What’s a staple of Russia that Tarkov is missing? Snow. What could create need for different loadouts or scenarios? Snow. I think EFT as a game needs at least a snow event or season or something. It would really create a foreboding atmosphere and maybe have you wear gloves/coats or suffer a stamina/gun-holding stamina reduction.
Planned DLC.
ID: hjq857rID: hjqdae8That's exactly how it would work. It's probably going to be a specific map that has snow, less server load. Or a seasonal thing.
ID: hjpk7zboh
ID: hjpllv4Nikota just mentioned on the podcast I think 2 days ago that it is planned. A lot of stuff unfortunately will have to stay in the planned section until closer to full release. He sounded like they were trying for a 2022 release but we'll have to see because there are a lot of things they want to implement first. Or atleast I think that is what he meant. But a planned feature.
having proper footsteps, while a performance nightmare, would be amazing. see a dead body and a trail of footsteps leading away, after hearing gunshots a minute ago? now tarkov is a hunting game.
ID: hjqczu7pubg did it years ago with no noticeable performance impact and 100 players at once
Russia is huge and has damn near every type of climate in it.
I wanna see em all. Gimme desert maps and whatnot
ID: hjpnvvvOh man, I already have to give my teammates my emergency water during raids because they med so much. Those motherfuckers gonna die in the desert hahahaha.
ID: hjqnptcEh, the game is called Escape From Tarkov which takes place near St Petersburg not Escape From Russia so it would kinda ruin the whole world being built
That also gives the option of being able to track people's footsteps... which would be interesting for sure.
Good thing winter is about to start. Well, on the western world at least haha
ID: hjpymoq“western world”
Excuse me sir but you’ve got your hemispheres mixed up.
It's a future planned payed DLC
What a great original idea that you were the first to come up with
ID: hjpgfzadid i ever fucking say that i was the first to come up with it? no. i don’t care who else said it. if they did, i’m just spreading the word
ID: hjplt64Yeah this subreddit is toxic AF and if you don't watch every post that pops up everyday you get downvoted into oblivion.
ID: hjpm6xsyeah i had this idea around christmas hoping they would add a snow map but i know i wasnt the first. a snow map would be dope hopefully big like woods but with more loot and more things then just trees a rock and some wood piles
ID: hjqei8yBro shut the fuck up. Know what’s more annoying than reposts? Sarcastic pricks who don’t contribute shit to a conversation.
Snow is already in the game both as weather and as a ground texture.
Agree but if they didn't make it easy to acquire white gear it would be a fucking nightmare playing against Chad's that can see you across the map.
maybe they’d finally make use of that body heat mechanic, like if your not wearing proper gea
you’ll start to shiver and your aim becomes unsteady
I've heard this being said and confirmed before, but how is that even going to work? The people who don't buy the dlc will just have regular maps? Seems kinda weird to have as a paid feature
Or perhaps it would be more correct to say it's a feature coming post launch