You want an event that ACTUALLY affects all players?

1 : Anonymous2021/10/26 12:41 ID: qg5jzn

Turn off the flea market for a week.

Scarcity doesn't exist for the people that have a ton of rubles. Lowering the spawn chances and trader availability of specific items doesn't effect everyone if these items still exist on the flea market.

Of course, you're still going to have the rare breed of people that have stockpiled ammo and armor. But a lot of people won't risk that gear if they can't easily replace it.

If you're going to have scarcity events, it needs to be ACTUAL scarcity.

2 : Anonymous2021/10/26 14:45 ID: hi4bwqg

jokes on you im level 3

ID: hi617iy

Timmy’s w/out flea access unite!

ID: hi5itxy

This made me laugh really hard

3 : Anonymous2021/10/26 14:08 ID: hi46lfx

You want an event that ACTUALLY affects all players?

Did someone say wipe Thursday?

ID: hi46q6s


ID: hi53fjg

Perfect, get my PC back from repairs tomorrow or Thurs.

ID: hi4a3ee

I'd be down for that,been playing about a month and a half or so, lvl 34, almost maxed hideout, about to get my first maxed trader, but I'd like to see what I can do when the entire time I'm playing I'm not running into fully geared chads when I'm on a pistol run trying to do quests.

ID: hi4eet6

Coming Thursday, 2027*

ID: hi512yv

lmao that’s the real scarcity event, reset everyone to 1.

4 : Anonymous2021/10/26 13:27 ID: hi4145s

If you have maxed out traders you don’t need the flea. Last wipe I got to a point where I stopped using the flea for guns, armor, and ammo.

ID: hi4dy8a

no flea.. no traders events.. /s

ID: hi4hp4i

I remember when they tried that in a pre wipe event, the result was the expected, every single map was dead.

ID: hi4qixs

No raid event.

5 : Anonymous2021/10/26 18:24 ID: hi58xev

Flood warnings in the Tarkov area. Numerous PMCs are reporting an inability to get to their hideouts and the stashes therein. Traders and flea market are all closed for the duration. PMCs are having to make do with small, makeshift stashes until the waters recede.

ID: hi5kzfw

Pretty much a bootleg wipe

ID: hi61jk4

Yes and also water somehow got into their mining rigs and their gpu’s leaked into my hideout full functioning. And oh yeah their meds too

6 : Anonymous2021/10/26 17:18 ID: hi4yvkl

This only hurts poor blokes like me. Have had shit raids past few weeks lmao

7 : Anonymous2021/10/26 19:13 ID: hi5gfaq

To extend the idea suggested:

- Turn off flea market for lvl >20

- Turn on flea market for lvl <20


Ragman saying something like "Yoo, you higher level/more pro pmcs are ruining the market for the small fry. Therefore no stuff for you!"

8 : Anonymous2021/10/26 14:44 ID: hi4bq8k

All tarkov does is penalize lower level players. As stated before there isn't much you cant get from traders at level 4. While this sucks it kinda makes sense, even with shortages the "professional" pmcs would still probably have access to gear.

ID: hi5vr8u

Huh? You can run near meta kits for AK and NATO platforms with level 4 traders

Edit: was confused…yes you can’t buy anything at level 4 player level. I do understand wanting to cater to players of all levels but balancing around players < lvl 10 at this stage in the wipe is tough

ID: hi60vmd

I think you misunderstood him. He meant at level 4 traders you can basically run near meta and that lower level players are getting screwed.

9 : Anonymous2021/10/26 19:41 ID: hi5ksov

flea market should be a flea market. only on sundays for 12hours

ID: hi61suj

holy crap, this blew my mind. this is it guys!

ID: hi5lmge

And closed during the winter lmao

10 : Anonymous2021/10/26 20:56 ID: hi5wly3

Scarcity doesn’t exist for the people that have a ton of rubles welcome to real life

11 : Anonymous2021/10/26 15:02 ID: hi4efbl

Of course, you're still going to have the rare breed of people that have stockpiled ammo and armor. But a lot of people won't risk that gear if they can't easily replace it.

I think you underestimate the amount of people with cases upon cases of armor and weapons.

And overestimate the amount of people with gear-fear.

12 : Anonymous2021/10/26 15:30 ID: hi4iivh

This would be a great way of testing the removal of the Flea. Some people want it gone entirely. My vote is to remove weapons, ammo and armor from the flea to focus more on leveling your traders and looting for your good stuff.

13 : Anonymous2021/10/26 15:57 ID: hi4mid3

As someone who hasn't reached lvl 20 yet it'd be great if they just unlocked the flea market for everyone. I'm not really big on doing the quests anyways.

14 : Anonymous2021/10/26 12:58 ID: hi3xn3k

How about entertaining the thought that various scarcity events are planed that aim to affect various "playestyles" at different points in time and that BSG are testing different iterations?

15 : Anonymous2021/10/26 14:32 ID: hi4a059

Shhhhh dont say take away flea on here, the community might hear you.

ID: hi5tlk5

Replace flea with Auctions. 12 hours, no buyout

16 : Anonymous2021/10/26 16:42 ID: hi4tfka

Why can’t we have events with double the amount of Scavs, raiders on all maps, boss spawns 100% every raid. You know, fun stuff.

17 : Anonymous2021/10/26 20:25 ID: hi5rnsx

that would be cool but more people than you think have a stash full of kits

18 : Anonymous2021/10/26 20:27 ID: hi5s2lz

Turn off the flea market for a month, fuck it turn it off for an entire wipe and watch the game get 1000x more fun.

19 : Anonymous2021/10/26 12:58 ID: hi3xl9x

The thing is: people don't want to play with dogshit gear. As much as community dislike flea as a whole, we should also agree that ability to play with all cool guns is what keeps majority of playerbase busy. Some core hardcore players won't agree but currently it's a minority of players. So such event probably will decrease EFT's online.

P.S I still want a full game's redesign without FLEA or without it's current itteration, and make it exciting to play again, but sadly it's easier to say than to make it work.

ID: hi41p8m

I personally love playing with dogshit gear, the problem is that it's not viable when Chad McThiccums claps your cheeks from across the map with thermals. Doing a naked pistol run is fun as hell to me, but I also love going in tanked as fuck

ID: hi46mt3

This, dog shit gear is more fun then anything else in this game when everyone is running it. Mowing down a guy with a kedr just to take his paca and mosin just feels good even though it’s not worth much

ID: hi4l0dz

Nothing is more fun that obliterating the knee caps of a chad with a kedr kit I spent 50k roubles on

ID: hi4jjfe

The thing with gear however is that everyone is running around in A-tier gear. If everyone is running top tier gear then why have said gear in the game?

Or to say it in other words: If everyone is special then no one is.

I want to run around in gear that ranges from shit tier to god tier and I believe a Tarkov, where you will never know how decked the next enemy you encounter is, is the best Tarkov.

ID: hi4dcf9

Strong disagree.

I think most people don't want to be using dog shit gear when they always have to fight chads with good gear.

I don't think most people play the game not enjoying the first 20 levels just so they can get the flea and buy the "real" guns. at that point its just like a weirdly gated COD lol

ID: hi5kiau

Bingo. Old Tarkov you'd run into all sorts of stuff. Now it's scavs with eh gear or Chadwick "Market me Guns" Cheekums eating your ammo like it's Looney Tunes.

ID: hi3zt53

People generally dont want to play with dogshit when the average player is using the BiS stuff off the flea.

If everyone was forced to use what they found or had on hand vs having access to endless gear on the flea dependant on your rouble count, it brings it closer to early wipe where more players are on a level playing field for gear. If players know there will likely be more enemies wearing dogshit they are less inclined to gear up with good shit anyways because the risk isnt worth the reward.

ID: hi439lv

Lvl 4 traders have just about everything you need to run meta kits, apart from needing items to barter for stuff like slick. What would end up happening if they removed flea is that new players would stand 0 chance against anyone with high level traders because they would be forced to shoot doo doo bullets when everyone is rocking tier 5 and shooting 55a1 and bp. Would essentially force anyone new to just run shotguns and shoot for legs until they get lvl3-4 traders. Atleast now they new and bad players have a shot and can pay out their arse for some meta bullets on the flea to have a fighting chance.

ID: hi4cwym

people don't want to play with dogshit gear

Going to elaborate on this: people, generally, don't want to play with dogshit gear because big numbers make brain happy and let's face it, Tarkov is a Looter Shooter. These scarcity events are a bandaid on something you can't fix. BSG needs to admit that they've designed a military themed looter shooter not a realistic hardcore simulator.

ID: hi43v5v

Counterpoint: Yes I do

20 : Anonymous2021/10/26 15:22 ID: hi4h99p

This sounds just as bad as the current event.

ID: hi4ief3

But we can suffer T O G E T H E R

21 : Anonymous2021/10/26 14:57 ID: hi4dohv

uhm nope, i mean once u have all trader to lvl 4 the only reason to open flea is to sell stuff to low level player. so closing the flea will only influence the people who already struggle.

22 : Anonymous2021/10/26 16:00 ID: hi4n1u8

The flea market is the only way that casual players can fight against Chad's. Removing flea for a week will make it dead. Flea is a nice thing to have anyways. Without flea many people wouldn't get pass the most earliest quests.

ID: hi5jwe7

Plenty did prior to the Flea Market. It kills the entire point behind scavenging for goods. Just grab money and you're set. Bad mechanic is bad.


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