- Famous Russian repacker xatab has died
That's so sad. Rest in peace. I have a lot of repacks as backups for games I really like and own since they're smaller in size. I know his work is among them.
ID: gq30v4zID: gq5hjcvAmong us
Rest in Peace!
Here's a real photo of him, man was 100% russian and 200% badass
ID: gq3au2tSuch a sweet looking grandpa, and also a badass
ID: gq33mukA hero to the people
ID: gq350ezThose are some tasty looking Kebabs
ID: gq36hpzI dont get it tho. If his identity was known, how come he could still operate and create cracks/repacks
ID: gq3irw3And of course he's wearing cheeki breeki adidas pants. Rest in peace grandpa.
ID: gq4kz9bIt's really odd when you know you'll miss someone you never met, and never would have.
ID: gq4rzgoHe looks like a badass, rest in peace.
ID: gq38yztDidn't expect to be an old dude. Rip.
How about fitgirl? Any pictures?
ID: gq34w05[deleted]
It's really sad... I downloaded soooo many repacks from him. Always high quality, didn't had single problem, no BS.
Покойся с миром!
he was 60 y.o wow
ID: gq32xeeGrandpa Gamer
Rest in peace , Xatab thank you for making all the poor gamers out there play they wanted to play
ID: gq3wd3aAnd that's the thing.
My highest activity as a "pirate" was back when i was a dirt poor teenager. Meaning that any copy i made was never going to be sold to me in the first place, so the industry rhetoric about lost sales went out the window.
To add that guy was 60 and a really awesome dude in this day and age where publishers are greedy and most gamers are too rich to care.
In rus most gamers only used to download his repacks.
ID: gq4l9bcand most gamers are too rich to care
Now, I know we're the group with oilers and whales, but I just don't know how true this statement is.
ID: gq30qc8Publishers have always been and will always be greedy, they're a company, their focus is money. This is the real world
ID: gq5fiqlmost gamers are too rich to care.
TIL paying for media you enjoy = being rich
ID: gq3vxr5most gamers are too rich to care
What a shit statement.
This dude probably contributed a lot to my happy gaming experience. Rip.
As a Russian, F, you absolute national hero.
ID: gq3vct3It's always so funny to me to see people actually being proud of being Russian.
I can't believe he was doing it while he was between 50-60. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able hold my shit when I'm 50
ID: gq3l28hI'm 35 and still increasing my programming knowledge.
I don't think it's age so much as when you stop/retire, your brain starts going because you're not exercising it in that way every day anymore.
If you keep doing what you love, you'll probably be pretty sharp into your 60s and 70s. Some of the smarted people in my industry are in their 60s.
ID: gq36kgtDude if I am alive by 60 or so plus retired I am going to game until my eyes bleed. Getting through 30-60 will be a fucking nightmare tho, I can already tell
ID: gq5rirmKinda caught me off guard but not totally suprising, Skyrim mod community has some animation mod package called FNIS ( i dont get the jist of it but its basically a plugin package for new animations called FNIS that has been largely superceded now) and the author of that was 69 years old and wanted to enjoy his retirement as he put it.
It was kinda funny too because some people kept saying he was very stubborn and set in his ways and couldnt fathom why till they found out how old he was and collectively went "Ohhhh"
Aw man I didn't realise xatab was one dude, I thought it was just the name of a group. what a hero.
What's a repacker?
ID: gq2w41uThey take DRM free or DRM bypassed (cracked) games released by someone else and then apply their own knowledge of compression to reduce the download size, ideally without compromising on quality or installation time too badly.
For example a repacked release might be half the size of the full release, particularly if they also remove additional language options.
Basically you can think of them as a supermarket, making it more convenient to obtain your milk than directly from the farmer.
ID: gq2vy6bsomeone / some group that takes a cracked / pirated release of a game by a scene cracking group, and repackages it with a different installer, smaller sizes, removed foreign languages etc etc.
ID: gq36mt6Basically a smaller sized game files and installer for pirated games.
ID: gq37ckfA person doing god's work by cutting out the unnecessary stuff.
ID: gq4lyxtHe made it so people could steal games with as small a hit to their data caps as possible.
RIP you hero. I live in Malaysia and it ain't a wealthy nation. I couldn't have ever convinced my parents to buy me original games during my childhood so everything was repacked until steam came around and offered regional pricing.
I bet my childhood would have been much sadder without his repacks.
ID: gq5zciwI live in SG and the pricing for AAA titles is still absolute garbage.
Just look at Outriders.. It is over $80! I could get it cheaper buying from 3rd party sellers like GMG directly in USD currency.
However, I find most indie games on Steam does proper regional pricing the best. Like Deep Rock Galactic, Hades, etc. Got those game at reasonable price!
Be careful not to fall for websites that pretend to be associated with him. They did this with Corepack and other repackers.
Never heard of this man, but it sounds like he’s helped a lot of legitimate customers with his tireless work. Data caps should be outlawed!
ID: gq3f498[deleted]
Pour one out for him. RIP
This man brought me countless hours of fun that I normally wouldn’t have been able to afford as a teen. He helped me escape into my computer for the shitty situation I was in.
I’m pretty damn sad about this.
Russian Repackers really exposed me to Russian culture. I actually been loving Fit Girl's Russian Movie Nights and watched a lot of films I otherwise never would have.
RIP xatab.
What's a repacker?
What’s a repacker?
ID: gq3lnsiRecompress games at a smaller size into a download package. Very big in Online game piracy.
cry for him, he was a good man
RIP. xatab. Your legacy will live on.
Didn’t download repacks and never heard of xatab before now.. R.I.P, hopefully whatever’s next is comforting and cancer free
RIP Legend you won't be forgotten
ARR ARR Rest in piece ol' matey
Sad day for software piracy
RIP, and thank you for your services.
Son't know him but rip dude
wow fuckkkk i was downloading one of his repack a few weeks ago. fuck man.... REST IN PEACE you damm legend
People keep asking why xatab hasn't been extradited or prosecuted, is because he's from a country that's hacking America back to the stone age. As far Russian Authorities is concerned he's doing his patriotic duty lol.
what the did he die of?
Pirates keep inflated prices in check. They also can fuck over small companies. It's really up to you to act ethically when it comes to software piracy, because it will and should always exist.
Anyways, RIP. I'm sure he did great work.
ID: gq4tn5xWell said. I like to pirate ONLY games from large companies that already made millions on said releases. Pirating small companies and indie developers is very disrespectful towards them, in my opinion.
I don't condone piracy, but RIP.
Damn did not expect such a feels punch this early, rip to an actual Legend
RIP Legend!
RIP xatab
Rest in Peace.
As an uninitiated, what’s a “repacker”?
ID: gq3q1dw/comments/lzkofm/famous_russian_repacker_xatab_has_died/gq3lnsi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.reddit.com//comments/lzkofm/famous_russian_repacker_xatab_has_died/gq3lnsi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3Recompress games at a smaller size into a download package. Very big in Online game piracy.
This might be a stupid question but what is a repacker?
Someone who repackages games to fit certain niches, say u have a piss poor internet connection there are folks who will compress games down as small as they can possibly go with the strongest compression so the game size is much smaller.
The trade off is a much much longer install time.
Other repackers fit into other niches.
Damn rip
RIP Legend
Rip Bro.
Rip dude, thanks for bringing some of the best re packs,
I downloaded so many games from Xatab, hundreds of hours of fun, given to me by this wonderful man. Покойся с миром, Хатаб
Fuckkk RIP
Rest in peace comrade
Damn, that's a name I haven't seen in a LONG time. What a legend.
rip champ
Damn that sucks RIP dude brought joy to some people who couldn't attain it for whatever reasons
Rest in peace
This guy helped me accessing games when I was too poor to buy anything. Rest in peace.
I salute you comrade. Did God's work.
A bit out of loop with this sub in regards to strict rules, but aren't repackers considered here on the same boat as pirates, because they compress and publish copies of a legit product for free, since piracy here is forbidden to discuss about? I pirate sometimes games myself, because using 3 launchers to play certain games really is inconvenient. Just my general question and RIP.
You can discuss piracy. You just can't post links to downloads of pirated content.
since piracy here is forbidden to discuss about?
It's not
Yes. This guy was a criminal with no respect for the hard work of developers and artists
Lol shut up loser
A lot of tears for a mere repacker.
Never heard of him
xatab wasn't part of the scene nor he was a "group".
A person DIED
I'm Latin American, we pirate shit every minute, cracks go brrrrr
Replying to some individuals being too full of themselves calling others thieves, this is my reply.
You cannot compare digital piracy with theft.(as in calling people thieves or criminals) For many people downloading something from the internet is just that, no consequences, no harm to anyone, it's not really a criminal act, many people don't even know that they have to pay for a software because many times it's already available for free.(kinda the same with music, since most songs are available for free on youtube). Obviously that has changed with time, but say, early 00s, people didn't give a shit. The government doesn't even enforce laws against piracy, many countries don't even have them.
Nothing wrong with piracy
they endorse piracy and pirates now.
They do unless it's Windows 10 then they tell you it's unethical and possibly illegal to use a key you bought off the grey market.
Actually they seem to be against piracy of Microsoft products in general.
Friendly reminder piracy is illegal and immoral.
Friendly reminder that not everyone has the same morals or legal system.
God wont send you to hell for not paying a megacorporation 70$ for a game worth 20$ with a marketing fee.
Friendly reminder piracy is illegal
Fixed that for you
Piracy is a necessary evil. Although, pirating games from small companies or indie developers should be frowned upon. I prefer pirating games from large companies who had already made enough money on said game
One could argue that charging ppl for 30$ for an unfinished product with no way of testing it out before buying it is also rather "immoral", but what's the matter of "morality" in illegal activities anyway
Same. I buy all of my games but, due to my ISP’s shitty speed and bandwidth limits, I keep copies on Blu-Ray discs. Also helps keep my drives free from storing game installers (and use cool covers from