You reap what you sew. Some quick and easy spooky friends

1 : Anonymous2021/03/07 17:40 ID: lzvita
You reap what you sew. Some quick and easy spooky friends
2 : Anonymous2021/03/07 17:59 ID: gq48zn7

It’s, “sow” not sew. Great mini job otherwise.

ID: gq492de

If it helps

This ghost is really into embroidery too

Thank you!

3 : Anonymous2021/03/07 18:54 ID: gq4h4z1

The rust on those scythes is something else!

ID: gq4hda5

Thank you very much!

4 : Anonymous2021/03/07 21:29 ID: gq53g5w

If you reap what you sew, it certainly explains the state of its cloak... (nice mini ! )

ID: gq5ed4a

Thank you!

5 : Anonymous2021/03/07 22:04 ID: gq58j4p

This really pops! Great job on the rust effect.

ID: gq5ea7w

Thank you!

6 : Anonymous2021/03/08 01:41 ID: gq5xigd

I’m in the process of trying to find a green I’m happy with for my nighthaunt. What I like about your scheme is that it has a uniform look of filth and eerieness, something that I’ve been missing out on the more fluorescent saturated colors I’ve been using.

If you get a minute, would you mind sharing your scheme for this?

ID: gq5y2ak


I started with a strong zenithal prime, heavier on the black side It's Pro Acryl Black Green wetblended with Death Guard Green from GW. I edge highlighted with Death Guard green mixed with Vallejo Pale sand. Typically I did this twice, once thicker and darker, and then lighter and thinner on a few select areas. I ran a wash of Agrax Earthshade over the top.

It's a super quick and easy recipe that you can play around with to go further, or spend like 15 minutes on and get a good result (like here).

If you want to push it further you can wet blend black in the shadows at the start, and add extra stages of highlight (e.g. moving from pale sand mixed with death guard green to an off white mixed with death guard green). But I rarely bother unless its a character model


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