- Anyone want to feel old with me?
God damn 2001 was a hell of a year in gaming. ZOE released that year too
ID: gq7nzsi -
Fucking crashing on the halo ring and wondering around was peak gaming as a kid
ID: gq7h41nI remember my stepbrothers and cousins setting up Halo tourneys on the Xbox and accusing each other of screen cheating
Jesus Christ I'll never forget unboxing my new Xbox in 2001 just a few months after 9/11 and playing Halo for the first time. That graphical jump. The atmosphere of the game. A fully realized 3D first person shooter on console that to this day is the blueprint for fps controls. I remember it was dark and the games soundtrack filled the room. I'll never get that feeling from gaming again and I'm completely ok with that. I'm just glad it happened.
Pikmin hit me like a truck 🙁
ID: gq7g4bwI remember getting Oracle of Seasons for Christmas that year
ID: gq7r57dSame here. I remember making a deal with my parents that if I got all As on a report card I could get a GameCube and one game, and the day I came home and it was waiting for me with Pikmin... my god.
Twenty damn years
Ooh cheers, now I know when to publish covers from these to get the most anniversary nostalgia views.
The scary part is that these games feel pretty darn new to me.
I love the Oracle games. I can only wish they would be given the remade Link's Awakening treatment. The changing seasons mechanic was brilliant.
Jak and Daxter has been completely forgotten
Sonic Adventure 2 has also been forgotten too I see
How could you miss Luigi's mansion 🙁
>Zelda Oracle Games
Jesus F**k, I actually feel old now. Oracle of Ages was not only my first Zelda Game, it was also the first game that I got after I got my GBC itself (which came with Pokemon Yellow as a Gift, so it wasn't quite my first game ever though).
Excuse me why I go look up the music on YouTube to feel like a child again real quick.
Paper Mario released that close to the gamecube release? I remember renting that with a completed save file so i got to explore everything Haha.
Of all those games only FFX is the only good one. Ok haven't played pikmin and that Mario game but cmon... Is Nintendo
ID: gq7i8rfLol. Oh, you're serious. Allow me to laugh even harder.
ID: gq89yewSilent Hill 2 is a fucking classic and MGS2 was amazing for its time, as was GTA3.
ID: gq7h0w9The amount of time I spent in Smash Bros. Melee trying to unlock all the extra characters was ridiculous. I freaking loved FFX. One of my favorite FF games
I had a demo with ZoE on it and I played that damn thing religiously