7th Heaven 2.0 on Windows 7. Need help please :(

1 : Anonymous2020/04/20 21:21 ID: g51lcz

I've spent hours and have made ZERO progress. I was not aware this mod is a bitch if you're running Windows 7.

Apparently, due to using Windows 7, I have to run commands with my ISO mounting program. I don't even know how to run a program to mount my ISO. I don't even know how to get an ISO. Youtube and Google have not explained a single thing for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I was going to spend my one day off playing this game, instead I spent it painstakingly trying to figure this out and didn't get to play at all 🙁

2 : Anonymous2020/04/21 06:39 ID: fo26ea2

Sorry that I don't have any advice, but if it makes you feel any better, I'm having a hell of time getting out to work properly on Windows 10. I bought it for the 5th or 6th time to play it with mods after hearing how much easier SH 2.0 is to use, and I'm in the same boat as you :/

ID: fojx85w

So I downloaded it yesterday and started playing with mods today. I am using windows 10 and found it simpler that the 1.0 version. Once installed I designated the steam app file and it auto made the FF .exe file. Then I downloaded mods from catalogue and it worked fine.

ID: fo26p9u

Yes that's exactly why I wanted to try it out. Nightskyprince on YouTube explained how easy it was. The developers of the mod as well. Never mentioned Windows 7 wouldn't be compatible. I'm mostly annoyed because I already own the game on PS4, just wanted to try the mods! I was told to try a USB drive to load my game, guess I'll to let with it for a long while again

ID: g59l7fp

I got it to work but it took several tries of moving the default keyboard input around.

3 : Anonymous2020/04/21 06:40 ID: fo26f2t

Sorry that I don't have any advice, but if it makes you feel any better, I'm having a hell of time getting it to work properly on Windows 10. I bought it for the 5th or 6th time to play it with mods after hearing how much easier SH 2.0 is to use, and I'm in the same boat as you :/

Edit: spelling

4 : Anonymous2020/05/04 00:23 ID: fpeovp9

You're better off just downloading it off of Steam and just using the Reunion mod. That does most things for you. All you gotta do is run the .exe in the steam folder and then adjust some of the options in the Reunion folder. Unless you're trying to get a specific mod.

ID: fpeu523

I've actually decided to just get a refund. Unfortunately I don't have time to dedicate to figuring it all out when I'm this computer illiterate. Thank you for the tip though.


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