Free Talk Weekend | January 21st, 2022

1 : Anonymous2022/01/21 08:00 ID: s95oo5

Welcome to Free Talk Weekend! There are no specific discussion topics for Weekends. As such, moderation is more relaxed regarding specific and content within the thread.

What's on your mind? How's your week in Apex? How have your Apex games been going lately? Want to show off your stats or banners? Need some help or want to give out some pointers? Anything you want to talk about that wasn't brought up in a previous thread or did you miss a specific discussion topic earlier this week? Talk about it here!

This thread also serves as a group finder!

Looking to grind out battle passes or events? How about a squad for some sweaty ranked games? Or maybe you're just looking for a chill bud for casual? If so, look no further!

Helpful information to include in your LFG comment:



Game Mode (casual/duos/ranked/firing range)

If ranked, what rank?

Time Zone/Region

Special requests (chill, sweaty tryhard, mic/no mic, Discord, 1v1, etc..)

Alternatively, you can check out our Discord, which has dedicated LFG channels, or our LFG subreddit


Moderation in daily threads is more relaxed, but please stay on topic, be respectful of others and remember our rules

Got any feedback for these daily posts? Message Modmail with any valid suggestions and feedback!

2 : Anonymous2022/01/21 19:38 ID: htn14nl

it'd be really cool if I could hear people approaching instead of suddenly getting shot in the face because there's no footstep sounds

ID: htnbwit

Man love getting shot in the back in an "empty" room. With empty I mean a silent bloodhound and it's teammate walking in. Those moments make me want to just insta quit

3 : Anonymous2022/01/21 11:32 ID: htl44l9

Is it me or there is a crazy rubberbanding lag today

ID: htl6wux

i had at least three games in ranked over last two days with micro-rubberbanding. In ranked where I cannot leave lol. And the practice says if it happens for you, it does not go away unless you start another game, even if you get carried to top5 in the lagged game.

Funny that it is player-specific bug. My randoms normally dont experience rubber banding when I do.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/21 15:22 ID: htlvpxc

I hate getting matched with players with their mics plugged in sometimes. You either get that person watching TikTok videos, or playing loud music, having a personal conversation all game, breathing in the mic and those duo party players that will bitch and complain about you not using a mic the whole game instead of making call outs.

ID: htm62dx

My guy last night had a whole family reunion in the background but was making callouts like a mf. I was so conflicted

5 : Anonymous2022/01/21 17:57 ID: htmkv6b

Anyone else game stuttering lagging lately?

6 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:14 ID: htsixji

its fucking impossible to enjoy this game on the weekend as a solo player

you'll get teamed up with the most useless 200avg damage bots imagineable, meanwhile there are 3-stack sweats playing meta comps in casual

fucking ridiculous

7 : Anonymous2022/01/21 23:06 ID: htnzb5c

This game lags so fucking much! Why does my Xbox series X perform worse than every other system? Unreal how many times I get rubberbanded and commands are canceled because of fps drop.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/21 15:44 ID: htlz738

Hello guys. I'm an very old player and i'm super disappointed. Since when this game turned into play with friends only to feel good and happy???? Level 1000+ diamond 1 - 4 times and i'm getting mixed with some level 10-70 randoms that have no idea what they are doing in this game(pubs).
Let me explain how a few rounds go


1st - mixed with two random guys - one M&K and one controller. M&K is not good but his friend is like he is looking for new planets when he shoots. 0 control when he shoots, probably not even 1.0 k/d player but mixed with me 3.8k/d. Cool. Devs don't care at all.

2nd - mixed with two players from the country that loves vodka.
Me - Hey, guys.
...... 0 response. (meanwhile I can hear them speak their native language and don't care about me at all)
Me - pings location (voice chat - lets land there)
Random guy 1 - f*** america.
Me - *sudden loss of brain cells*


1st - mixed with two hard stuck plat 4.
Guy 1 - pings location that usually 4-5 squads lands and thinks he will kill all of them.
He dies in 11sec. Start screaming. *HELP ME, 1 SHOT, BOTS, F OFF, ;@ :@ :@ :@*

2nd - mixed with plat 1-2 and his buddy hard stuck plat 4.

Guy plat 1 - care only about his guy, you are not important to him.
Me - ping goodies - both of them MINE,MINE,MINE,MINE,MINE.
Me - yo guys they are fighting next to us, lets hit them.
Guy plat 4 - NO, I NEED 400 light ammo, 200 heavy ammo, 4 bats, 2 meds, 3x, 2-4x. and 301 + flatline or i'm camping.


ID: htm90fg

Your teammates will also be the ones to complain if you leave when getting knocked, but after watching countless brain dead teammates choke a 2v1 where they have a combined 300HP advantage you lose hope. Worst part is half the teams you fight aren’t actually friends, just losers in LFG channels looking for other sweat balls to play with because matchmaking is absolutely rigged against solo players that are halfway decent.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/23 02:21 ID: httrdhu

Why is the bruiser the rarest thing is this game to find on the floor or in a pill. I swear I could find Betty White in the afterlife before I find a damn bruiser not in someone’s box

10 : Anonymous2022/01/21 17:34 ID: htmgy3f

The SBMM is disgusting.

11 : Anonymous2022/01/23 01:29 ID: httk5i7

The dogfight audio was cool at first but now it’s just annoying lol. Also it’s funny how loud this is compared to footsteps

12 : Anonymous2022/01/23 02:09 ID: httpps8

Sometimes you just have to shake your head in disbelief how unstrategically people think.

Multiple squads keep rolling in. Two down. Manages to get banners because another squad intervened. Ring moving in. So what do you do? Get your ass out of there to respawn, re-loot and restart. Nope. Spawn at the beacon right there next to looted crates. Then call us bad when we immediately get rushed and downed because we have nothing.

13 : Anonymous2022/01/23 10:15 ID: htv5708

2 years, still shit servers, shit hitreg, no sound, loads of cheaters and favor for 200 ping tards

14 : Anonymous2022/01/21 12:58 ID: htlcgt4

If they want us to play Arenas SO badly, how about fixing the matchmaking?

ID: htlsw8v

This only good thing about arenas is I can say I have a 7kd from the 1 match I played Lmao

15 : Anonymous2022/01/21 10:00 ID: htkx2tr

fix treasure packs bug, collected all but didn't get rewards

16 : Anonymous2022/01/21 15:44 ID: htlzayv

The lag is so constant and getting worse it's hard to fight. Just now in a gunfight my character gets pushed to the left for a constant 5 seconds by an invisible force. It's either a random prowler that attacked me or the constant lag. Either way it's bad.

17 : Anonymous2022/01/21 22:19 ID: htnrx55

Desyncs are getting wild...

18 : Anonymous2022/01/22 00:16 ID: hto9y7u

Is the game laggy as fuck for anyone else these past 2 hours or so?

19 : Anonymous2022/01/23 17:40 ID: htwkaqt

I can’t believe there is still so many randoms who spam ping their banners when I’m still fighting or being chased with no health. What exactly is going through your tiny little brains?

20 : Anonymous2022/01/23 18:31 ID: htwsc07

Smurfastic experience. It's impossible to find enemies or allies on similar level.

21 : Anonymous2022/01/21 19:48 ID: htn2s12

Cheating is rampant today, in all modes besides duos...East Coast servers. I never seen anything like this in this game before.

Were new cheats released or something?

22 : Anonymous2022/01/21 23:49 ID: hto5xna

I got to Diamond finally and I have absolutely 0 idea how most of the randoms I get even got there. I think I just got 4 games in a row where my teammates wanted to hot drop and each of the jumpmasters in these games were the first to die. Infuriating.

ID: htogkdk

For alot of players diamond is the end of the grind.

23 : Anonymous2022/01/22 00:43 ID: htodvt2

Anyone else having insane packet loss and lag right now? My internet is perfectly fine absolutely wild

24 : Anonymous2022/01/23 10:03 ID: htv498d

Nothing more disheartening then breaking a gibbys armor, seeing his bubble go down and watching Him finish off a bat:/

25 : Anonymous2022/01/23 19:26 ID: htx0pww

Apex is a shit show right now, matchmaking is insane. I cannot get paired with a good teammate to save my life

26 : Anonymous2022/01/21 13:54 ID: htlj75r

Guys I’m starting to think we aren’t getting our swim suit skins :/

27 : Anonymous2022/01/22 16:19 ID: htra9qy

Fuck the shitty ass matchmaking

28 : Anonymous2022/01/22 19:52 ID: hts6udo

Gotta hand it to em, the dogfight is a cool thing to experience. Once.

The novelty wears off quickly and the start of each game becomes more and more annoying especially when it causes lag.

29 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:38 ID: htsmfvv

I'm used to get killed around a corner, behind a door I don't know how it got worst but it's getting ridiculous now...

30 : Anonymous2022/01/23 03:49 ID: htu3arw

Wingman is the bane of my existence. Its a good gun, but sometimes it feels like it only shoots ghost bullets.

31 : Anonymous2022/01/23 11:21 ID: htvadxs

I can tell this games audio is gonna be worse next season when you get into storm point and get no footsteps due to airplanes fighting.

32 : Anonymous2022/01/23 12:34 ID: htvgady

Gotta love early game storm point getting aped by a 3 man that you can't hear because of jets flying everywhere.

33 : Anonymous2022/01/23 13:15 ID: htvk2e8

So... those jets are pretty fucking annoying, huh?

34 : Anonymous2022/01/23 16:49 ID: htwc6y6

Lag, packet loss, DDOS or whatever it is…


35 : Anonymous2022/01/23 20:11 ID: htx7j8n

Horrid matchmaking

36 : Anonymous2022/01/21 08:10 ID: htkoli6

I love the major increase in smurfing as of late. Makes me cringe every time

ID: htkxfiy

Happens at the end of every season, either through players being bored or being hard stuck for too long and needing an ego boost.

37 : Anonymous2022/01/21 20:40 ID: htnbifz

Am I crazy or are bronze-through-gold lobbies absolutely stuffed to the brim with smurfs? The matchmaking feels worse than any previous season

38 : Anonymous2022/01/21 18:36 ID: htmrae6

I wish the store would refresh twice a week. Hate having a garbage store and having to wait a whole week. Even if the refresh is also bad. I just want voidwalker phase. I got back into apex the week it was brought back and didn’t even think about buying skins at the time

39 : Anonymous2022/01/21 19:06 ID: htmvws4

This past hour on

"Wow guys am I the only one who just had to spaceships fighting each other and crash landing in storm point map???""

40 : Anonymous2022/01/22 13:25 ID: htqnqo5

Mild rant here, I've been trying to get a 4k badge for a while now but it just seems impossible, even tho I've had plenty of 3k+ damage games, highest being like a 3.7k.

I still don't get it how most streamers have such an easy time in pubs. I'm playing on EU servers, d4 and 2.2 kdr for reference, and it seems like every other squad is just a sweatfest, no-mistakes kind of players, and I'm always expected to carry 2 level 100-200's that barely deal a third of my damage.

41 : Anonymous2022/01/22 18:08 ID: htrr3aj

Every single game is death by rampage.

42 : Anonymous2022/01/22 18:53 ID: htry16t

So many no regs. Hitsounds. Splashes on the target. 18 ms and zero packet loss. No dmg. Ded ass dogshit dev game.

43 : Anonymous2022/01/22 19:45 ID: hts5s55

Give us something other than legend tokens after levelling after 500!!

44 : Anonymous2022/01/23 02:32 ID: httsx2g

I've been trying to be a completionist for this event but man having to play 20 arena games in a week is brutal. This game mode is so poorly put together


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