Is razer deathadder + razed black widow compatible with xim apex? Does anyone also uses it?

1 : Anonymous2021/02/25 23:59 ID: lskosg
Is razer deathadder + razed black widow compatible with xim apex? Does anyone also uses it?
2 : Anonymous2021/02/26 01:26 ID: gos28vv

Worked for my chroma ornata and deathadder elite!

3 : Anonymous2021/02/26 02:09 ID: gos78a9

Yup, you’re good. For the keyboards/mice combos that don’t work, nine times out of ten it’s because they draw too much power for their LEDs. 90% of the time it’s as simple as disabling the lights and it will work. That’s how I got my Logitech keyboards to work. They would work normally during a few matches of COD and would power trip/fault causing the XIM to turn itself off (Flashing yellow). Once I disabled the LEDs I didn’t have any problems afterward.

4 : Anonymous2021/02/26 00:03 ID: gors66c

Should be compatible.

Some keyboards that use 2 USB cables can be problematic. One cable is dedicated for the RGB and the other one for the actual keyboard. Make sure to plug in the right one!

ID: gorsi8d

Both have single USB cables

5 : Anonymous2021/02/26 00:34 ID: gorvwl1

Deathadder works fine

ID: gorxinz

Any idea on blackwidow?

6 : Anonymous2021/02/26 14:05 ID: gotvp5t

yes both works, my setup are blackwidow chroma v2 and deathadder elite they work fine just remember to turn off the leds or to dim it as low posible.


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