I made a New York City style building in Minecraft.

1 : Anonymous2021/04/10 13:32 ID: mo4rjh
I made a New York City style building in Minecraft.
2 : Anonymous2021/04/10 13:43 ID: gu1iv4t

Ngl I actually thought that was an actual building. Great job!

ID: gu1lsy0

I thought it was Ghostbusters HQ!

ID: gu1lyhd

Wow, it really does tho

ID: gu280us

Great idea.

ID: gu1m28c


3 : Anonymous2021/04/10 13:34 ID: gu1hwuj

So, recently I've been working on a few New York City style city blocks in Minecraft. Now I decided on streaming the entire 2 hour process of building it, making a screenshot and editting it a bit to make it realistic. (sorry, the stream is without sound)


If you have any suggestions, be sure to share em with me!

4 : Anonymous2021/04/10 13:44 ID: gu1izbe

This is Minecraft????

ID: gu1jk62

thats what i thought too!

ID: gu1jqgu

why the toenails

ID: gu2lup1

It’s modded Minecraft.

5 : Anonymous2021/04/10 13:52 ID: gu1jqsx

go post this to

and don't say anything abt Minecraft

ID: gu1knaf

Haha, I dare you to do it for me. full consent.

ID: gu2zevr

I'm gonna do it

6 : Anonymous2021/04/10 15:25 ID: gu1u77c

Love it! What you're looking for in terms of architecture is Beaux-Arts! Super common with buildings built in New York during the Gilded Age.

ID: gu1uprn

Cool info! Thanks.

7 : Anonymous2021/04/10 14:30 ID: gu1nqw7

This would be right at home in Aquwewe Town.

ID: gu2oqff

I see you’re a man of culture as well

8 : Anonymous2021/04/10 14:00 ID: gu1kj6l

I thought that was a real building for a second...
Damn you are good.

9 : Anonymous2021/04/10 19:16 ID: gu2lwdc

And now WITHOUT custom texture pack and shader

10 : Anonymous2021/04/10 17:01 ID: gu25wnk

What resource pack are u using?

11 : Anonymous2021/04/10 16:20 ID: gu20y4q

OP this is REALLY good, i live in NYC and thought this was a picture!! how long did this take you?

ID: gu24ni7

The building in the front took 2 hours, there’s a video link to the stream somewhere in the comments 🙂

12 : Anonymous2021/04/10 19:09 ID: gu2l13k

What resource pack and shaders are you using?

ID: gu2n96x

I put that info in the video description of the video I linked earlier!

13 : Anonymous2021/04/10 17:24 ID: gu28r2l

Me: "A building in minecraft? But this is a photo of a real building. Wait.... whaaaaa?"

14 : Anonymous2021/04/10 17:31 ID: gu29m5t

Tryna tell if it’s Minecraft

15 : Anonymous2021/04/10 18:19 ID: gu2f9n5

Get outa heeeeee!!!!

ID: gu2gelo

Fuck offfffff! - A real New Yorker

16 : Anonymous2021/04/10 18:22 ID: gu2flh6

So, I heard you like building?

17 : Anonymous2021/04/10 18:51 ID: gu2iwyy

If only I had that texture pack.

18 : Anonymous2021/04/10 19:03 ID: gu2kb6g

if i don't read the title, i believe that was a real place

19 : Anonymous2021/04/10 19:08 ID: gu2kyqw

Wow that really is amazing!

20 : Anonymous2021/04/10 13:41 ID: gu1ilh8


21 : Anonymous2021/04/10 14:59 ID: gu1r3vq

That’s real life change my mind

22 : Anonymous2021/04/10 17:36 ID: gu2a5q0

Great job! This is a beautiful design.

23 : Anonymous2021/04/10 17:43 ID: gu2azn1

Wow and here I suck at building huts

24 : Anonymous2021/04/10 17:45 ID: gu2b9za

That's so cool, it almost looks real! Is it player-scaled, or is it just absolutely huge in-game?

25 : Anonymous2021/04/10 17:48 ID: gu2blga

Oh god I trust it was a real image

26 : Anonymous2021/04/10 17:53 ID: gu2c6z5

Naw that ain’t Minecraft. You just went to NY.


27 : Anonymous2021/04/10 17:57 ID: gu2cp5j

That actually looks a lot like an area of Alexandria, VA.

ID: gu2ggpd

Thanks, now I have more reference material!

28 : Anonymous2021/04/10 18:29 ID: gu2gftg

Idk why but it looked like something from gm_bigcity

29 : Anonymous2021/04/10 18:31 ID: gu2glvm

Its missing graffiti, giant advertising boards, and boarded up bottom floor

30 : Anonymous2021/04/10 18:44 ID: gu2i47c


31 : Anonymous2021/04/10 18:47 ID: gu2ig0t

looks like Cincinnati

32 : Anonymous2021/04/10 19:18 ID: gu2m3aq

This little block looks a lot like downtown Oakland.

ID: gu2n7xv

Thanks! now I can use that as reference.

33 : Anonymous2021/04/10 19:20 ID: gu2mcmw

Now do the rest of NYC

34 : Anonymous2021/04/10 21:57 ID: gu34627

If I didn’t read the title it would have taken me 30 seconds to realize this isn’t real life


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