- It was a painful experience to say the least
When OP realizes Crash 4 isn't complete until 105%
ID: huab99sID: hub82g2Yeah, I kinda figured that going in, but, come on, the opportunity was too good to pass up.
I 100% Uncharted Uncharted 3 twice
ID: hubrmj0Marticintopants made 3 100% speedruns on Just Cause 3 and as of today he still has the WR on the 100% with DLC category on speedrun.com with 12h33min41sec
ID: hubs3v1B O A T
ID: hubtyppHow did you manage that?
I cant even fathom this honestly. How long did it take you to do once?
ID: huanfjxAround 100 hours
ID: huchfnjDid you actually want to do it, or were you compelled by inner demons?
Her: call me when you’ve gotten 106% twice
Edit: I haven’t even done an any percent completion play through.
How much harder is it to plat than crash 1-3? I found the Crash 1 platinum pretty tough. Haven't played Crash 4.
ID: huctfh1So CB4 has 38 levels, each having 6 gems (3 for wumpa fruit collecting, one for breaking all the boxes, 1 for dying less than three times, and a secret one hidden around the level). So, first you have to collect 228 gems. Times that by two due to n.verted stages, you have 456 gems.
You also have the colored gems in 4 levels to unlock a secret to fully complete the second last level. The blue one being the hardest, since you have to complete a tight vertical based level without breaking any boxes.
Then you have the time trials, which unlike CB2 and 3, requires the platinum relic for completion. And to have a chance at getting these platinum relics, you have to constantly mash the spin button to perform a triple spin (unlockable after finishing the story) to get a boost, which can cause sores on your fingers, mixed in with difficult platforming and perfect precision and timing in levels which are three times as long than CB1.
Then we have the cassette tapes, which you unlock by reaching a certain point in a level without dying. This unlocks secret 2d levels in which you also have to break all of the boxes. There are around 20 of these and the last ones can become hellish.
I’ve saved the best for last, which are the perfection relics. You may recognize them from CB1, but basically you have to complete every single level, while breaking every single box and not dying a SINGLE. FUCKING. TIME!! This is by far the most time consuming and monotonous part of the game.
In short, in case you didn’t bother reading the above mentioned text, CB1 2 and 3’s completion rate is piss compared to that of CB4, since there are way less levels, it’s less bloated, less demanding and a much more generous time trial mechanic
Tbh, crash bandicoot is heavy outdated, inly a new ctr would trigger me.
When I say 100%, I meant 100% through the ps trophies, not the game itself. I did do 106% and it was traumatizing