- I Need Players to team up with for Ranked Mode in Apex Legends
Play 4, Rev/Bang main. GT: T 3 RR I0 N
ID: fo0fa1t -
My gt: OGdub56 I’m currently at silver 1 and haven’t been running any ranked recently but I got a group of friends that run really solid team play and you can join in with us
That’ll be cool, I’m down bro.
Plat 4 BidJSnickers above average may make a few mistakes but we are here to learn
That finisher in the smoke is sweeetttt!!!
GT: MamaVxnuus. I'm a wattson main looking for new ppl to play with. I'm kind of shy though so I'll have to get used to playing with strangers ya know? Oh yeah, I just got gold 4 today!
Diamond 3 here... Need help getting to master... Solo queuing is driving me crazy. Adietysrage is my gt
Hey I need teammates to play platinum V i main Watson loba and wraith
mpnlive.net is looking for players to join. ranked and pubs
I'm plat 4, pushing to diamond. Lifeline, Rev, Lifeline main. Hmu if you need one.
ID: fxxq4kxWhat’s your gamer tag?
I'll play I'm a 5000 kill path 115 wins
I Need a squad for ranked !!! My gamer tag is CrispyDuck14 add me up and drop me a message
I am Gold 4 in Ranked right now. If you can enter a chat on Xbox one and play well. Lmk so we can play. I really need a team who will listen and provide good team play.
gold 4! i'm shydarkelf. i play wattsy, path, octane, and whoever. i can be wraith. i play good defense and sniping but can get a knock and some nades in offense. i love nades.
ID: fo08yxcLol sounds good to me dude. As long as you can be a good team player and just be cool when we play. I’m down. Just be sure, your gamer tag is “shydarkelf”
Do you mind me maining Revenant?