What do you think should Be Cryptos Buff?

1 : Anonymous2022/01/19 16:23 ID: s7tuxy
What do you think should Be Cryptos Buff?
2 : Anonymous2022/01/19 17:26 ID: htcbkas

Oh no, oh god.

ID: htcpuw2

Okay, so hear me out. I have this idea for a Crypto passive. It's called

Off the grid
ID: htcxcs4

Tell me more

3 : Anonymous2022/01/19 16:28 ID: htc28v3

I would like an option to toss up the drone without actively going into it. Something like hold the tactical button and the drone deploys, flies ~10 meters up, and looks forward/downward.

ID: htc36xy

This is the best way to make a balanced buff. Drone deploy without driving it. It could be very simple like you said, just deploy and fly straight up 10 meters, and hold stationary. I dont think this would be broken at all, it would increase Crypto viability while in combat but wouldnt substantially change much

ID: htcgdh6


ID: htcbnn5

IKR, I tried suggesting bring able to throw it like an ordance with arc stars' range but it keeps getting over shadowed by "oFf ThE gRiD"

ID: htcc2el

that’s actually a solid suggestion imo

ID: htcxh4u

Nah, Ashe arc star mechanics except you can “detonate” in air where it deploys the drone for an area scan

Hold down tactical to activate pilot mode

ID: htd2fju

I've been saying this for only the better part of two years now. Crypto doesn't need a buff, he just needs a Quality of Life pass. Hold tactical down and it casts the drone in the direction you just pointed while moving until you release the tactical button, at which point you can tap again to enter.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/19 16:56 ID: htc6m02

Okay so hear me out

ID: htca2t7

i am listening babe, tell me.

ID: htcd099

So I have this totally new buff idea

ID: htcb60o

What have you done...

ID: htctc48

Im dissapointed this isnt top comment

5 : Anonymous2022/01/19 17:48 ID: htcf5bo

Give the drone a Kraber, let crypto fly around on its back and make him invincible while flying the drone. Boom, buffed.

ID: htd265a

That’s just ridiculously OP.

Make it a sentinel.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/19 16:36 ID: htc3h05

he should have easier access to his passes because right now he isn't even bad, hes just hard to learn and play. being able to use down on the dpad (or whatever mnk keybinds it to) to look at your watch to see squads near by (with a cool down Obviously) and being able to hit survey and respawn beacons instantly out of drone like you can when inside.

you can also maybe cut the time it takes to get drone back after its destroyed by just a couple of seconds, could boost his pick rate by a bit

ID: htc3v4x

The recharge time I don’t agree with but everything else yea quite a bit.

ID: htc4a51

I only said that so people, Who are new to crypto can get used to how to use his drone because when you use it wrong it just gets destroyed and then you don't have it.

i honestly don't think hes a bad legend at all, I just think hes hard to pick up. he's in a similar spot that Watson was in, where you just need to really learn

7 : Anonymous2022/01/19 17:24 ID: htcb59n

Crypto buff idea. Whenever he gets scanned it immediately "scans" (just the enemy with the scanning ability) back. The idea is sorta reverse hacking his opponents. Personally would like the scan back info be shared with teammates but maybe that's too busted.

ID: htcbmcp

Needs work but really not bad. Like scans the other team I kinda like it

ID: htcj18j

I can see this working out pretty well, a "counter-attack" style drone path. Giving the drone automatic movement while not in drone view is a pretty popular suggestion. I can see this working similar to Bloodhounds tracking; a "Legend scanned here" placard appears near the event, and crypto can send his drone that direction.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/19 16:35 ID: htc3czh

I main Crypto and even I struggle to think what buffs he could use. His kit is already really strong in the right hands, so he definitely does not need a major rework. I think all he needs are some simple quality of life changes and gentle buffs like Wattson got this season.

I think lowering the time it takes to switch to and from drone view would go a long way. A subtle visual indicator of the 30 meter detection radius would be great, like Seers heartbeat sensor. And maybe improve the drones mobility by making it accelerate and decelerate faster would be nice so it's easier to get it into a good position.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/19 16:35 ID: htc3bqp

Being immortal to server errors/ping DDoS.

10 : Anonymous2022/01/19 16:57 ID: htc6s5s

1) speed up the animation to enter or exit the drone by 50%

2) EMP cool down from 180s to 150s

3) drone cool down when destroyed reduced by 10s

4) add a counter in the inventory screen displaying how many squads are within 200 m of crypto (same ability he currently has with the drone , but at least he has a proper passive that works independently from his tactical

ID: htcdq2s

And make the Damn drone quieter. I’ve heard planes that make less noise

ID: htcla29

I’ve seen a bug where it makes zero noise. Was playing a game and only noticed the drone behind me after I got EMP’d

ID: htckvy5

I like all these. Tweaks instead of big changes, and the last one truly makes it a passive

ID: htd09e4

I'd prefer to make it so he still needs the banners, but he can just ADS and see how many squads are in the area.

11 : Anonymous2022/01/19 16:45 ID: htc4uqs

" ON THE GRID" it would fit with his lore for him to constantly be "ON THE GRID" literally everyteam in the game would have pings and exact location of every crypto in the game. wallhack legends would then cause an instadeath to crypto upon scan. also all guns would do an additional 75% damage on crypto and recoil completely removed!

12 : Anonymous2022/01/19 17:22 ID: htcascf

Just saying I have an idea it's call-

ID: htcayqj

Better not be off the grid

ID: htcgxxv

ok so I got this idea for a crypto buff called "on the grid". What it does is that he will get scanned by enemy scans and he will be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called on the grid which wont protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically gets scanned because he will have on the grid passive that wont protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to not protect him from enemy scans and I would call it on the grid and it would be his passive that would make him scannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called on the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies will see him because he will have the passive ability that wont protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely vulnerable to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it on the grid (thats the on the grid passive I was talking about)

13 : Anonymous2022/01/19 16:52 ID: htc5wtg

I think one immediately positive change would be if he couldn’t be effected by his drone’s EMP. Caustic isn’t effected by his gas, Crypto shouldn’t be effected by an EMP he’s setting off, even when in range. Would allow him to actually be in the battle instead of far off and then having to run in.

ID: htc8t3z

This is fine with me and would make it quite fun just keeping the stun effect I think is fine or completely removing it.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/19 16:29 ID: htc2czg

ok so I got this idea for a crypto buff called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it off the grid and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called off the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely immune to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it off the grid (thats the off the grid passive I was talking about)

ID: htc3etj

get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head

ID: htccowb

Guess you're not off the grid if you hear voices in your head...

ID: htc869t

What's it called again?

ID: htcefyr

i dont remember. probably on the grid or something

15 : Anonymous2022/01/19 18:06 ID: htci01h

I feel like Crypto is such an odd duck. There's a reason he's so seldom picked in pubs and competitive. And while a good player can do well with him, I'd argue that a good player could do well playing as a loot box too.

It's not that his kit is boring; it's actually kind of cool, and provides a unique separation of ability from self. But any kit can perform badly if not balanced up against your enemies.

1) Faster drone. It just feels sluggish, and getting to the outer limit of your range from Crypto takes a long time. That's time sacrificed in not looting or preparing yourself for a firefight.

2) Increase drone HP. Hell if Seer's Ult can be 135hp and he's just a bloody artist, and Crypto's kit revolves around a 60hp drone, I think something can be done.

3) Sentry mode(s) for drone. Let the little fella go for a stroll without me. Follow along? Sweep a pinged area? Monitor 2 locations? Tether behind me? Sure.

4) It's a small thing but someone mentioned in the sub the other day that the only scanning ability that doesn't give enemies a heads-up is Valkyrie's. The suggestion was that this is because she's pretty loud, and her Ult is hard to miss. I disagree. In the midst of constant character chatter and gunfire, Valk's Ult is easy to miss. Get rid of Crypto's "Drone detected" notification. The "whirrrrl" of his drone should be something people are listening for, and the faint orange outline of it is sufficient for enemies to pick out and see if they're careful.

5) Either let his ult stun him or damage him, but not both. There's nothing in the lore that suggests using his ultimate on himself would damage him- his teammates are already immune from that damage source. It may be interesting to let him take the damage but not the stun. This would encourage him to get into the fray of battle instead of watching from the sidelines. Sure the cost is 50hp in shields but the benefit of moving unfettered while everyone else is stunned would be the same relative effect of momentarily being The Flash. Go ahead and try to shoot me bozo I'M FAST AS LIGHTING.

6) Please please please, don't blind me in drone view. If I were in a life-or-death situation, I like to think I'd have the presence of mind to have some sort of cutout in my drone-view goggles that let me see if I'm being dropped on by someone. Even if it's just something in the absolute corners of my vision. Let me see if I'm about to die.

Hope you like my ideas.

ID: htcs7fl

I've got another idea- let crypto emp without taking out his drone since it's literally right there in his backpack thing

ID: htcqmeg

and competitive.

Crypto is a pretty popular pick in competetive everywhere except in NA. He was the 4th or 5th most picked legend during the EMEA pro league.

16 : Anonymous2022/01/19 16:53 ID: htc68as

Crypto is the only Legend that can't use his ability in combat (if it isn't already out) and I think that needs to change. Either they should speed up the draw animation or allow the drone to follow him in some sort of stealth mode. This stealth mode would make the drone silent and hide it's light but it would also lose all scanning abilities until Crypto manually activates it. I think he also needs a passive that just tailored to him as a legend, currently his entire kit is that drone, if it's destroyed he has absolutely nothing.

As for a passive idea (no it's not "Off the Grid), it would give him a 10% movement speed buff after he sprints with his weapons holstered for at least 2 consecutive seconds and would wear off 1 second after he stops sprinting or the second he unholsters his weapons. If that isn't strong enough then it could also negate bullet slowdown whilst active. I think something like this would allow Crypto to reposition a bit easier. As for a name maybe "On the Run" or something like, I hope this doesn't become the next "Off the Grid" :).

ID: htccfkm

I think being able to Sprint 10% faster all the time might be a bit strong. I would consider a sprint speed increase following an emp, successful scan of enemy, or when exiting drone that wears off after 20-30s to encourage a faster re-entry into a fight!

ID: htccyzz

Okay I actually really like your suggestion, that sounds a lot more balanced and fits perfectly with what I had intended the passive do.

17 : Anonymous2022/01/19 17:37 ID: htcd7yz

Ive always thought it would be cool if your teammate went down and have to spectate, they could choose to control the drone for ya

ID: htcekg9

I like this

ID: htcjuar

Basically like being on the cams in R6 that would be dope


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