- We Sippin' on Sanitar Gatorade.
It's a good thing there's bathrooms on Labs
funny as hell, on a side note I will never understand how people can play with more than 3 man squads, that much noise would get me killed so much lol
ID: gq5r7ojID: gq6h2khJust wear Altyn/Rys and you won’t have to worry about audio!
lol that looks like a good time
very BIG sip!
People play 5 man labs still? You guys even extract with enough to buy back a card?
ID: gq54g4tYeah, it isn't common much because of the cheater plague but we're all in pretty comfortable spots in the game so we just try to have fun. We take it serious most times, but we have fun. We all died to GL walling streamer that game anyways lol.
ID: gq6ivxwWe run 5 mans all the time on interchange but I guess that’s different than paying for labs. But we’re in the same spot. We all have over 50 mil plus, so finding money is just extra. We just hunt them players and don’t really care if we die lol
lol believe me dude we've all tk'd but our comms are pretty solid. we split up mostly to mitigate the cluster fucks.