Happy Haloween! Featuring the best weapon in the series

1 : Anonymous2021/11/01 12:36 ID: qkd1rd
Happy Haloween! Featuring the best weapon in the series
2 : Anonymous2021/11/01 12:42 ID: hivlwio

A guitar

ID: hivovdq

Damn, beat me to it.

ID: hivm03w

Haha, I saw it myself and knew somebody would go there. Hats off to you smartass 😛

ID: hiwlvh4

Greatest victory is when everyone burns

ID: hiwjix6

El Kabong has entered the chat.

ID: hixk08h

Specifically a ukulele it would seem

3 : Anonymous2021/11/01 12:39 ID: hivlk76

That isn't the pump shotgun

ID: hiwspu6

The stupidly strong halo ce pistol destroyed everything outside of super close range.

ID: hixi3bm

Thank you. I was going to say that doesn’t look like an MD6

ID: hivm4es

At least in H5, I'll take the sword. Nothing beats the sprint/slide/boost/lunge towards someone from half a kilometer away

ID: hivm76b

Us OGs know that a shotgun beats scissors

4 : Anonymous2021/11/01 12:41 ID: hivlrvc

Huh, it doesn't look like a pistol.

ID: hivm430

Specifically a halo 1 pistol. Pew pew headshot

ID: hiy10re

so.. did you miss one shot?

5 : Anonymous2021/11/01 12:56 ID: hivncny

Rocket launcher. Greatest victory is when everyone burns

ID: hivonvx

Why not both? That way if they manage to crawl out of the inferno you can give 'em the ole' slap-chop

6 : Anonymous2021/11/01 14:27 ID: hivy2yo

halo music intensifies

7 : Anonymous2021/11/01 12:38 ID: hivle7j

I love the gravity hammer but it's definitely not as series defining

ID: hivm9ie

For sure. I think its because the first game teased us with not being able to use the sword, and then in H2 it was so epic

ID: hivmwra

Halo 3 is my life

ID: hix4ljp

Energy sword: iconic, available in the majority of Halo games, great dash-attack utility

Gravity hammer: ridiculously satisfying to use and imo the best weapon in the game

ID: hix4pqk

The gravity hammer makes you feel like a god

8 : Anonymous2021/11/01 13:28 ID: hivqsvg

I see the guitar here, nice, indeed, the deadliest weapon

ID: hiwjn8t

El Kabong has entered the chat.

9 : Anonymous2021/11/01 14:40 ID: hivzsf9

That is amazing

ID: hiw50yr

Thanks mate!

10 : Anonymous2021/11/01 15:39 ID: hiw7obm

Nice. I loved guitar hero, too

ID: hiwjkja

El Kabong is very underrated

11 : Anonymous2021/11/01 15:47 ID: hiw8sih

It ain't even Prophet's Bane!

ID: hiw8xcf

Prophet's Bane is too good, basically godmode. Ya gotta give them a fighting chance

12 : Anonymous2021/11/01 15:52 ID: hiw9hcl

That thing was so fun, halo 2 was really the best of times

13 : Anonymous2021/11/01 13:04 ID: hivo3ty


ID: hivo91t

Whiplash ftw

14 : Anonymous2021/11/01 13:19 ID: hivptzv


ID: hivw4tu

It is from Mass Effect

15 : Anonymous2021/11/01 17:50 ID: hiwq9j5

Halo reach pistol is better don’t at me

16 : Anonymous2021/11/01 19:10 ID: hix1z1x

The darksiders franchise?

17 : Anonymous2021/11/01 21:00 ID: hixiav0

I prefer the gravity hammer myself. But only when you jump off a ledge into a group of grunts screaming “GRAVITY HAMMER!!!” as you use it.

18 : Anonymous2021/11/01 22:20 ID: hixtojq

That’s a weird looking rocket launcher.

19 : Anonymous2021/11/01 22:30 ID: hixv379

Oh shit, fuck I know this one.

Its jigglypuff as seen from above!


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