- Well they do have them though
Lmao did you watermark a picture of a game with some text you added on it?
ID: h4yxnynID: h4ybd8g[deleted]
ID: h4ybrgtProbably spent a few hours getting the “angles right”
ID: h4yndgzAs if this justifies anything lmao
Well, ventilation is quite important.
what is she wearing?
ID: h4xur5rThe plot
ID: h4ye756And philosophy
ID: h4xvxvfA negligee with string panties.
That's her default outfit.
Also She has a penis
ID: h4y5wn1Is this confirmed? I mean the dick part..
ID: h4y0ta3And with that said, I'll stick to 2B thank you
ID: h4yhsb5I dont know about that, in the wiki it says that she is posessed by a male replicant, but she has a female body
ID: h4xqvsxYes
Why would you watermark your OC when i’m just going to edit it out and repost it in a few months? /s
What a nice piece of philosophy!
No bulge shot? [shakes head] For Shame.
I genuinely dont understand why people watermark images like this...Do you really think people will "steal" this image? All you did was slap some text on it.
patiently waiting on a picture of the cosplayer in this outfit…
Why wear anything at all? Save time and duct tape a shoelace across your crack - good to go.
ID: h4y5gr0The in game explanation is that she was born intersex and dresses this way to emphasis her femininity.
this is the way
The truth has been told
Huh. Maybe that's why my gay ass couldn't get into it
ID: h4z985eThere are probably mods for that 🙂
Thats a nice plot
insert - "Its a Trap Meme here"
Thank me Later.
"I play Skyrim for the story and substance"
Didnt they come out and basically say "Yeah, we designed them that way because we like sexy chicks and nice butts."?
ID: h4zbhx6and also because some men are fans of Traps
The voice actor for 9S does the narrating for my favorite series on Audible.
This is kinda dank. lol
I've had memes I've made get reposted and make 10x the karma. I don't care, but I think some people want their names on there just in case? Guess they don't realize that people can easily shop the name out though.