Rampart is UNDERRATED (P.S. Ignore the breathing sounds, this was intense)

1 : Anonymous2021/06/18 11:23 ID: o2mtxq
Rampart is UNDERRATED (P.S. Ignore the breathing sounds, this was intense)
2 : Anonymous2021/06/18 15:55 ID: h280k1p

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Comment by Monsterclip:

Jeeeez that was disgusting. Awesome plays man. I'm a Rampart main too, but I don't pull off stuff like that.

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3 : Anonymous2021/06/18 11:53 ID: h277bso

Well played, man, fun to watch!

ID: h27tg8x

Holy armor swaps Batman!

ID: h28ber8

Check out his twitch if that’s your thing! He’s a super sweet dude and absolutely cracked out of his mind.

ID: h28gye7

Agreed !! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time !!! Pls have mercy on my team if we meet lol

4 : Anonymous2021/06/18 14:19 ID: h27np5d

Cut their lifeline into pieces

This is my best rampart

ID: h27r9bc


No bloodhound

Looks even better if I play it with no sound

ID: h27xgtj

I need a smokey and a knife. Should I pick Bangalore tonight, chances are that I might.

ID: h288gs5

Completely exed out of the thread before i got it, had to come back to up vote

5 : Anonymous2021/06/18 12:40 ID: h27bxkn

Came in for the breathing, stayed for the nice play!

ID: h282gk3

I was expecting some breathing but didn't even hear it through the madness

6 : Anonymous2021/06/18 11:59 ID: h277up9

will love it

ID: h27ixlo

Exactly what I thought

7 : Anonymous2021/06/18 14:24 ID: h27oarr

idk man I don’t think rampart is underrated I think you are, really good movement and smart thinking

ID: h27qu0m

Im with you on this, def seems like hes pretty darn good and was just using rampart

ID: h285o2c

I mean trying to push a corner with even offline amped cover isn’t as exactly an ideal choice

ID: h27xfw7

yea, thers nothing in this fight that a diff character couldnt have done better. hell lifeline couldve gotten both teammates up

ID: h28d74x

Can we keep on the topic talking about Rampart

ID: h27w1no

Yep. Nothing about the Rampart abilities were really utilized to help you in a major way. But the dude is very good!

ID: h27wuk4

He did a very solid job of throwing walls, hiding behind them and using them to maximize damage. But mostly he just fucked on 3 squads ina row.

ID: h288f41

This was much more on movement than rampart lmao

8 : Anonymous2021/06/18 15:55 ID: h280fvr

Jeeeez that was disgusting. Awesome plays man. I'm a Rampart main too, but I don't pull off stuff like that.

ID: h287kdn

I can't either, I'm too old for this shit.

I would literally need medical attention halfway through!

ID: h28fkch

rampart mains

ID: h28dwk7

Rampart is okay by herself. Can use a little buff (namely the setup phase)

The problem is that eveyrone is just go-go-go; you can't even "stop-and-go"

9 : Anonymous2021/06/18 15:26 ID: h27wj8b

Not to be a dick but there wasn't really a moment where Rampart gave you a meaningful advantage, it was mostly your skill

ID: h281ytu

Yea this was really a demonstration in how this game necessitates lots of movement, creative thinking, and shield swapping. This was like 90% of the work.

The other 10% you could attribute to the shield walls I guess. They did help protect quite a bit in the corridor. But so could have Caustic or even Wattson, to a degree.

Truth is the streamer just wanted an eye catching title and a easy way to show off his skill.

ID: h284hpg

Yeah there's a reason he hasn't really replied to anyone. He just posted it for the views. I don't blame him tho. It's impressive.

ID: h27y6cx


ID: h28400w


ID: h286t7m

The walls providing cover for his heals and realoads plus that extra bit of damage was not something you should underestimate there. I really don't like playing as Rampart but in that fight he did more than what some other legends could do. I doubt a Bloodhound or Crypto would've had the same chances in that situation. That said, Sheila is trash.

ID: h28kvdb

Sheila can break doors so its useful when someone’s blocking a door but other than that you right

10 : Anonymous2021/06/18 14:18 ID: h27njcq

So wall climbing in the rooms like that, is viable? TIL.

Love the shield swaps. It’s was so clean!

And those nade throws!

ID: h27ur7f

i think whatever movement to throw enemies off is viable.

ID: h28eush

Its viable if you can snap your aim right back at them. If you don't have top tier aim its just gonna mess you up as much as it messes up your opponent.

11 : Anonymous2021/06/18 15:24 ID: h27wavr

How am I supposed to win when people like you play this game. Good shit

12 : Anonymous2021/06/18 16:20 ID: h283tmn

So this is a great video. You played absolutely excellent. Way better than I ever could...
I feel like you could have done this, because you're such a good player, with any other Legend.

You used Ramparts Tactical a couple times around the :50 mark and benefited from some amped damage, then went Mastiff and Volt crazy on them. Like, I'm putting you all to bed type crazy. The video doesn't help me think Rampart is underrated though

I say this because...
You didn't run any LMG (so no passive)
You dropped her Ultimate, but didn't use it... except maybe as a decoy?
You staggered cover, but I don't think the amped bullets stack? (I could be wrong)

Anyways, you rock.
Thanks for the vid

ID: h292rif

Amped walls don't stack. Shooting through more than one wall breaks all subsequent amped walls.

13 : Anonymous2021/06/18 14:44 ID: h27r153

Rampart is good until the team wises up and walks away. Cool clip though.

14 : Anonymous2021/06/18 16:19 ID: h283nn9

This was like 90% skill, 10% rampart abilities.

15 : Anonymous2021/06/18 14:18 ID: h27njv4

These comments arguing whether or not rampart is actually viable; I think the most important thing to remember is that in this game the abilities only compliment gunplay and smart movement. Someone who is good at those playing a "bad legend" is going to DUMPSTER someone who is average at them, even if they are playing octane it wraith.

Now some abilities further compliment these skills like octane or wraith, but my point is that gun skill >>> abilities

16 : Anonymous2021/06/18 12:54 ID: h27df3q

Fake. The wraith didn't leave when knocked. All jokes aside, that was very impressive

17 : Anonymous2021/06/18 13:53 ID: h27kcsr

She’s the only character that got me a 3 win streak.

She has utility, but it takes a little bit of thought and her tactical‘s aren’t as fun as other characters. A bit bland, but useful.

ID: h282195

Plus her ult in a good spot is just devastating

18 : Anonymous2021/06/18 14:36 ID: h27pxg4

Damn dude you are a BEAST

19 : Anonymous2021/06/18 14:20 ID: h27nv32

Intense is an understatement!!

20 : Anonymous2021/06/18 14:34 ID: h27pqck

he played that extremely well composed

21 : Anonymous2021/06/18 15:18 ID: h27vgkw

Whenever I try to clutch like this and armour swap... The game for some reason swaps back immediately to my empty armour, it's so damn annoying

22 : Anonymous2021/06/18 15:38 ID: h27y4zm

amazing mechanics but this play wasn't really that rampart specific imo. no minigun, no LMGs, just some barriers

23 : Anonymous2021/06/18 15:59 ID: h280z9l

Most of this clip has nothing to with Rampart tho.


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