Is this what a superhero looks like?

1 : Anonymous2021/06/15 14:22 ID: o0fjkf
Is this what a superhero looks like?
2 : Anonymous2021/06/15 14:27 ID: h1unq6p

Hahah that punch to the back of her head was priceless!

ID: h1uohiz

And her shriek after eating that punch tho

ID: h1upiz7

Donkey punch

ID: h1w484u

I don’t think that means what you think it means.

3 : Anonymous2021/06/15 15:17 ID: h1uube8

That was so epic

ID: h1uuo4z

The way Bloodhound appears at the scene was so sweet

ID: h1uxo83

Extremely heroic

ID: h1vpmjr

dont mess with my teammate.

4 : Anonymous2021/06/15 16:53 ID: h1v7jin

Whys it always the day after i use my free gift, that I see a post that would be worth it

ID: h1vbwch

It's absolutely fine, your comment is enough to do the thing

5 : Anonymous2021/06/15 16:07 ID: h1v13f6

You can see from the sparks that he is overflowing with power!!

ID: h1v40bl

he has the one for all.

ID: h1vh1k7

The allfatha

6 : Anonymous2021/06/15 17:45 ID: h1vf1ea

Not all heroes wear capes, some uppercut the shit out of people

7 : Anonymous2021/06/15 17:47 ID: h1vfe6n

And as quickly as he came... he was gone.

8 : Anonymous2021/06/15 16:12 ID: h1v1rnn

Man's using One for All Full Cowling

ID: h1wgzz3


ID: h1w4n8m

LOL I was thinking of MHA too

9 : Anonymous2021/06/15 16:53 ID: h1v7jmm

Dude I swear to god lifelines hit box is busted and has been since season 1 always the only character I’ve had consistent issues hitting close range and long range. Something about the way her model looks when it moves is just wrong in my mind and I’m pretty sure it’s busted as fuck. Even like pre patch season 2 pathfinder wasn’t as bad I was blowing through them just the same but lifeline? Yeah good luck. I can headshot wraith mains point blank with a wingman hipfire like 8/10 times but lifeline dodges that shit like Neo and face melts you with a 99

ID: h1vb9eu

Hahahaha but I think I just wasn't hitting my damn shots

ID: h1vjgsd


ID: h1vpxek

you should play against me, I always get melted 400m away with a 301. I find pathfinders hitbox janky, or maybe people are using more hacks nowadays

10 : Anonymous2021/06/15 15:45 ID: h1uy2uq

Haha unexpected, that was awesome

11 : Anonymous2021/06/15 16:48 ID: h1v6qfk

Faaalconn PaaWnChh!

12 : Anonymous2021/06/15 18:27 ID: h1vl1gt

The Allfather gifted him with hands!

13 : Anonymous2021/06/15 16:47 ID: h1v6jwd

This was so funny! I wish I get moments like these in game

14 : Anonymous2021/06/15 16:59 ID: h1v8czr

Bloodhound in the clip here!

Your journey ends today.
15 : Anonymous2021/06/15 19:18 ID: h1vs6sd

Hound jumped into the fight be like


16 : Anonymous2021/06/15 20:41 ID: h1w3igo

clears throat


17 : Anonymous2021/06/15 16:47 ID: h1v6nd2


18 : Anonymous2021/06/15 17:19 ID: h1vb9pn


19 : Anonymous2021/06/15 17:19 ID: h1vbbbh

What beautiful RE-45 skin is that?

ID: h1vc2fb

Turquoise tranquility, from Fight Night event S7

ID: h1vcvyz

Thanks. Just looked up a couple of images.

My favourite weapon skin to date! To bad this is the ONE event I've missed in Apex

20 : Anonymous2021/06/15 17:34 ID: h1vdexf

shit i miss silver

21 : Anonymous2021/06/15 17:47 ID: h1vfb7s

God damn, that was amazing ...

22 : Anonymous2021/06/15 18:01 ID: h1vha81

The way he leaves on the zip line is so fucking hilarious

23 : Anonymous2021/06/15 18:03 ID: h1vhla7

James Bond moment

24 : Anonymous2021/06/15 18:20 ID: h1vk5hb

No one:

Doomfist mains:

25 : Anonymous2021/06/15 18:23 ID: h1vkgkz


26 : Anonymous2021/06/15 18:24 ID: h1vkmx6

bro that is flash

27 : Anonymous2021/06/15 18:04 ID: h1vhqqd


ID: h1vhrxe
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28 : Anonymous2021/06/15 19:19 ID: h1vsc0z

Bloodhound coming out of the fray with them hands lmao

29 : Anonymous2021/06/15 19:33 ID: h1vu0u1

I can feel the Octane's frustration

30 : Anonymous2021/06/15 20:06 ID: h1vymdx

Bloodhound with the shoryuken!!!

31 : Anonymous2021/06/15 20:18 ID: h1w0dtx

There goesssss my heroooooooo

32 : Anonymous2021/06/15 20:41 ID: h1w3k5n

Saitama be lurking underneath that mask. :p

33 : Anonymous2021/06/15 20:49 ID: h1w4kui

This is why you don't finish someone during an active fight when you have no health lmao

34 : Anonymous2021/06/15 21:17 ID: h1w8f90



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