Frontier Developments on how ‘Jurassic World Evolution 2’ sets up ‘Jurassic World: Dominion’

1 : Anonymous2021/11/25 16:57 ID: r20z4c
Frontier Developments on how 'Jurassic World Evolution 2' sets up 'Jurassic World: Dominion'
2 : Anonymous2021/11/25 19:40 ID: hm2izop

Where are the fucking feathers

ID: hm2pd2i

They very clearly retconned this in the films by saying the DNA mix of frogs (and/or lizards) removed the feathers from the clones

The new prologue released this week shows feathered dinosaurs.

ID: hm3v5to

The original Jurassic Park book even states that the dinosaurs in the park probably aren't exactly how they would have been millions of years ago, because they use DNA from a variety of sources to fill in gaps, which genetically makes them their own thing. But I believe this was before the real-life theory about feathers so it's just convenient that the story described them that way.

ID: hm2s997

ah sorry I don't know everything about Jurassic Park.

Although I heard the books are amazing so I might actually do some more research myself.

ID: hm7g5zp

They didn’t need to retcon because it was mentioned in the very first movie, stating they are not actual dinosaurs but hybrids.

ID: hm34fz3

Honestly the movie explains it pretty well. They explicitly have now said that the dinosaurs are not supposed to be realistic. If they wanted to make them real, they could, but then they wouldnt be as scary and fantastic. The people dont want dinosaurs, they want big freaky monsters.

3 : Anonymous2021/11/25 23:24 ID: hm3bnyb

Got burned with JWE2, runs like shit on my PS4. The constant crashes make it unplayable. Clearly a rushed release to make bank before Christmas when they should have released it next summer to coincide with Dominion. I’ll pick it up again then - second hand, of course.

I’m never giving another penny to developers that release a game before it’s ready. It’s becoming more and more commonplace to release a game full of bugs with a promise of patches down the line. Between that and microtransactions the industry is in desperate need of regulation.

ID: hm3cqhl

Its actually in a really good state on Ps5. Sad to hear it’s not the case for the ps4. This game was clearly developed for next gen. No crashes on my Ps5 from it

ID: hm3d0x3

Glad to hear it. Maybe I’ll wait until I can find a PS5 to play it. Graphically it’s gorgeous.

ID: hm3e3h8

I’ve had a couple on ps5, but I never lost anything significant due to the effective auto save system.

ID: hm5hwu8

I doubt this title isn’t “making bank” regardless if it runs like shit on PS4 or not. I

ID: hm7m53w

Sold well enough to get a sequel

ID: hm513ij

Akhem, No man's sky, akhem ...

I truly don't care if they fix the damn game later on.

4 : Anonymous2021/11/26 02:45 ID: hm3yrli

Game runs great on PS5. But man .... Lots of bad design decisions that make it a step down from the first game. I'm pretty bummed by it.

ID: hm4we35

Game runs great on PS5

I'm sorry, but no, are you joking? Constant frame rate drops, worse pop-in than the first game on PS4. Animation problems, dinosaurs freezing and not being able to move until they die, flying dinosaurs not flying, and the jeep collision problems. No hdr, no haptics, no adaptive triggers. And let's not forget the terrible menu-based interface that causes the PS5 coil whine/gpu to cause the fan to overcompensate and rev up louder than my PS4.


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