I am trading on rocket league, and i put H TW Flamethrower W 400c
It said inappropriate content, try again.
I read it through. FlaMETHrower. it says meth in the word, so it got removed.
Microsoft you gotta step up your game.
Ah, the Scunthorpe problem.
ID: gq7qpxbID: gq8ow6zFilthiest town in the UK.
I live in Germany and once tried a LFG post where I said "Bitte nur erfahrene Spieler" which translates to "Please, only experienced players"
I got the same message that my post contains inappropriate language.
Turns out "Bitte" means something inappropriate in French.
The profanity filter is absolutely broken...
ID: gq8njiqBite means "Dick" in French... Bitte's not a French word though, at least not an "inappropriate" one. So they're actually going further than they should
Are you sure it was filtered for that and not because LFG isn't supposed to be used for trading?
ID: gq7k8idYes, it says "keep it clean, remove inappropriate content and try again"
Flame thrower.
ID: gq7oj84No doubt haha
Do you even know the purpose of LFG?
LFGs aren't allowed to be used for trading.
ID: gq75o92Have a look at the entire rocket league lfg haha
It's better than what Sony have, honestly. There was a guy who made a Brazilian PSN account with his nickname (which is a very common nickname in Brazil), and then years later he got banned from PSN and lost all his games because it turns out in English his nickname is actually a slur. I'd rather not be allowed to input certain words at all (even if they're ridiculous, like "flamethrower") than to be allowed to input them and then get banned for it.
ID: gq8gltlWhat's the word?
I just think it's annoying that they don't tell you what the problem is. I'll have a like a short sentence and then I'll need to try to reword all of it while still saying the same thing because I have no clue what's causing the censor.
LFG is not for trading, it is forsearching people to play games.
Tom Scott made a good video too