Legit don’t understand why every new legend gets a wallhack.

1 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:32 ID: sjnjl6
Legit don't understand why every new legend gets a wallhack.
2 : Anonymous2022/02/03 17:24 ID: hvg0fnq

Rip Bangalore again

ID: hvhktwr

Can confirm as a Bangalore main this hurts me.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/03 19:01 ID: hvgglyw

They should make it so when you ride Horizon’s Q everyone on the map is highlighted since we’re giving everyone a wallhack now.

ID: hvghbk8


4 : Anonymous2022/02/03 17:18 ID: hvfzd3h

This kills the mirage.

ID: hvg3yvt

I think respawn forgot he existed

ID: hvg5bux

Seer’s tactical did that but i think they nerfed it hard in season 10.

ID: hvgttqu

I legit made a list of all of his bugs and I can confirm he is forgotten as shit

ID: hvg7rbb

Shoot mirage as they ult.

This kills the mirage.

ID: hvgl3aj

They need to have Mirage ult dispel scans at this point. This is such a hard counter it's actually idiotic to release it like this.

ID: hvg841e

Spoken by a true master

ID: hvgcvp0

And her tac kills rampart

ID: hvgf3ap

See for rampart I still need to see the interaction. Can rampart take down a wall that has the drill on it? What happens. What's the cooldown on her drill? Maybe it's long enough that it's ok and not too different from people shooting the amp portion down.

Overall yeah her passive neuters mirage and Bangalore and hurts caustic. Her tact hurts rampart and gibraltar. I think everyone other than gibraltar have a right to be pissed.

ID: hvgt6hc

Jokes on you, I'm a dogshit rampart main and I only use sheila

ID: hvg6ujk

And Bangalore.

ID: hvh9dxc

They should give the smoke Off the Grid

No, not joking, the smoke should counter scans in its area, so many characters can directly counter her Tactical, why not flip the switch and let her counter them for once

Justice for Bangalore

Edit: I just want the scan counters, anything people are tacking onto this I don't care for

ID: hvg9lbi

She is already deeeeaaaad

ID: hvggvr0

Maaannn I just realized we're getting another counter

Will Mirage mains ever catch a W?

ID: hvgkmdc

The thing is that won't it just show all the clowns from an ult in red ? Far as I'm aware when u bloodhou d scan or seer pops his ult u highlight the original and clones. Edit: hoping to God that this is what it does cuz I just got mirages heirloom and started playing him alot

5 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:44 ID: hvftuch

It’s damn near impossible to run away from teams now and I often pray the team behind me takes a right when I made a left. Now just fml. If she was a recon then there’s a point but just cuz you hit me for 6 now you can see me playing with my toes?!?

ID: hvgllvq

Damn, good point. Didn't even think about the implications of trying to make a break for it and getting thirsted hard. Especially if its Maggie with a shotty...

ID: hvgo97f

And speed boost ult ball thingy

ID: hvgncug

Yea My thoughts exactly. I could understand it a little bit more if her tactical damage did the highlighting, but it still seems unnecessary. I (like many others) am just sick of every new legend getting a scan ability.

They should really buff Bangalore’s smoke to negate scan. Only problem is with so many scan legends now it would just become a smoke fest. Starting to become a lose-lose scenario with all this focus on scan abilities.

ID: hvgr02v

i really like this idea of smoke negating the scan. hope they implement something like that!

ID: hvh0srt

They should really give bang smoke a passive idea that I just came up with called off the grid

6 : Anonymous2022/02/03 18:42 ID: hvgdgix

Damn so mirage just got hard nerfed

ID: hvgpy4f

Mirage can't catch a break, sadge

7 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:47 ID: hvfuauy

Did ash? Did seer? Did valkyrie?? Did fuse…? Oh…

ID: hvfxcn3

i haven't played ash a whole lot but that's just a stationary ping and not an actual scan right?

ID: hvfxw50

Yeah you’re right, it’s not a scan

ID: hvg6fmv

Fuse is ok tbh. His ult is to yank otherwise.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/03 17:47 ID: hvg4a64

They’re trying to get people to fight more, hence all of the wall hacks and bringing back hammer points. Quick short ranged engagements.

I do not agree with non-recons getting wallhacks though.

ID: hvgb9yz

Fight more? Bruh, pubs are already at 3 teams when ring 1 closes. lmao.

ID: hvgc91b

Lol, not wrong.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/03 17:13 ID: hvfyiay

I have an idea for a new passive for Pathfinder, It’s called “On the grid”. Basically, he gets notified anytime someone uses a zip line, because he’s connected to the zip line grid. It also shows him their shield strength and outline..

10 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:59 ID: hvfw7yw

I'm just pissed that they lied and said it was a highlight instead of a reveal. Now my bitch ass lookin' stupid for defending them on this

11 : Anonymous2022/02/03 17:12 ID: hvfyda6

Honestly I hear rumor of her passive being a "shotgun kick" that would allow her to kick down doors in one shot. This would fit her vibe so much better than yet another wall hack.

ID: hvgftit

that was datamined forever ago and disproven 🙁

ID: hvgdmqj

Passive has already been confirmed

ID: hvgwxa7

That was part of Husaria's kit, the only part of her kit that they confirmed to give to Maggie was the wall breach tactical. It would have been cool if they gave her a robo leg to match Fuse's robo arm, tho

12 : Anonymous2022/02/03 17:42 ID: hvg3ewg

Zero reason to add this to her. She already has the shotgun passive and a strong tactical with a pretty good looking ult

13 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:33 ID: hvfs1j4

Is this wallhack JUST for her or her team?

If it's just for her, I would accept it as it fits her charecter but if it works for the entire team, they didn't have to put another wall scan thing -_-

ID: hvfsl2p

Even if it's just for her I don't see why a non-recon character should be able to randomly get a wallhack on damaging someone.

ID: hvfvinh

Recon legends are just characters that can scan the beacon for the next ring at this point.

Pathfinder doesn't have a scan and none of his abilities grant info on other characters. He swings on a grapple and zip lines. His entire kit is mobility focused, yet he is recon.

Valk. What part of flying and shooting missiles is recon?

Recon is just a side class of assault. There's no need to be rigid about classes. Tbh maybe they should just remove the recon class.

ID: hvg4h5g

I agree. When they decided to buff fuse with his ult’s wall hack I didn’t understand why. They should have just put an X of fire inside his ring, that would’ve made more sense for a buff

14 : Anonymous2022/02/03 18:32 ID: hvgbvyl

As a Mirage main, I'm pretty upset. I get shot, try to send out a decoy to distract or use my ult, and I'm screwed

15 : Anonymous2022/02/03 19:43 ID: hvgndb2

Warlords ire should NOT be a fucking wallhack/shotgun speedboost.
Instead, make it the exact opposite of bangalores perk, where you damage someone and get a speedboost.

16 : Anonymous2022/02/03 17:29 ID: hvg1az3

3 weeks until someone has 10,000 kills with Maggie.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/03 18:53 ID: hvgfe4q

Bang definitely needs a rework now

18 : Anonymous2022/02/03 18:05 ID: hvg7avk

5 legends in a row with some sort of ability which reveals enemies. They need some new ideas


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