Spider-Man Miles Morales PS5 Update 1.10 Improves Quality of Ray-Traced Reflections in Performance RT Mode

1 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:13 ID: obkj8l
Spider-Man Miles Morales PS5 Update 1.10 Improves Quality of Ray-Traced Reflections in Performance RT Mode
2 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:32 ID: h3oc3rv

Just feel like they are experimenting and learning from doing this, they don't have to but it's great! Finishing up the first game and starting Miles Morales soon

ID: h3oijf2

Seeing as their entire reason to exist as a company is game development for the PS5, I'm pretty sure they do have to.

They're probably just applying some tricks they learned from doing R&C:RA.

ID: h3p2ylj

Hey man that's fine with me. Work dem boys good, Sony!

ID: h3pzrgz

Yep, this is just practice mode for them.

ID: h3q3iny

I finished the first game but playing through the DLCs now. Really want to play MM but the first one is so enjoyable, can't wait to see what more MM has to offer!

ID: h3qflhn

MM is much shorter but I loved the mechanics way more than the OG.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:46 ID: h3okfqw

To add to the already overwhelming sentiment, Insomniac is the GOAT by far.

After having tried the new 40 FPS Fidelity mode in Ratchet, I NEED that in Miles and future Spidey titles. I’ve had the hardest time nailing down what graphics mode to use as I love the crisp image of the Fidelity mode, but generally always prefer increased frames. The new Ratchet update really brought the best of both worlds, and I so hope that’s translated to their other titles.

ID: h3onbjn

40 fps fidelity mode is actually amazing, I can’t believe how much more bearable it is than 30fps. Completely game changing, and much closer feeling to 60fps than 30.

ID: h3p2okt

It is a big improvement over 30 fps, but it still seems choppy compared to 60 fps. I wouldn't say game changing for me as I still can't use it. Performance RT is where it's at.

ID: h3pqlw3

Yeah it’s a 33% improvement, that’s huge!

ID: h3ozwxf

Is it true it can only be used in 120hz mode?

ID: h3ph9bk

It requires a 120hz tv. At 40fps, the tv will repeat each frame 3 times (120/40 = 3). But that doesn’t work with 60hz panels as 60/40 = 1.5.

If/when the PS5 gets VRR, then it would work on a 60hz tv with VRR.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:30 ID: h3obvrd

insomniac just keeps killing it! i cant wait for the eventual spiderman 2 game and any future projects they decide to do!

5 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:57 ID: h3oeqc2

They don't have programmers at Insomniac, they have wizards.

6 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:19 ID: h3oarfl

Damn they just keep on giving

7 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:39 ID: h3oct0w

There used to be only 2 developers I had blind faith in; Naughty Dog and Rockstar Games.

Now there's three!

ID: h3ocx8o

You should add Santa Monica to that list. They have never disappointed since their foundation.

ID: h3ovycu

Not the kind of ND faith but i will still include Guerilla in this group

ID: h3oiu0p

rockstar has fallen off my list because they now take 10+ years to release a game and are milking them dry.

ID: h3ok3t5

RDR2 exists

ID: h3okb73

I can relate, though I still mentioned them because they never disappointed me in the past and RDR 2 was more than amazing.

ID: h3pgpul

NaughtyDog, Rockstar, Insomniac, Santa Monica Studios, SuckerPunch, and Bethesda.

The games, and the support post-release, by these teams give me really good reason to have blind faith.

ID: h3qmvtq

Really Bethesda? Their games are broken on release 99% of the time and takes atleast 3-6 months to fix the major issues but still have tons more. Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Fallout 76 all still have insane amount of bugs and issues that were never fixed. Not to mention the lies Pete and Todd love to make about their extremely broken HDR implementation and 16x detail.

Don't get me wrong I love Bethesda, but they do not deserve "blind faith"

ID: h3qc1ho

Without Dan Houser's future involvement, my blind faith in Rockstar has become sorely lacking unfortunately...

Naughty Dog




Nintendo EPD

Are, for the most part, the devs I have the most confident in nowadays. Nintendo does shady/questionable shit, but Nintendo EPD, i.e. the division that makes most of the first party Nintendo titles, are who I have the most faith in. Probably Next Level/Retro, too.

You could probably add Playground Games to that list as well, I've always loved the Horizon games

ID: h3opo06

I present to you Rocksteady games to add to that list

ID: h3oecn6

You have blind faith in Rockstar? Why? They have fucked up so many launches and broken so many promises. Gta 5 hit 15fps on ps3 and 360. They canceled all promised single-player dlc. Half of their pc ports run like shit.

ID: h3oetea

Your clearly ignoring all the good. They released 2 incredible single player experiences. Anytime they asked you to pay full price for a game they delivered a jam packed single player story with tons of detailed stuff to do.

People who hate on Rockstar are just ignorant or have a GTA Online bias. You don’t have to play Online if you don’t want to

8 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:26 ID: h3obj5y

Spider-Man 2 is going to look incredible.

9 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:29 ID: h3obrd5

These guys are amazing.

10 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:46 ID: h3odjqd

Goes to show that the consoles can still have much improved raytracing as the generation matures.

11 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:23 ID: h3ob5um

Probably the same type of improvements we seen in performance RT in ratchet and clank. Either way great addition.

ID: h3oeyoz

I assume that is what they did. I believe they were able to bump resolution of reflections by 20 percent with checkerboard and their TAA cleans it up is what i took away from digital foundrys dev interview about ratchet and clank

12 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:12 ID: h3ogflz

Can somebody tell me what’s the best option to play in. Iv a 4K Sony Bravia with the hdmi 2.1 on it. My old eyes can’t tell the difference any more.

ID: h3ohspo

Performance RT.

ID: h3oiiko

Thanks a million I’ll get that set up later.

13 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:45 ID: h3odgzj

Morales is in my backlog as I've been playing some other games after finishing the first Spiderman game. How noticeable is this improvement?

ID: h3ohhnl

It’s amazing. You should check that out ASAP. DS, MM, Returnal, and R&C rift apart are the first 4 games any new PS5 user should check out

ID: h3olq6i

Is it really that noticeable? I did 2 playthroughs on Performance RT, when it came out, now it's just sitting in my shelf. Is it worth playing again?

14 : Anonymous2021/07/01 15:02 ID: h3oufny

Now give us the 40fps mode!!!

15 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:14 ID: h3oaatw

did they make similar tech improvements to spiderman remastered since its the same engine?

ID: h3phzrd

Also this - it wasn't long after Performance RT released on MM that it followed on OG Spidey, so hopefully they'll do the same.

16 : Anonymous2021/07/01 14:12 ID: h3onppx

The best devs so far this gen.

17 : Anonymous2021/07/01 14:51 ID: h3osy0v

Perfect timing I just started playing it.

18 : Anonymous2021/07/01 16:34 ID: h3p6e1z

Resistance was the reason to get a PS3 back then and now the same with Ratchel and ps5, this guys are on another league (or dimension)

ID: h3pitr1

I wish we could have a resistance trilogy remake

19 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:22 ID: h3ohlo9

Great timing I just bought this game, waiting on it to arrive!

20 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:27 ID: h3oi827

I understand now why they named their studio Insomniac. I think every one of the devs has chronic insomnia. They can't seem to stop working at all lol.

21 : Anonymous2021/07/01 17:12 ID: h3pbx2x

Imagine how good the exclusives will look in 2 years.

22 : Anonymous2021/07/01 19:12 ID: h3psm2c

It's exciting to see how good Ray tracing can be with 60fps and varying resolutions so early in this generation. It's a very promising start.

23 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:28 ID: h3oia4n

I’m playing miles morales favoring resolution with ray tracing

25 : Anonymous2021/07/01 15:32 ID: h3oxxpv

Regular Performance mode looks so much sharper though.

26 : Anonymous2021/07/01 14:07 ID: h3on385

Will there be an update to the PS5 version of the original game as well?

27 : Anonymous2021/07/01 14:22 ID: h3op1nx

Does this apply for Spidey Remastered as well?

28 : Anonymous2021/07/01 15:09 ID: h3ove2h

I just got this game after platting R&C, was a flash sale as well so was only 30 GBP on the PS Store.
Was a bit annoying in the early stages of the game with the hand holding and narrative being forced down your throat, but the games opened up now half way through the main story and I’m loving it.

I hear it’s a very short story so I’m taking my time going through collectibles and activities

29 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:50 ID: h3odzak

But muh cross-gen games...

30 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:08 ID: h3ofxz6

Miles Morales is cross gen

31 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:08 ID: h3og07c


32 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:32 ID: h3oisy9

Yes everyone who didn't like the idea of cross gen games holding back game design have been disproven by a patch that improves ray tracing.


33 : Anonymous2021/07/01 13:33 ID: h3oix5o

Ooh...touched a nerve.

34 : Anonymous2021/07/01 14:10 ID: h3onkck

Miles Morales is a unique exception. The game clearly has two design and development paths, one for PS4 and one for PS5. Most (all?) other games so far are quite literally just the PS4 code running at a higher resolution or framerate. We see the same pop-in, segmented level design, and loading screens.

35 : Anonymous2021/07/01 15:16 ID: h3owcpu

great, two weeks after i beat it. great game though!

36 : Anonymous2021/07/01 16:02 ID: h3p1z5q

Been thinking about moving this back over to the internal storage for new game+, this seals the deal!

37 : Anonymous2021/07/01 16:20 ID: h3p4huw

Been waiting on a 2nd play through to get the Plat so this is amazing.

38 : Anonymous2021/07/01 17:59 ID: h3pihzb

Soooooo we ever gonna get Spider-Man remastered standalone?

39 : Anonymous2021/07/01 20:07 ID: h3q07sz

I still can't play it at all. There's a bug that makes Spidey constantly websling and it's entirely unplayable. I've tried everything now.


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