- All these octanes are just handing me gold helmets OC
octanes who have white helmet and still give the gold one to whoever needs it are good men
ID: gq7ew3z -
i dont follow the meta too much what does gold helmet mirage do?
ID: gq7ffx1Reduces cool down times for abilities. So for mirage that means more bamboozles.
ID: gq7bsrzBamboozles.
ID: gq84gdgYou can bab- bambal- fool' em more often.
Never played with an octane who didn't immediately take the gold helmet and refuse to respond to anything I said to them. Sad shit man.
ID: gq7gicbAs a true Octane enjoyer we don’t claim them among our noble ranks. My rule of thumb when finding a gold helmet is “whose Ultimate cool down really needs it?” especially if it’s ranked
ID: gq89fluas an octane main i can honestly say i never take the gold helmets i just don’t need them
This is the way
Well octane really doesn’t need it he has like the shortest tactile and ultimate recharge.
ID: gq7o8v8That's the point. If you play as octane and aren't a complete moron you should give gold helmets to teammates whose abilities take longer to charge and are useful to spam (e.g. BH scan)
Like my tactical is stupid fast why would I need a gold helmet better use for my teammate who has something useful
ID: gq8m5ztBecause you can stim...
f a s t e r -
Yep, that's it, you did it. You earned my free Silver Award.
Think of all the grapples I could use with a gold helmet!
with the jump pad buff i would rather give the gold helmet to octane instead of loba
Had an octane last night who took the gold helmet and refused to drop it for our bangalore and me and I was playing lifeline.
Yeah I don't feel right taking a gold helmet unless everyone else has one.
one time my team mates left me and I had to rat as octane. I found a gold helmet. It was weird to take it
Yeah people are so shocked when I come stimming up to them drop it ping and run away