this is so sad

1 : Anonymous2021/11/01 17:25 ID: qkiyo2
this is so sad
2 : Anonymous2021/11/01 17:49 ID: hiwq5uk

That free mobile game had a budget of $100M, and has revenues of over $2B of which a percentage has been reinvested back into the game.

For all intents and purposes it's an AAA title.

ID: hiwsrfb

Not to mention it’s on PC, and PlayStation. Plus gets updates on the regular.

ID: hiwvam9

And the picture used in the meme is not a mobile version screenshot.

OP posted a screenshot from his phone in another comment and it looks just as bad. No shadows, 2D trees and poor quality texture.

ID: hix0nqy

Why cant a pokemon game have a budget of 100M?

ID: hix73kh

Because Pokemon makes money without trying.

ID: hixbzpl

Pokemons only a 40 billion dollar franchise. They could never afford it. Be realistic.

Edit: Oh wait I looked it up. Its a 100 billion dollar franchise. The highest grossing of all time.

ID: hix7pbk

Because they don’t need to be. Companies look at Return On Investment. I think the Pokémon games cost around $20M, would spending 5x more yield 5x more players? Probably not according to the company’s budget team.

ID: hixedxs

he wasn't saying it can't, he was pointing out it's not right to imply that the "free mobile game" is some kind of small indie project. It's certainly fair to compare two AAA budget games, but it should be clear that's what we're doing

ID: hixescl

Pokemon is the highest grossing franchise. Ever. Nobody has made more money than pokemon.

ID: hiwtr6m

Genshin impact earned 2 billion dollars ? Wtf

ID: hiwv5mz

The powerful impact of waifus

I'm looking at you, Ganyu

ID: hiwuav4

FTP of any sort, is a 'thing' because it makes bank.

Games are not free. FTP is generally way more lucrative than paid games. That's why they make em.

It's not for the players, they just often think it is.

ID: hiwubp5

Hey man, raiden shogun wanters are now raiden shogun havers

ID: hiwxwq1

That free mobile game had a budget of $100M, and has revenues of over $2B

How much does Pokemon make again?

ID: hixbulg

Correct me if I'm wrong but pokemon is the highest grossing ip of all time.

ID: hixd158

The better question is "how much does this Pokemon game make?" Pokemon makes more money off of merchandise than games.

Sword and Shield has sold about 22 million units at this point, and at $60/game (using the US price), that's roughly $132 million $1.32 billion of revenue. I can't find out how many DLC sales they made (in my 3 seconds of Google scrolling), but those were $30 a piece, and I haven't factored cost yet.

Pokemon games are "fine" in terms of profit, they aren't where the money comes from though.

ID: hiwx3ck

right, no way a struggling number 1 grossing media francise in the world can compete

ID: hixfhuq

Don’t make fun of the small indie company that is Game Freak. It must be hard only being able to sell two of the same game every year. I’m real excited for them to put their B team on the next Pokémon game so they can focus on making another original hit game like Little Town Hero.

ID: hix4c1e

Let's not pretend Gamefreak (Pokemon company) is a small indie company in this comparison either.

ID: hixde6m

Pokemon Shield / Sword have sold nearly 22 million copies (x$60 = $1.32 Billion) and Pokemon Let's Go have sold 13.57 million copies (x $60 = $814 million) on the Nintendo Switch. Then comes DLC ...

ID: hixearj

Can we talk about this? They're basically a small studio that stumbled into unfathomable success with a formula even they don't fully understand. Without ever innovating or trying at any step, they've been able to rehash the same game over and over in the most cynical way, and the result is the most profitable franchise in earth's history.

I just think they should have to try, even if it prints money. I have nothing at all against Pokemon, but Game Freak is a lazy waste of potential and nobody ever mentions it.

ID: hix0axl

That free mobile game ... has revenues of over $2B of which a percentage has been reinvested back into the game.

So better than Pokemon Company/GameFreak/Nintendo then? Since they've earned a hell of a lot more than $2billion on Pokemon but clearly don't reinvest any of it.

ID: hix2jop

The game itself makes a shit ton of money, however most of the revenue comes from merchandise e.g. Pokemon Cards and Pokemon GO

3 : Anonymous2021/11/01 18:41 ID: hiwxpff

Why would they improve their games or change them drastically when everyone keeps buying them

ID: hixbvuw

The Sword and Shield trailers gave me pause because the wild area looked like a clumsy first try at the concept. I bought them, despite the controversies, after reading reviews post-release. I was on the fence about the decision and ultimately wished I hadn't bought Sword, because the story was absolute trash (even by Pokemon standards) and the region was so, so dull.

The Legends trailers give me pause because the wild area still looks boring and barren - and this is their second try at the concept. It's almost like they learned nothing from the criticisms they received years ago. I won't be buying Legends unless it miraculously ends up being an amazing game. I highly doubt that happens. Each trailer has made it look like a game in need of years of additional development time.

Pokemon is the longest running franchise of interest during my life so far, and over the past decade or so I have been generally unimpressed with the direction they've moved (and I'm not even part of the 3D model hater crowd). It sucks knowing that I'm at a point where I'm voting with my wallet, but it won't matter because they'll make a crazy profit off of it regardless.

ID: hixe11o

My thoughts exactly. Man I hate that I have to keep replaying old games I've played so many times, I want these games to be good so bad but looks like it's not gonna happen for a long, LONG time.

ID: hixi20j

They put a ton of effort into every new generation of pokemon up until gen 5. Every single one of the first 5 generations introduced a ton of new ideas, and Pokemon, and pushed the gameplay into new and interesting directions. I honestly think all the people going "DAE trash Pokemon bad? ICE CREAM POKEMON JLFJDKD" got to them and made them realize that if the effort they out in didn't matter (Pokemon black and white and BW2 are the most content rich and polished games in the series) and they should just keep pumping out whatever they could make.
X and Y had a lot of potential and good ideas but was clearly kinda rushed and unfinished, and from them on they switched to a yearly release schedule of mediocre games.

4 : Anonymous2021/11/01 19:02 ID: hix0t7r

Genshin impact?? Is thst worth playing on mobile?

ID: hixite7

Yeah, but it's over 16 gigs on a phone. I just quit because it was taking up too much space and couldnt update. Also runs pretty bad often if you dont have a newer phone.

ID: hixlz0m

Aka cod:mw of phones

ID: hiy0ehg

I'd say that it's best played on PC because better picture and controls.

If you decide to make a payment on mobile all your future payments will have to go through that particular store.

5 : Anonymous2021/11/01 21:28 ID: hixmdgq

GameFreak is weird. And it's weird because it's not exactly a game company.

They make games, sure, but their real success comes from marketing, and the strict timeline they set their franchise to.

Every year Pokemon releases multiple new TCG sets, spin-off games, a new season of their anime, an animated movie, and a game (either main series or remake). That's not to mention their official tournaments and events. Every single one of these has an enthusiastic and dedicated fanbase, and is at least loosely followed by the main Pokemon fanbase.

They are never out of the public's memory. There's always a new Pokemon something happening, and between all their new creature designs across all these different media, chances are that everyone will find at least one thing that appeals to them.

GameFreak is a company that specialises in marketing itself, and that runs counter to innovative gameplay. Their strict release schedule means that the main series not only has very limited development time, but that every little change needs to be run though all these different media branches so that everybody's on the same page with the big plan for the next couple of years.

They've backed themselves into a corner with not enough time or manpower to train new staff without taking people away from other important areas. Their current developers still only know how to code for limited assets doing only basic actions in a very small, restricted map. They also clearly don't know how to optimize if SwSh is anything to go by - either the poor performance is incompetence or laziness, and I'm not sure which is worse.

There is no time. They're probably less afraid of mixing up their formula than they are of breaking their almighty schedule. Any significant gap and they could risk the streak they've been on for the last 25 years. If a main series game is going to take another 2 years, then that's another 2 years without new Pokemon designs, 2 years without new marketable legendries to slap on the TCG box, 2 years without a new region in the anime!

The games are the bedrock for everything else in the franchise, and now they're stuck between their audience's increasing frustration with the game's (very poor and increasingly visible) quality, and the schedule.

I absolutely believe there are people at GF that love Pokemon and want to make the games better, but nobody knows exactly how to do so with the restrictions they need to work around. So long as the Pokemon Franchise relies on their strict yearly schedule, we will continue to see dated games with clumsy attempts at innovation, and formula changes that do not stick.

ID: hixurap

True, thats something a lot of us havent considered before.

But to be fair, Gamefreak (and Nintendo) have a constant stream of money on the Pokemon franchise, The fact that they dont invest in an "extra" developer team (partnering with another company) to develop a great game up to the standards of todays games (or more like games since 15 years ago..) its just because.. why would they, they basically print money today as is, and people buy every little thing they put out (even if they complain about it).

They could keep doing exactly what they do now, AND invest in developing a game that comes out in 2, 3, 5 years w/e thats the kind of game we all dreamed of since we were kids. But why would they give us something of better quality ocasionally, that would only show clearly the lesser product they put out each year.

I stopped buying pokemon games before the Nintendo DS, and each year I have a little hope "will this be the game to make me return!?".. and each time it goes.. "yeah nah pass"..

ID: hixvagk

Game Freak just makes games. Creatures Inc makes the tcg.

6 : Anonymous2021/11/01 18:51 ID: hiwz6sv

I think a fairer comparison is BotW to be blunt. That game was massive, had all sorts of things to explore and felt just wonderful to be in. It’s clearly a problem of the developer just doesn’t care and is putting out low effort products because people will buy it anyway.

Part of this is on Nintendo for not demanding better production quality, but most of it is on us for continuing to buy it.

ID: hixtulp

To be fair, a big criticism of BOTW is it’s lack of enemy variety, and Pokemon is all about enemy variety.

7 : Anonymous2021/11/01 17:52 ID: hiwqip5

To people defending Pokemon: Zelda originally released with very minimalistic tiles with similar if not worse overworld than the original Pokemon games.

Final Fantasy started out looking extremely similar to Pokemon did.

Both of these kept pushing their medium forward. Pokemon did not.

Pokemon Snap shows us that a fully modelled 3D Pokemon game could look lived in and good if you put in the care. Maybe not to the same extent, but to a much better one than what we've seen here on the same console. Pokken has shown us what combat could have been like with its animations and so on. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon has shown us what good Pokemon stories could be like. Pokemon mainline entries still stay the same as ever. Barely a story, environments that look like they belong on the N64, still no voice acting, barely starting to add interactions and even that's bare bones.

Pokemon rakes in millions with each entry. There's no excuse for the half assed games we get. Pokemon should either have stayed 2D/2.5D but improved that direction or have actually put work into the 3D games.

ID: hix0dfd

I agree. I’d much rather see Pokémon as a 2/2.5D game, if this is what a 3D Pokémon looks like.

ID: hixqr87

Look at Metroid Dread. IMO its visually stunning and has such rewarding gameplay. Also, I know it gets a lot flak for how it works as an RPG, but I ADORE Octopath Traveler's art style. I would not mind if pokemon stayed in the pixel art format.

ID: hix3w0k

I maintain that 5th gen was peak Pokemon, in gameplay and graphics. The last 2D generation. Pokemon has failed to maintain it's quality in 3D.

ID: hix8xgi

I think that X/Y + Omega/Alpha we’re good, but the newer stuff that runs a much better system should be improved to match the system in my opinion.

8 : Anonymous2021/11/01 22:24 ID: hixuayb

lol pokemon looking like background graphics put in non playable areas outside the map.

9 : Anonymous2021/11/01 20:35 ID: hixelid

whats the bottom game

10 : Anonymous2021/11/01 21:23 ID: hixlol8

Just last week

was telling me graphics don't matter

ID: hixzudi

Why is every sub about a topic always the most toxic and hateful and hypocritical about their topics?

You're absolutely right here. They'll attest graphics don't matter and then complain about the tiniest graphical details in games

11 : Anonymous2021/11/01 17:46 ID: hiwpnam

Genshin impact makes an absurd amount of money with microtransactions so lots of people here will be angry at this comparison.

I do agree however that the Pokemon company is kind of on autopilot and doesn't invest a lot into making their games better. I'd say sort of like EA sports games each year getting a new game without many updates

ID: hiwue6o

Even if we ignore pricing / monetization entirely, the fact that one of these is even "modern" is hilarious. Then you find out it's made by THE Pokemon Company, and you're like "what the fuck? the company with billions?". Shit looks like something a couple indie devs would slap together for a quick game-jam over a weekend.

12 : Anonymous2021/11/01 18:29 ID: hiwvzmd

ITT: people buying it anyway

13 : Anonymous2021/11/01 19:00 ID: hix0iws

It really blew my mind when they presented that top left shot as if it was supposed to be this mind-blowing vista in the trailers. Flat lighting, basic photoshop clouds, bland repeating grass texture, obvious low-detail terrain mesh and textures in the background, and identical trees with no shadows.

And they gave it this sweeping camera shot like you're supposed to go, "Woooooow!"

Like, it looks like a pre-alpha student project. And they're pushing it like it's the final build. They aren't even trying. Yeah, graphics aren't everything, but this is a 100 billion dollar franchise. They can do better.

14 : Anonymous2021/11/01 19:35 ID: hix5p7g

I was so shocked when I first started playing Genshin. Like HOW IS THIS GAME SO PRETTY AND FREE?


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