- "Have you seen him?"
But in all seriousness, where in the world is Gavin
ID: h4ycduaID: h4y9duoRooster teeth, he haf time traveled.
“I’ve wasted my life… I wasted my life looking. I looked but I never saw. I saw nothing.”
Nigel -
“Has any body seen an Englishman named… Gavin”
He does some slowmo time to time on slowmo guys
The first time I met nigel I tried talking to him but a random coach got spooked and ran him down. I laughed so hard then reset just to find out how depressing his life was. I think he was better off being run down instead of searching for gavin.
Im right here
ID: h4yr6h4Holy Shit! GAVIN!
What the actual fuck does this have to do with gaming?
ID: h4yyo27It's a Red Dead Redemption 2 reference. There's an NPC who you can occasionally run into looking for his friend Gavin... It's quite depressing when you see him a few times over the course of the game.
ID: h4z5u8wAh, haven't gotten around to rdr2 yet. Explains my confusion lol
ID: h4z4q3zidk why you got downvoted this is a legit question. I know its from red dead but op should've at least mentioned the game title.
ID: h4z6k46Yeah, if I hadn't seen this character literally yesterday, I wouldn't have known what this is.
Gavin is Nigel's split personality there are some good YouTube videos on it