Ok bit of back story as I’ve been an outrider since the demo up until the dmg mitigation debacle, amongst many other issues, where I’d stopped playing and only jumped back on since NH patch. So I recently found out there are sites offering carries where you’re required to pay real world money and that BLEW my mind, so in protest against these scummy sites I’m gonna do it free just outta spite. So if you’re in need of help feel free to join. Rant over!
Code: 2248A8Q1
Yay! Might just jump on 🙂
Lt. Buzz LiteBeer's discord also has a lot of people who will do free carries. I had no idea folks were paying for them!
ID: hsn9tf6ID: hso59svgtfo, people want to get paid for a 10 minute carry? shameful.
ID: hsnl51dHey is that you in my session kilo?
ID: hsnol0fNo, I got caught up in some (actual) work! lol
I'm on World Tier 13 solo as a Technomancer, I would love to run with you once I clear the story
ID: hsnmb0aHow far along in story are you?
ID: hsnoqiwNearing the end, just got done with the Echoes quest
ID: hsnqqbnI could probably rush it by turning down the world tier
Who would pay for these carries and what are these sites. Nearly every twitch stream I see is !join for carries as well as the official discord is all free carries all the time.
I run carries on Lt buzz litebeer's discord and they are always helping over there and the official discord is fun for it too. That being said don't get carried you are shortcutting the whole game at that point. But hey YMMV
Still runnin'? I could use some speed leveling on my Pyro.
ID: hsowtmoNah sorry not till tomorrow though
ID: hsoxqpoAll good, thanks for helping people.
Yes as I’ve only just joined his discord recently but it’s crazy ppl actually asks for money for carries