Does anyone got any advice on getting out of plat? (Currently sitting in plat 1)

1 : Anonymous2021/03/08 02:41 ID: m05xio
Does anyone got any advice on getting out of plat? (Currently sitting in plat 1)
2 : Anonymous2021/03/08 06:40 ID: gq6pnv2

If you are in plat 1 already its just a matter of perseverance. I assume you are solo queuing so here are some advices from a fellow soloer: 1- don’t drop in line with dropship trajectory except if you are looking behind the dropship to see which areas have not been dropped on. In diamond I usually drop perpendicular to trajectory and as far away as possible. 2- stick banners and revive only when it is safe, for the last couple RP it is better if make it top 5 alone then die rescuing. 3- maybe pick an assist legend (crypto, bloodhound) crypto also help with getting banners and avoiding 3rd parties. 4- if you see yourself dying often on offense pick Revenant, him and octane are meta rn. 5- try to reach a good spot in the next ring asap, you’ll want to avoid chokepoints on the border


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