- any OG dynasty warriors fans?
This is the opening to 4 or 5 I think. I've spent waaaaaay too many hours playing those games as a kid. My brothers and I each had a faction to play and if we didn't like a character we would trade with each other. I was Shu and traded Zhang Fei for Taishi Ci and Guan Yu for Jiang Wei.
ID: gu2hpprID: gu2k6ziOriginally I thought 4 because of Zhou Yun's outfit but Cao Pi and Xing Cai were newer than that. 4 was the one with the weird weapon upgrading/leveling instead of getting drops aswell.
ID: gu3b3etThat's definitely 5. I've played both of them quite a lot, and recognized this as 5 immediately.
Guan Yu vs Lu-Bu intensifies
ID: gu2v55c"Its Lu Bu!"
ID: gu2zx3m"Don't pursue Lu Bu!"
ID: gu2uld8Yeasssssssss
Dynasty Warriors 3 was one of the best games ever.
ID: gu3oshsGo, my children of the yellow turban!
ID: gu3f066That’s the one I started on. Loved it more than anything g that followed.
This game was life growing up
I just want another gundam Dynasty Warriors game
ID: gu2vvhwHyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity just came out. Zelda themed, but still fun as hell.
ID: gu3b5foFrame rates are really bad unfortunately. Fun otherwise
DW 2 is the reason I bought the PS2 when it first dropped. Played way too many hours plating that game.
ID: gu2n2dgIt felt like the dynasty warriors game where the AI officers felt like they actually did things (they'd often come up showing a few hundred kills or so if you didn't take them on)
I would play it again if it was remastered
Grew up fighting off the yellow turban rebellion lol
Y’all know those awful mobile game advertisements where you’re fighting off hordes of enemies with outlandish weapons?
Dynasty warriors did it first.
This was awesome, my brother and I played a lot of DW 3 and 4. Good times...
Real OGs fans will remember dynasty warriors on the ps1 which was a fighting game
ID: gu38wkfExactly what I thought of when I saw this post.
DW 2 was the one for me. Man.... the Yellow Turban Rebellion. That first moment you run into Lu Bu tearing shit up. That scenario where the armada's on fire and you're running through it. That game was memorable as hell.
Loved DW growing up. There's a manga called Record of Ragnorok and Lu Bu is in it. I never would have known who he was without Dynasty Warriors.
So many hours enjoyed playing dw 1,3,5, and 7. Not sure why we only played the odds. Samurai warriors too!
It's.. It's.. Lu Bu!
I've been playing dynasty warriors since the first installment where it was a straight up fighter instead of a hack and slash. Absolutely love this series!
I loved 4 and 5, I also really enjoyed dynasty warriors 2 (felt like AI officers actually did stuff)
Lost it once you had weapon swapping and stuff though
From what I hear, the OG game was actually a Soul Calibur style Fighting Game.
Other than that, yeah, I'm a DW fan, more recent but still a fan. Fun games.
To this day I don’t think there’s ever been a game where the music has pumped me up as much as this series has. Incredible soundtrack.
I spent way too many hours playing this game
I can HEAR this....
...so no one is a fan if DW. It is a subpar fighting game (yes seriously) DW2 is the birth of the genre that everyone has grown to love
Maaan, I'd spend aaages grinding like hell on this.
I remember spending probably an hour or so just taking out guys to get more points(?) or whatever it was I can't remember only to die fighting the boss, which was the easiest boss I'd normally cake walk. Proper guh moment.
Love this to be remade or new game.
I remember getting the first one from the barging bin. Like seven bucks. We had so much fun playing it, I couldn't understand why it was so unwanted.
That's dynasty warriors 2 right? First one I played was the actual 1 vs 1 fighting game.
Used to play that game all the time back in the day.
I definitely like the earlier installments but I also think there have been both improvments and detrimental changes with newer versions.
Hell yeah along with devil kings shit was the bomb
I adore this genre of games. As a kid Dynasty Warriors was my cocaine it was just so much fun.
Dynasty Warriors 3 was incredibly addicting
Yes, DW5! Still my favorite of the franchise! Though I do take offense to you calling it "OG" - there were 4 others before it!
This is somehow... more realistic than the more modern ones?
I'm a huge DW fan. I think it's gotten better with time. I don't have to hold that stupid musuo button to perform it.
I am Cow Pee
I remember the original arcade game.
never really played these games before but wow I love this gif
ID: gu2s0f2Ur missing out bro
I miss XingCai with her fork spear.
I think this is 5 because Cao Pi wasn’t playable in 4. Both were fantastic. Spent 100s of hours in them as a kid. The Nanman campaign in 4 was an absolute nightmare.
Edit: Xing Cai also wasn’t in 4, thinking about it.