I saw an amazing Tifa artwork on here yesterday and was inspired to paint my own!

1 : Anonymous2020/04/21 19:09 ID: g5lgwo
I saw an amazing Tifa artwork on here yesterday and was inspired to paint my own!
2 : Anonymous2020/04/21 22:18 ID: fo4n96o

Awesome. Like the disco elysium artwork

3 : Anonymous2020/04/22 18:38 ID: fo7m71h

Haha great idea ! And nice job ! 🙂

4 : Anonymous2020/04/23 00:14 ID: fo8owm7

Wow, very cool. Love your style!

5 : Anonymous2020/04/30 07:50 ID: fp1eqgl

Love this, it's really cool.

How long did it take? Any others from FF7 you can share?

ID: fp2293p

Thanks! It took about 3 hrs. I usually paint way more realistic so this was a fun change of pace! I’m actually going to paint a series of them! The one I’m working on now is the “Cloud hug Tifa!!!!” Scene lol. I was thinking about making a video painting and giving a description of the characters if people would be interested.

6 : Anonymous2020/04/30 16:44 ID: fp2o3iq

I'd tune in

7 : Anonymous2020/09/23 20:44 ID: g6ct4jd


8 : Anonymous2020/04/22 09:51 ID: fo676zc

Tifa grown a goatee... edgy


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