Kerbal Space Program 2 will be coming to PlayStation 5 in 2022

1 : Anonymous2021/06/24 13:00 ID: o70ebh
Kerbal Space Program 2 will be coming to PlayStation 5 in 2022
2 : Anonymous2021/06/24 13:43 ID: h2vu6bd

Also a enhanced edition of Kerbal 1 for ps5/XboxSX coming this year.

ID: h2vvom3

Bury the lede whydontchya!!

ID: h2w1u8g

Awesome! Have visited half the planets with the Tiger Entertainment release on PS4 so looking forward to restarting with the Enhanced Edition when it comes to PS5.

ID: h2ws7p0

To add clarification, this looks to be a free upgrade for current owners of KSP enhanced on PS4/XB1

3 : Anonymous2021/06/24 13:11 ID: h2vqkhd

Let's just hope the actual team makes the game and doesn't hand it off to a random company that shits the bed.

ID: h2vshxp

This isn’t a new announcement. They’ve been working on it for 5 years.

Well the date being set is new, but yeah it’s the company that bought KSP.

ID: h2vw07n

The people making KSP2 are huge Kerbal fans and are taking the time they need to get it right. It's in good hands. That said, it's good to keep expectations low. All I want to see is everything that KSP1 is, but capable of utilizing modern hardware to improve performance. IE, use more than a couple of CPU cores at most.

4 : Anonymous2021/06/24 14:08 ID: h2vxa9r

I can't imagine playing KSP with console controls. But it's good for the game to bring them on board!

ID: h2wcg9m

You can hook up a wireless mouse and keyboard to a PS5 but it’s up to the developer if they support it.

ID: h2wow1j

PS4 had this too...

ID: h2wcle4

KSP yeah i agree, but if they built the editor system from the ground up with a controller in mind (as well as mouse/keyboard obviously) it could be good

lets not pretend like KSP's mousekeyboard editor is... good. it's really finicky and awkward at the best of times. it's something you put up with and learn the quirks because the game itself is so fun

ID: h2vzogi

For some things it's better, others it's worse. For example: analog sticks are way better than keyboard for precise movement, but working with the part menus is really cumbersome.

ID: h2xdlj0

A mouse is way better than an analog stick for precise movement.

ID: h2w2yga

Mouse and keyboard support for this and other games would be cool. For COD for example.

ID: h2wfeti

It says the Enhanced Edition for PS5 will have mouse and keyboard support.

ID: h2x8dt9

Cod supports m/k on console

ID: h2w7vsq

Yea, probably a must.

ID: h2wq4zt

It's very bad. One of the worst ports. But the game is so good it doesn't matter.

ID: h2xbjg6

I've only ever played on console. I'm so used to it that I can't even complain.

The ps4 used to start panicking with higher part counts, but my ps5 eats that game for breakfast.

ID: h2xhahx

"don't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling."

5 : Anonymous2021/06/24 17:53 ID: h2wrmfl

To the uninitiated: Kerbal Space Program is as much of a physics class as it is a game. You experiment with different rocket setups, learn how to set a stable orbit, make sure you bring enough fuel, set up rocket stages, ect. I was awful at the game... I was able to just barely land on the Mun (the Moon) but was never able to set up a mission where I retrieved the poor Kerbal.

This game is perfect for those who like to tinker and problem solve, but also anyone who has an interest in space travel. I learned a lot about how orbits are made and maintained and the practical problems of traveling into space. It's awesome

ID: h2x6ahu

I'll 2nd this, the game is super fun to tinker and mess around with, had a blast, accidentally bumped a rescue mission to a kerbal lost in orbit annnnnd well needless to say he left the solar system. You will be missed Bob.

ID: h2xhjoy

One minute it’s 9 am the next minutes it’s dinner time. This game is awesome

6 : Anonymous2021/06/24 14:05 ID: h2vwuzk

Sweet such a fun series, though last gen certainly couldn't run it very well

7 : Anonymous2021/06/24 16:18 ID: h2weiff

Nice! Will PlayStation 5s be coming in 2022 as well?

ID: h2wlv70

This is slowly becoming a dead meme...anyone who is actively trying to get a ps5 should be able to get one now.

My friends, who have both been trying to get one since launch, got one during the walmart and gamestop re-stocks the other day, and I'm hearing they didn't sell out quite as fast as they did in the beginning.

ID: h2ws0go

Mate we got some yesterday over here in the EU, gone in damn seconds. Mates and I have been trying since release without luck, might be less of a struggle in NA, but it’s sure as hell still hard here.

ID: h2wn43v

I understand where you're coming from but I totally disagree. I don't have a desk job where I can watch Twitter and be signed in to 5 different store accounts at the same time. I still want a PS5 but for the time being it is not really possible as I can't just go online and grab one.

ID: h2wn3bp

In your estimation, how often should I be checking? How much of my day should I dedicate to scrolling or setting alerts?

It’s been 7 months since release, what other product months after release (excluding limited edition type stuff) would I be unable to simply walk to a store, or go to Best Buy or Walmart or Amazon or Target or Newegg or GameStop or Sony websites and they all be sold out?

8 : Anonymous2021/06/24 15:32 ID: h2w8a1y

It's been a while since I jumped on it, is it still a buggy mess?

ID: h2wgdn8

KSP2 isn't out, yet.

KSP1 is... KSP1. It's likely as stable as it's ever going to get at this point; it was originally developed by a single developer on an old version of Unity, and there's only so much you can do with that without rebuilding it from scratch, which is basically what KSP2 is.

ID: h2wjf8z

KSP1 was what I was referring to

ID: h2wsdbt

The original KSP1 release was a big mess. They pulled that and re-released it as KSP Enhanced Edition which was a big improvement. Owners of the original release received a free update.

IMHO, Enhanced Edition isn't as good as the PC release, but it's not bad either.

9 : Anonymous2021/06/24 17:54 ID: h2wrnmi

To the Moon!

10 : Anonymous2021/06/24 23:08 ID: h2xn963

This game is going to be a disaster.


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