

I started with fidelity mode but went to performance because it is noticeabley choppier and if I'm being totally honest it doesnt look THAT much better, however I wasnt using a 4k display. 60fps still looks absolutely jaw dropping so you wont be missing much.

ID: he9gd8h

Problem is if you don’t have a 4k display then the graphic of the 2 won’t differ.

But for people that do have 4k display may be the difference is more obvious.

I am current leaning towards visual mode. 60 FPS is fluid most of the time but there are times the frame drops, whereas the 30 FPS in Visual mode is consistent.

15 : Anonymous2021/09/25 23:21 ID: hea2vdl

Sony need to buy this studio. Game is incredible.


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