I miss when our characters had style, as in fashion.

1 : Anonymous2022/02/03 19:44 ID: sjsbg0

After RE6 it's like everyone shops at the same clothing brand. There's barely a unique flavour to anyone... other than RE2RE Ada.

Leon in RE6 had that suave as shit blue suit shirt with vest jacket which was hot agent vibes. Helena had her 2 outfits with her more unique one being that red and brown neutrals. But Sherry was just, the most fashionable with that white parka with belted in waist line. Chris was just in military fatigues, but then you had Piers who was just a twunk with a goodboy scarf and it set him apart from the other military fatigues.

The original re1-3 had the characters in defined colours and styles. Chris may have looked like a minecraft character, but that green vest was iconic. Jill may have had shoulders for gods, but that RE1 outfit is a staple to the franchise. We knew who these characters were.

Nowadays, the characters wear the most BASIC of clothing. For 4 games now (re2re/3re/7+8) the characters, ESPECIALLY FEMALES, have been devolved from wearing these staple outfits into wearing the most bland of vest tops and trousers. We've all seen the fan arts of Jill wearing a re-design of what she has that gives her way more flare than what she is wearing in game.

Mia, Zoe and Claire literally all share the same shirt copy and pasted. Could they not have given Zoe or Mia a Cardigan to differentiate the two? And the reason Claire didn't have a turtle neck was obviously to skip out of on having to animate zombies biting through the turtle neck... remove the middle-man as it were.

2 : Anonymous2022/02/03 20:35 ID: hvgvhcc

I never really questioned the clothes. The only time I did was RE3 because if you know some stuff is going down and you have to fight, why would your first choice be a tube top and skirt?

ID: hvh1jm7

But why must she wear the most generic female badass outfit aka tank top and jeans, it's so boring that at times I have a hard time telling the difference between her and Lara croft or even Claire they're all so similar. If they didn't want a tube top and skirt then why not keep her big brown boots and her white sweater at least then it'd keep some design elements from her original look.

ID: hvh24kv

I feel like style wouldn’t be on a characters mind in these situations. I get what you mean with them previously having a style that was marketable and appealing to us, but it wouldn’t make sense in a real setting, which this obviously isn’t haha. But you know what I mean.

ID: hvh4hg5

Do you have a sweater tied around your waist right now?

3 : Anonymous2022/02/03 22:51 ID: hvhgtan

This feels like a really long boring way to say "I don't like the character design past re6". I prefer the more stripped down basic design as it makes the characters feel more relatable and rooted in realism. Obviously the game itself isn't rooted in total realsim but it's nice when it's thrown in even if it's just character design. Go ahead and downvoted me

4 : Anonymous2022/02/03 21:58 ID: hvh8mbr

Chris looks kind of cool in RE8 with the coat

5 : Anonymous2022/02/03 20:05 ID: hvgqw2l

Yeah it’s an unfortunate modern design trend. Somewhat cartoonish games are making their characters more bland and gritty while somewhat gritty games are making their characters more cartoonish (see Battlefield, CoD).

ID: hvhor5g

Not exactly games but the MCU is starting to embrace the more comic-y looks in their media now while keeping it grounded. I'd love if they did the same for the REmakes (although Leon's REmake outfit is perfectly fine, that makes sense)

6 : Anonymous2022/02/03 20:49 ID: hvgxgxl

What I liked a lot about the classic games (RE1-RE3, CVX) is how each character's outfit was aligned with their personality and attitude in the game. You are right in how we could tell these characters apart in these games because each character was unique in how they were dressed, no matter how ridiculous they looked. The newer games are fine in this category as well, but yes, sometimes, characters like Chris look bland and too militaristic due to the games changing in tone. Characters like Sheva, Helena, and Piers, for example, have great outfits, and for some of the bad designs given, there are some good outfits out there! Yes I miss the original outfits, but the fact that they are remodeled for the REmakes makes us know that Capcom at least recognizes them and they know how important it is to keep fashion in steady for the classic fans.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/03 23:19 ID: hvhkxza

Resi 8 had awesome style, Ethan, Chris, all the lords. Even the old timey looking villagers

8 : Anonymous2022/02/03 21:10 ID: hvh0u3x

Ada was always meant to be the unrealistic/unrelatable character. I appreciate her for being different from the rest of them.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/03 22:36 ID: hvhedsi

The thing is, they could easily come up with outfits that fit within the realistic aesthetic they’re going for but still be unique. Like with Claire and Jill for example; instead of them both doing the same boots-jeans-tank top-dainty necklace combo, have them wear more unique outfits. Give Claire back the turtleneck she had in the 1998 game, make the logo on her jacket more prominent, etc. Change the color of Jill’s pants or put her in a different pair of shoes. Give them different accessories.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/03 22:03 ID: hvh9cwt

I loved the old outfits and clothes the cast had. It was cool an unique. Now they wear boring, realistic clothes

Stupid real stuff ruining cool games

11 : Anonymous2022/02/03 22:44 ID: hvhfrjp

Yeah, I definitely get what you mean. It makes sense for the stuff around Ethan, because it's more of a dirty, grotesque aesthetic, but I don't know if that fits for Jill, Chris and Leon. (Though Claire's outfits still look pretty good to me post RE6)

12 : Anonymous2022/02/03 22:57 ID: hvhhokw

This is weak

13 : Anonymous2022/02/03 22:57 ID: hvhhpqs

This is weak

14 : Anonymous2022/02/03 23:21 ID: hvhl5qu

I think it’s because the series stylistically went a VERY different direction after RE6. (I’m sure they did that because RE6 was received poorly.)

RE6 stylistically was heading into CG movie direction, vibing almost like an anime.

Starting with RE7, the new ones are are tonally much darker and grittier, and the styles replicate that. Many characters keep their colors, but in more subdued ways.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/03 23:37 ID: hvhnkro

Its a double edged sword, I can be taken aback when a character looks too dolled up, like they're a party member in a Final Fantasy game or something.

A horror game is the last game where I need my characters to have "drip" as the kids call it. Fighting games, which are all about larger than life personalities, I get. But I would rather have a character feel realistic than merchandisable if we're talking about immersion.

16 : Anonymous2022/02/03 23:41 ID: hvho4to

I thought Chris and his overcoat was quite stylish, and not for nothing but... Lady Dimitrescu was the most stylish character of 2021. Just putting that out there.


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