Found an old friend in Last Epoch today. Always pleasantly surprised to see our thunder lad cameo somewhere.

1 : Anonymous2021/03/07 20:28 ID: lzyxl4
Found an old friend in Last Epoch today. Always pleasantly surprised to see our thunder lad cameo somewhere.
2 : Anonymous2021/03/07 22:11 ID: gq59ezx

How are you liking the game so far? I was thinking of buying it to scratch that itch before the D2 remaster comes out.

ID: gq5laky

It’s pretty good and in a great state for EA. Cant speak for OP but I dunked over 200 hours into it playing with different class/builds.

Well worth the buy in.

3 : Anonymous2021/03/08 00:57 ID: gq5sp14


ID: gq648s0

It's in the title, Last Epoch.

ID: gq63z1l

Looks like Path of Exile based on the HUD for HP/MP.


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