Bangalore buff idea.

1 : Anonymous2022/01/27 13:18 ID: sdy7kb
Bangalore buff idea.
2 : Anonymous2022/01/27 13:27 ID: hufp0gu

There’s no problem with Bangs skillset. Only with the growing amount of counters there are.

ID: hufwzoe

Almost everybody and their mom has a recon ability

ID: hug491a

Oh yeah? Like who?

ID: hugqsi2

Okay, but hear me out. What if we buffed one of the classes to go "off the grid" so they can't be reconed?

ID: hufxpj1

True, I like to play banga in D lobbys, yesterday I utlimated a team in a bad position, the octane jumpaded, the wraith phased away and the walkyrie flew above it, resulting in a 0 damage ultimate

ID: hug80im

You zoned them out. That is the purpose of her ult.

ID: hug7sdr

Her ult isn’t a damage focused ult tho. It’s meant to seal off paths, make people change area/direction. It’s more of defensive ult really.

ID: hug480q

I mean, you did waste their abilities opening up for a possible push

ID: huga663

So you used her ult in exactly the right way. Getting enemies to f off. Gibby is the damage airstrike

ID: hugd6yq

That's... the point. They escaped like that because they had the abilities, but you can literally just run away as soon as the missiles start dropping. Like people have said, its purpose is to clear the area, the damage is punishment for not doing so.

ID: hugbs1h

No way you’re diamond with this comment

ID: hufyy43

Doesn’t there being too many counters make her skill set useless though?

ID: hufzrki

Not really, just makes it harder to play with She still has her airstrike and amazing asf speedup, and not all players are recon users/ paying attention. I kid you not, i went up against a seer ,bloodhound, and caustic I hid in a corner with smoke and the first to find me was caustic. The other two didnt even use their abilities.

ID: hug07c3

True but a buff for smoke control would still help alot compared to her current one. She also can't see through her own smoke. Counters can't be helped but it's a fact her skills and utility are falling behind on their own

ID: hug09d7

Technically yeah, but that doesn't mean she necessarily needs direct buffs. Nerfing the scan meta would go a long way in making Bangalore more useful without power creeping the game, though I doubt that will ever happen.

ID: hufyzk2

I would still like this change. Having more control of where to put smoke would be awesome.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/27 13:53 ID: hufsbot

I think it's a cool idea, but the real problem with bangalores kit is the scan meta

I hope respawn don't mess up the scan legend changes

ID: huga3fo

It's just Bloodhound really. Crypto drone can't see through smoke, Seer isn't picked much, and I don't think anyone's using Valk ult to scan a smoke.

ID: huggq2m

whatchu mean Crypto Drone can't see through smoke? Is this a new thing?

ID: hugypy4

I've been out of the loop. What happened with Seer? Wasnt he, like, out of this world good for a bit?

ID: hugbde0

It’s like bang should be unscannable in smoke. Make an event where her and crypto team up to give them both a buff

ID: hugfjyp

No- not off the grid. Please.

ID: hugqc3h

Titanfall has Electric Smoke, lore wise they could add a "scan disruption field" to Bangalores boring old regular smoke.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/27 13:56 ID: hufsp8t

People classifying this as a buff when it’s more so a QOL change And won’t affect literally anything else in her kit

ID: hufz8hq

Bruh I'm a bang main and i was honestly looking for some change with her kit just like this. This would make a huge difference in ranked or areas where the enemies have high ground. As a controller player i would have to lift my finger off the stick to hit smoke which would alter the initial direction i intended to shoot my smoke in. So this would be a lot helpful

ID: hug737g

What button is your tactical mapped to? Shouldn't it be L1?

ID: hug5vmc

I don't think this is true. The amount of scans is more of a problem then this qol issue

ID: hugis7t

This is objectively a buff. The amount of people that don’t know what QOL means anymore LOL.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/27 14:21 ID: hufw3is

Worst legend as teammate if you play solo imo. Due to the lack of communication the smoke more often than not hurts the own team.

ID: hufwqou

If a Bangalore is picked before me, whatever my plan was, now I pick Bloodhound. I was blinded too often by a teammate. Also, SMG with digithread now is #1 loot priority. XD It do be like that.

Worst case I can counter a bad smoke. Best case the Banga is good and we can engage together. Just to acknowledge, the latter also happens, and then it's a lot of fun.

ID: hufxx5p

That’s a good strat, unfortunately I am an awful Bloodhound player. Haha

ID: hufyfd7

Tbh, more people should think like that. I try to pick a legend that works well with others as much as possible. It tends to be me picking Blood/Gib or wraith/valk dependant on what the others pick.

ID: hugc3ix

Yup. We get a knock, about to heal up and push the other squad and then for some reason Bang rando on my squad will smoke them so they can easily reposition / revive.

ID: hugde4l

I play a lot of rampart and the amount of times I’ve had a wall and Sheila up ready to mow down an enemy team, only for my own Bangalore to smoke them and completely shut me down is infuriating

ID: hug93kh

Imagine getting a Bangalore as a random mate that actually uses smoke. My random mates play without their tactical 7/10 times.

ID: hug9gr8

That’s Lifeline for me. It seems like most of them don’t know about her res ability.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/27 16:09 ID: hugcevv

How about they actually fix the smoke first so that it consistently hides/blinds the people in it.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/27 14:00 ID: hufta8j

Now this seems more reasonable then it negating scans entirely.

ID: hugeqr2

... how? It does nothing of relevance, shouldnt even be called a buff

ID: hugkaox

Fr it’s just a nice change

8 : Anonymous2022/01/27 15:36 ID: hug79fn

This is one of the few times I've actually seen a legitimately good Legend balance suggestion. Well done.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/27 15:38 ID: hug7kd4

As A bang main please make it happen

10 : Anonymous2022/01/27 15:02 ID: hug221t

I prefer that she gets an advatage while in the smoke.

Maybe if she can have double time while in the smoke, then that would be more interesting and fun for her kit.

11 : Anonymous2022/01/27 14:50 ID: hug06bo

Bangalore smoke needs a rework maybe deny scan potential overall

ID: hug6tfn

would totally trash the power of a bang/BH combo

ID: hug7hzx

Just changes the way it will be used. It will end up being used for escape mostly if they went this route.

12 : Anonymous2022/01/27 15:26 ID: hug5mpe

No. Bang has been increasingly suffering because of the addition of wall hack legends not from her own kit.

She doesn't need a QOL change

ID: hugkktd

From an ACTUAL bang main this is a great change ofc she still needs a legitimate buff but this is not hard to implement

13 : Anonymous2022/01/27 15:04 ID: hug2a6l

some small additional effect to the smoke would be nice like her seeing enemies init similar to caustic or subduing thermite with it like it does in titanfall

14 : Anonymous2022/01/27 15:09 ID: hug3266

I'm cool with it. Please give bang anything she's getting powercreeped kinda. Not to say there aren't characters that struggle more then her.


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