Arena Mode Thursday | January 27th, 2022

1 : Anonymous2022/01/27 08:00 ID: sdt9qg

Welcome to Arena Mode Thursday! This thread is your place for specific discussion regarding Arena Mode.

Discuss what you like or dislike about this Arena mode; advantages or disadvantages of certain legends in this mode; how it compares to Battle Royale; your favorite loadouts to use; the different maps, or anything else you think would be of value to discuss regarding Arena Mode.

Moderation in daily threads is more relaxed, but please stay on topic, be respectful of others and remember our rules

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2 : Anonymous2022/01/27 15:05 ID: hug2grk

The 30-30 first round with the 2x is such slept on choice

ID: hug4hdt

Only if you don't need to carry 2 trash players

ID: hugdetm

Which is inexistent

ID: hug83dh

not true it’s good on round one w any teammate tbh

ID: huh4flj

Hell yes. I usually take the P2020 with it as well. The 5050 loadout as I call it. The 30-30 slaps in later rounds as well but not quite as hard. Getting a knock with shatter caps is always fun though.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/27 20:40 ID: huhljdr


4 : Anonymous2022/01/27 10:18 ID: huf7ggv

Bring back br POIs

5 : Anonymous2022/01/27 22:25 ID: hui2gv4

Absolute horse shit game mode, the ranked playlist that is. Most infuriating game mode ive played personally. Ranked mode is even more of a joke, why cant i see the rank of my team mates or enemies? Feels like basic stuff like and they omitted it

6 : Anonymous2022/01/27 10:13 ID: huf73s5

We all like different things and I like Arenas. So please, if you like BR, let me express my love toward this mode 🙂 Dear devs, here are things I would like to have changed:

If I buy Battlepass, let me finish it just by playing normal Arenas, without the necessity of playing BR. Make the "quests" be "do this in BR or this in Arena - 1000 pt". Some of us just want to play BR some of us just want to play Arena. You promised it as a new game within a game, so let me play the game I want without the necessity to play the other game. MMR balancing and different rewards/ranks - Remove the AP completely. It is non-transparent and stupid. Now everyone is comparing BR ranks to Arena ranks which is incomparable. It only makes problems. Make the MMR visible, so we know that the team MMR works. That the two bronze players and me equal MMR-wise to 3 mediocre players on the opposing team. It will never be 100% balance, but at least I know that for losing to such team I will get more or less MMR and I can see the mechanic working. Fact someone has platinum badge on my team and bronze badge on enemy team is a completely useless information to me because I don't know how they got them and how they gonna perform in the Arenas. This also means distinguishingly different badges for Arenas, so I can tell on first sight. Continuous lobby - don't make me leave and start another game. Let me continue to another game with my selected character and possibly my current team-mates Rematch - let me rematch with the last team Shuffle - let us shuffle the teams if the balance system fails

These are my main gripes. I would also like to see a classic TDM without the economy, just getting the items from the ground. That is very individual wish, but I believe all of us can benefit from the points above.

ID: huffgh4

Continuous lobby's and rematches would be super cool. Especially when you finally found good mates and the other folks are cool, too. Shuffle is cool, too.

Arenas could be way more fun like that.

I would personally love a weapon rotation in Arenas. Cut 50% of the weapons so people develop a new meta over the course of a split.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/27 11:34 ID: hufdgt8

Arena matchmaking is the worst mm ive ever seen in any pvp game, ever!

Im level 490, played around 25 games yesterday and i swear not a single time was any of my teammates above level 20! Most of the time i would get 2 lvl 6 players, like legit lvl 6, W.T.F?!?

But on the enemy team there was always a level 120, one 250+ and one 4k/20b wraith/octane. Lmao what a fucking shitshow!

The one thing that Apex does the best out of all pvp games right now is just make me wanna delete the shit game lmao

ID: hufpmbn

In ranked arenas there is no difference between bronce and Plat. They will be thrown together. That's why you can't see ranks

ID: hufpk1e

This is the general problem of Arenas. The level or BR badges don't matter but it is the only thing by which you can recognize the skill of the people, because for some unknown reason Respawn decided to hide the MMR from us. The system doesn't work bad because it's still a MMR system, it's just the way it represents the stats which is just pure frustration. Maximum potato.

ID: hugi1xi

For real. The matchmaking on this game is just awful.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/27 09:02 ID: huf1tpp


9 : Anonymous2022/01/27 20:03 ID: huhfimi

I play it exclusively for warming up

10 : Anonymous2022/01/27 20:31 ID: huhk1a5

Okay, so i came back after being away since season 3 and was surprised about a new game mode. I searched some guides up on youtube and everyone was hyped about it, but now the mode is apparently hated?

ID: huhkaxe

The mode itself isn't half bad, but the horrendous matchmaking just kills it in the egg. Unbalanced teams & matches just don't cut it for a 3vs3 in a controlled environment.

ID: huhl6eo

I've been max level and beyond since like S3 or 4 and arenas will give me literal level 10's sometimes. I can't deal with that shit lol

11 : Anonymous2022/01/27 22:02 ID: huhyurq

Arena is fun when no one is playing with: bloodhound, crypto, seer, autoRES, and turbocharger.

12 : Anonymous2022/01/27 14:55 ID: hug0xmy

I actually prefer arenas to BR, I thought I’d be in the majority but appears not !

13 : Anonymous2022/01/27 14:11 ID: hufupm5

Not a big fan of this mode and hate that there are so many weekly challenges that force you to play arena.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/27 21:33 ID: huhu3cy

I play 2-3 arenas before playing BR just to warm up

15 : Anonymous2022/01/27 22:53 ID: hui6pv5

When Respawn introduced ranked Arenas they said that there is hidden internal rank system besides your "public" rank like Silver III or Platinum I. Your randoms and enemies should have a similar hidden rank to you and the amount of AP you gain or lose is dependent of both of your ranks and the hidden rank of your enemies. So when you are still officially in Bronze, but the algorithm decides your actual rank should be Gold or Platinum, you will get lots of AP per win so you can reach your actual rank faster.

The downside is that once the algorithm decides that you are worse than your actual rank, a defeat will cost you a higher amount of AP that a win would have gained you. So even with a positive win ratio, you will still lose points. You will be trapped in a downward spiral where the alorithm determines that your win was unimpressive because the enemies it gave you had a lower rank than you, but you can't win every time because you also fight smurfs and get teammates who are just absolutely useless.

It's an absolute mystery how the algorithm comes to its conclusions. I have no idea how to get out of this loop as a solo player. Last season I won ten games in a row in Gold and only got +12 AP each (a single one in the middle gave me +18 AP somehow), then the first match I lost deducted me -22 AP. I guess you have to play as a full stack with friends who have a higher rank than you, so you can carry out coordinated pushes against randoms on one hand and also get higher ranked enemies and therefore more AP per win on the other hand.

16 : Anonymous2022/01/27 18:35 ID: huh12le

I like the mode, but matchmaking is brutal. Kinda have to play ranked for this mode cause otherwise the matchmaker just feels like it throws 6 people in a game with no consideration towards their skill.

17 : Anonymous2022/01/27 11:32 ID: hufdb6q

I hope this mode dies and gets replaced with control.

18 : Anonymous2022/01/27 16:51 ID: hugjcj1

Nothing has changed. This game mode couldn’t be worse. Unfun. No reason to move around the map. No reason not to deathball. Poke wars. It’s just awful. Just remove it.

ID: huglxwg

Yep. Nothing more than a live action firing range to get warmed up. Playing arenas just gets too boring way too fast.

Making it more than 3v3 and not having the same exact spawn location every time might help, but even then it would probably still be quite lame.

20 : Anonymous2022/01/27 12:22 ID: hufhwl4

Garbage mode that will be absolutely forgotten once control enters the game. Unless they fuck up even more its matchmaking, which is hard as there are 3 teams. Statistically it's harder to match 1 good player with 8 trash players. Probably the ratio will be 3 good and 6 bad

Also harder for ultra sweats 3 stacks to dominate, as I believe the 3 teams per each macro team are forced to be random. This is actually very good, because it prevents nine stack

21 : Anonymous2022/01/27 13:58 ID: hufszun

Unless they fuck up even more its matchmaking, which is hard as there are 3 teams

My understanding in Control....

It's 9 v 9. Two teams. Not three.

22 : Anonymous2022/01/27 14:05 ID: huftwrg

3 separate teams will be matched together to form the macro team of 9 players. No way to agree with other 3 stacks to be matched together as the other 2 teams will be forcefully random

23 : Anonymous2022/01/27 13:28 ID: hufp7z4

Yeah and the 3 stack will kill the other 9 players.....

Either all players stack on each other for pure chaos or you will have big enough maps, then 3 stack will dominate.

24 : Anonymous2022/01/27 14:02 ID: hufthg9

Nah, that's impossible. Doesn't matter how good they are, it's extremely unlikely that a 3 stack can kill 9 people on their own. It will always be more balanced than BR and arenas. I don't think it's ever going be to unfair to the levels of the other modes. I expect randoms not playing objective, that's quite obvious. But for instance in Halo and Splitgate there is this mode and when you lose it's usually just for a few points of difference (and it's 4v4, I expect 9v9 to be even more balanced). I've never been annihilated in king of the hill

Anyway to clear things as Respawn always fucks up names on purpose to pretend they are doing something original, this control mode is a normal king of the hill, while arenas is elimination

25 : Anonymous2022/01/27 21:12 ID: huhqn5o

there's a mysterious zero-recoil bug going around again. see it on every unkitted killcam. every spectation. lmao what luck all these people benefiting from this mysterious reoccurment have I'll tell ya. must be nice..

26 : Anonymous2022/01/27 21:31 ID: huhtscl


27 : Anonymous2022/01/27 21:43 ID: huhvsel


28 : Anonymous2022/01/27 19:44 ID: huhcgb0

The reason people hate this mode is because of the matchmaking. The concept itself is fine.

Basically, if both you and your teammates are the same level, then you actually enjoy the fight, win or loss.

However, most of the time you seem to be playing with Morons against a team where eahc member know what they are doing -- they may not be preds, but 3 similar players who know their legends are better than a low level lifeline who complain no fast heals and refuse to revive teammates, especially if your enemy's Lifeline revive their teammates.

Oh, don't leave arena because you will have penalty, even if they just DC instead of leaving.

With BR, you hot drop, you fight, you got knocked, you CAN leave and get new teammates.

29 : Anonymous2022/01/27 11:24 ID: hufco35

Sucks ass

30 : Anonymous2022/01/27 21:30 ID: huhtqqv

Dogshit mode. Strikepack premade fiesta in ranked and normals.

31 : Anonymous2022/01/27 17:58 ID: hugurjt

This mode shoul go away and comeback when it's ready to comeback

32 : Anonymous2022/01/27 19:16 ID: huh7vt9

Why completely remove it? Just work on it in the background

33 : Anonymous2022/01/27 17:13 ID: hugn4fw

Once again. Nothing else to add

34 : Anonymous2022/01/27 11:55 ID: huffdcr

Remove arenas

We have Control now

35 : Anonymous2022/01/27 14:01 ID: huftexo

Or, and hear me out....keep arenas and make control a permanent mode, too.

36 : Anonymous2022/01/27 16:54 ID: hugjvgq

Or…hear me out…remove the mode that hardly anyone plays because it’s complete dogass.

37 : Anonymous2022/01/27 21:10 ID: huhqenr

Do you guys think Arenas would be better with more players? Like a 5v5 format?

38 : Anonymous2022/01/27 21:44 ID: huhvycl

No, 5v5 for tdm or cap the flag or something would be awesome.

39 : Anonymous2022/01/27 22:38 ID: hui4e4r

My favorite moments in Arenas are when I wipe all three enemies alone, especially when both of my teammates are downed. This would be impossible in a 5v5.

40 : Anonymous2022/01/27 20:01 ID: huhf9fr

Shit mode and anybody who plays it more than BR is usually a bot

41 : Anonymous2022/01/27 20:42 ID: huhlsny

Damn bro who hurt you? Your comment history is full of toxic shit that cries for help and attention lol

42 : Anonymous2022/01/27 21:07 ID: huhpy1y

damn thats a lot of teenage angst

43 : Anonymous2022/01/27 20:19 ID: huhi3gl

I guess the bots are better than me, cause that’s all I play…

44 : Anonymous2022/01/27 14:29 ID: hufx7xp

This mode is still a thing? I've ignored arenas for so long that I actually thought they removed it LOLOLLOL

45 : Anonymous2022/01/27 14:59 ID: hug1m5z

Total garbage game mode. Control is going to be better even though respawn will do a shit job on that too.

46 : Anonymous2022/01/27 15:43 ID: hug89li

what is your primary criticism of arenas?

47 : Anonymous2022/01/27 16:52 ID: hugjldp

It couldn’t be worse. Unfun (slow). No reason to move around the map. No reason not to deathball. Poke wars. It’s the least exciting and inspired game mode I’ve ever encountered in a shooter.

48 : Anonymous2022/01/27 22:10 ID: hui032g


49 : Anonymous2022/01/27 22:17 ID: hui15oi

How do you have a legend under you username

50 : Anonymous2022/01/27 22:21 ID: hui1rat


51 : Anonymous2022/01/27 15:06 ID: hug2knh

It’s a good warm up, but i wish we can have 2 of the same weapons


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