2003 vs 2021

1 : Anonymous2021/07/15 01:03 ID: oki21z
2003 vs 2021
2 : Anonymous2021/07/15 02:59 ID: h58clci

yeah, for the first day or two, then everyone turned off their cameras and no one uses video anymore around here.

ID: h58po3m

Really? My work still uses video all the time. Not literally on every call but still pretty frequently.

ID: h58trl5

At our company it’s like 30% cameras, I personally have never used one for a work call.

ID: h58rmsa

We are required ;:(

ID: h58tbr1

Same for my previous company. At my new work, people keep their cameras off way more often, sometimes even on 1:1s, which feels very awkward. I do try to be mindful of other's desire for privacy though.

ID: h58xdzz

Yeah first three weeks of lockdown it was cameras on. Then one person didn't use their camera. Then everyone else stopped. Now nobody does ever.

ID: h595g8m

We stopped using cameras for larger meetings (15+) because it kills the bandwidth. The presenter will usually have the camera on.

ID: h59igx5

My company it’s mandatory unless you’re having some life issue. I love it. I’ve been a remote worker for years and the simple act of video is so connecting for me

ID: h5964og

We had to do 1 video on call per week as a form of welfare check.

ID: h5a28hp

In my team only the conference room has the video on for people in the office, guys at home are all on sound only. We had video on at the beginning, but it was too CPU intensive and the computer was unusable for anything else during the call, then we turned the video off. I much prefer it, that way I can walk around the apartment and clean the kitchen etc. with wireless headphones on.

ID: h58ul2d

Yep, I'd say maybe once every month or two someone has their camera on.

ID: h595y2y

I changed my Picture to Donald Sutherland and all the people that started with us during lockdown were very confused when I told them my name and didn't look like a Hippy Tank commander from WWII.

It started a trend though and yesterday I had a meeting chaired by Rasputin.

ID: h58v9pt

Dude, I work in my boxers and never turn the camera on. Nobody does and I work for the state. I don't know why they need to see you. As long as your productive to a standard they are satisfied with, what does it matter what you're wearing at home? Not like you're talking to clients through video-chat, right?

3 : Anonymous2021/07/15 04:17 ID: h58l590

What’s with the second image? Did that happen before? I mean it’s not the most high effort post from a mod perspective.

Edit: being the third largest comment on the post, hopefully op feels obliged to give an explanation. No ones calling you out or anything.

ID: h58nhd3

Idk why you’re getting down voted… I’m super confused by the what is supposed to be meant by that 2nd photo too….

ID: h58nxhv

Yeah it seems maybe he’s trying to say that the post got removed before and he’s reposting? But that doesn’t make sense. All the comments seem pretty ignorant of it too. Maybe he’ll respond with an answer to my question.

ID: h58ugar

I don't get it either.

ID: h58vs02

just a reminder that reddit mods suck

ID: h58psv2

Looking at their user profile it looks like the first post was an hour earlier than this one.

Hopefully they don't evoke the wrath of moderators here 😉 😉

ID: h58vgwz

I thought they were comparing their happy childhood game memory from 2003 and the harsh reality of 2021 where you try to share a thing you like and it gets taken down for no reason.

ID: h58vjnv

Definitely a possibility, if only op would just tell us >:(

ID: h59j068

That was my interpretation too. Saying "2003 vs 2021" means you're comparing two things. Only two things there are the same image but one is removed. So the implication is in 2003 this post would be allowed but in 2021 it gets removed.

ID: h596o8r

I assumed OP was pointing out that in 03 Video conferencing was a cool novelty whereas in 2021 it's frowned upon

ID: h5ag8rl

He's mad auto-mod nabbed his post.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/15 05:43 ID: h58sukd

This post makes no sense

ID: h58x9au

It refers to how everyone is fed up of online schools and work from home through video conference apps such as zoom, google meet etc. Whereas people in the past probably used to think video calling would be a game changing invention or something like that.

ID: h58zdc0

I don't understand why the second photo is there though personally.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/15 01:19 ID: h5811di

It was cool until we got locked in our houses for x months...I'm looking at you rona

ID: h58g6af

It's cool when we want to do it..

It's not cool when we HAVE to do it..

ID: h58ikf3

I don’t know I loved it. In a Zoom meeting where I am just paying attention to gather information and don’t really have a participatory role? Great I can knock out folding the laundry at the same time. Or I’ll clean and organize my study while I have them on speaker. I loved it because I got so much more done during meetings that I am present for due to maybe needing to answer a question and then had more time available at night..

6 : Anonymous2021/07/15 06:43 ID: h58xlkk

I dont get when there is 2 pictures?

7 : Anonymous2021/07/15 12:40 ID: h59oglg

Why the second pic op?

8 : Anonymous2021/07/15 01:18 ID: h580xwo

That takes me back. I loved that little system. That was my first ever handheld!

ID: h5866cu

Actually, it's my treasure from garage sale. I bought this console for 5$ in unworked condition and replacing battery helped. And I start spend more money for games for it))

9 : Anonymous2021/07/15 10:58 ID: h59f8jl

When "futuristic and cool" becomes the norm, it no longer feels "futuristic and cool" because it's the present and normalized

10 : Anonymous2021/07/15 01:04 ID: h57zcpe

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga GBA

ID: h59d1l4

What is the point of the second photo?

ID: h59fpd9

What's the point of the entire post?

ID: h58oafg

Mario and luigi franchise is unmatched

ID: h58qwjg

It really is fantastic. I remember playing it expecting pretty standard Mario fun, and it was really something special. Stands out in the mostly amazing series of Mario games.

11 : Anonymous2021/07/15 16:58 ID: h5amijy

Mods are useless

12 : Anonymous2021/07/15 17:42 ID: h5astcf

Good ol times

13 : Anonymous2021/07/15 18:08 ID: h5awkoj

Some video game: “don’t holograms feel futuristic and cool?”

People in 2047: ha, remember when we thought stuff like that?

14 : Anonymous2021/07/15 01:18 ID: h580wjs

Man, I’ve been looking for a copy of this game

15 : Anonymous2021/07/15 05:04 ID: h58pkd2

I think about this sometimes when I watch the original seasons of pokemon and thought about how cool having those I thought having those TV phones would be. How we video message with my daughter and our families at least once a week.

16 : Anonymous2021/07/15 09:30 ID: h598zlh

I finally get it. In 2003 large video conferences were not a thing and wrre seen as futuristic. Now we find them annoying and don't even use our cameras. Idk about the second image tho.

17 : Anonymous2021/07/15 10:58 ID: h59fadc

The amount of people who don't get the second picture is astounding.

OP originally wanted to share how video conferences were viewed back in 2003 in contrast to today that we actually have them. This post was then deleted by an overly eager mod because... who knows

Further illustrating how much has changed in the opinion of video conferences that somebody could take offense to this.

18 : Anonymous2021/07/15 05:27 ID: h58rkp7

LiTeRaLlY 1984

19 : Anonymous2021/07/15 09:04 ID: h597axp

The fuck is this post supposed to mean and why does it have 4.2k upvotes

ID: h59bg8v

Confusion 100


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