AIO bracket for 5700XT?

1 : Anonymous2021/09/29 07:48 ID: pxqki8

Im wanting to remove the blower cooling and use a GPU AIO bracket kit but I'm a bit unsure of which will suit my card and I'm hoping for some advice. Or if there are any alternate ideas. I've never made my own loop so not very confident on doing that.

(Also excited cos I've just updated the aging 3770k to the 5900X! 'Mon the red!)

2 : Anonymous2021/09/29 09:07 ID: hepaex4

Yeah g12 works, just the memory modules can cause problems as they might not get enough cooling then.

I also think the Morpheus II should fit, no its not aio as you wanted but an option.

ID: hepauzj

Thats grand thank you. I'll look into finding a way to increase air flow over the memory or additional passive cooling.

ID: hepb08n

Some people hack up the original baseplate, don't think it involved too much cutting to get g12 there too if you feeling brave.

I did g12 to my 5700xt that i sold recently, got good enough temps with kraken x61 and x63 that i tested.

ID: hepkvip


Is a better bet.

Compatible with AMD RADEON RX5700/XT/RADEON RX5600/XT

Thermal adhesive to lower RAM and VRM temperature significantly and assure proper bond

3 : Anonymous2021/09/29 14:06 ID: heq2ggq

Just sell the 5700xt to a miner, and buyourself a better cooler 6700xt, prob will be cheaper then buying and AIO for the 5700xt. Atleast where i live a brand new 6700xt is 1049€ and miners pay like 1000€ for 5700xt-s

ID: heqdend

this is pretty accurate

4 : Anonymous2021/09/29 09:38 ID: hepccyx

I created a small custom loop for my rx 5700. Block from alphacool, small pump res combo, 240rad, soft tubing and fittings were around 230 €. Sure more expensive, but the effect is so massive... I was considering bracket + aio as well but didn't want to spend money on a half assed solution (bad memory cooling)

ID: hepd930

Yeah I did think about this route but as I said I havn't made my own loops before. I'm sure it would be fine and as you say it's a more complete solution. I've got a spare AIO sitting here so I'm aswell trying a £25 bracket first and see how it plays out. Thanks for your advice though I wasn't really considering a custom loop but it's on the cards.

5 : Anonymous2021/09/29 08:48 ID: hep97dx

Ive not tried it myself but looking to later on but the nzxt kraken g12 with separate aio is an option worth researching. I've seen good reviews with that and the 240 rad aio's for the GPU and junction temps.

6 : Anonymous2021/09/29 10:00 ID: hepdtix

I suggest, as a 5700xt owner who had this idea too, to consider actual water cooling even if it's just the GPU. I even tried the nzxt option but the hotspot and vrms would reach temps of 60-90cc on long gaming sessions. It was hard to set up in a small case and not many companies were still selling certified aios with the right ones for the g12. When I went to a full on block it went down to 40-70c on hotspot and never went past 76c overclocked.

XFX 5700xt Triple dissipation

7 : Anonymous2021/09/29 10:25 ID: hepfml0

I can't really understand why such brands as f.e. Corsair does not release a product similar to NZXT G12... maybe that's because they want to push on their custom loops...

8 : Anonymous2021/09/29 11:42 ID: heplzb1

I have an ID Cooling Frostflow 120 VGA cooling my 5600 XT, I would recommend it but sadly it looks to be phased out already.

They do offer a new model called the Iceflow 240 VGA so maybe look into that instead.

9 : Anonymous2021/09/29 15:23 ID: heqdbfm

I did this project and there are a couple of things you want to know. You absolutely need to get proper airflow to keep the memory temps down, you also need to make sure you got a proper AIO or a small AIO with dual fans in push pull config.


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