Wreckfest now supports HDR on PS5

1 : Anonymous2021/10/05 18:47 ID: q22ulg
Wreckfest now supports HDR on PS5
2 : Anonymous2021/10/05 19:03 ID: hfih8rk

Nice I will have to try the hdr out, they upgraded it pretty good for ps5 already.

3 : Anonymous2021/10/05 19:13 ID: hfiir3u

Ace! I'll look forward to playing a bit later in the week!

4 : Anonymous2021/10/05 20:39 ID: hfiv3lh

did i dream when this game was a PS+ game for PS5? i can’t seem to find it, which is why i’m second guessing myself.

ID: hfiw3c1

Yes, it was on ps+ in may

ID: hfixtcy

yea in may but i think it was the ps4 version, ps5 is a 10 dollar upgrade

ID: hfiz2nl

No it was the ps5 version that was given away.

5 : Anonymous2021/10/05 19:04 ID: hfihcbx

This game is absolutely immense

ID: hfj8jwd

..ly terrible

6 : Anonymous2021/10/05 21:44 ID: hfj40pj

fun game! I love the destruction derby

7 : Anonymous2021/10/05 20:39 ID: hfiv1n9

Any tips to make this game easier? I feel it’s too difficult so I stopped playing. Any assists or easy mode to make this more enjoyable? I typically like arcade racing games like burnout, need for speed, dirt.

ID: hfivme2

I actually thought the game got easier if u turn the difficulty to hard. This is because in the easier driving difficulty it would assist your driving so having complete control made it more predictable

ID: hfj2ikz

Wreckfest leans more into realistic physics and weight transfer, at least, much more than the games you listed. I'd say most importantly, try to drive it more like a real car than you would in games that have arcadey physics. Also, like someone else said, try out combinations of different assist options, you might find it easier to retain control of the car with less assist, since you'll have more discretion over throttle, braking, and steering. Been a while since I played so I don't even remember the assist options, but personally found it easier with them off or at least to a lesser degree

8 : Anonymous2021/10/05 21:45 ID: hfj4565

can we just agree that the soundtrack in this game, like the flatout games before it, is just so so so so so so damn good ? i mean, it is not FLATOUT 2 level, but man oh man, is the music in it so good.

what is your fave track ? HARDER TO BREATHE is really a catchy tune.

ID: hfj8pxb

can we just agree that the soundtrack in this game, is just so so so so so so damn good ?

No we cannot.

ID: hfjd2ay

You're right, plenty of bangers on there. I even put the list on my spotify

ID: hfjflqs

I agree but I wish we had the option to skip songs. Game has a tendency to play the same 2-3 songs over and over for some reason.

9 : Anonymous2021/10/05 20:57 ID: hfixlto

is this game 60fps, i think the ps plus version was the ps4 and 30fps version?

ID: hfiz9qv

Ps+ version was the ps5 version.

ID: hfizsh5

PS+ gave away the PS5 version.

10 : Anonymous2021/10/05 19:24 ID: hfikafw

Are the tournaments timed events? I got the game when it was free with Ps Plus and have yet to play it, hoping I’m not missing out on a ton of content

ID: hfj69zb

They change monthly. Or have been since release anyways. When doing the timed events you can get points to spend on other timed skins

11 : Anonymous2021/10/05 20:39 ID: hfiv5te

Yeah but like, I already bought the game on PS4 so I’m not gonna buy the ps5 version again

ID: hfivusz

Isn't the upgrade free?

ID: hfiwq2c

Nah, I don’t remember how much it is but it’s not free

12 : Anonymous2021/10/05 19:14 ID: hfiisto

yeah... that auto hdr.

be it sony or big m.

that fake hdr.

its far cheaper and easy to do. then the real stuff.

that a rabbit hole subject. i wont event get into. seeing many factors are in play on it.

ID: hfij67z

Booted it up there, the HDR looks like ass on it.

ID: hfiof5k

In fairness, so does the rest of the game.


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