This is the thread for the New Years Drops Event. The dates for the drops are as follows.
Start: December 28, 2021 @ 1:00pm MSK
End: January 9, 2022 @ 1:00pm MSK
You can find a link to all the days streamers and what to do to setup your account for Twitch Drops HERE. There is also a fun little video posted by Battlestate Games on the setup process here.
FYI: Unlike previous drops events for EFT, this time around you need to press "Claim" in your inventory on Twitch.
Go to a participating live channel
Watch for 2 hours and claim the reward EFT Common Day 1 Watch for an additional 4 hours and claim the reward EFT Common Day 1 Watch for an additional 4 hours and claim the reward EFT Common Day 1 Watch for an additional 4 hours and claim the reward EFT Rare Day 1 Watch for an additional 4 hours and claim the reward EFT Rare Day 1 Watch for an additional 4 hours and claim the reward EFT Legendary Day 1All discussions about the drops event should occur in this thread and posts will be directed here.
Dear players,
Our servers are currently overloaded, but this is not related to the Twitch Drops event we're running. On the release of Patch 0.12.12 we had more CCU and the backend was more overloaded than now.
Some issues show themselves only under heavy load (like the one we're currently experiencing) and "buying more servers" won't fix these issues. Such heavy load occurs during prime time only and it's been far heavier than one or two years ago, as the game became more complex.
We are working on identifying the nature of these issues and on how to lower the chanсe of them happening in the future. Our methods include replacing hardware, eliminating unstable nodes and adding changes to the software, for example a temporary queue system and different kinds of backend optimizations.
The queuing mechanism in the launcher has been introduced in order to prevent the backend servers from overloading and avoid game-related issues resulting from that overload. This is a temporary solution. We are working to reduce queues as soon as possible and our goal is to eliminate them completely.
Our team will continue to work during the holidays until we resolve these issues.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and support. @news
Does BSG know that a human needs around 8 hours of sleep a day?
ID: hqazmi5ID: hqb60j3they want you to leave the stream open 24/7 to viewbot tarkov
Lol Pestily said he sent a message to BSG about the time commitment; but he also knew there was an extension out there you could install if ppl wanted to go AFK
ID: hqak3igThe problem is also that the start time for the time slot is super early for U.S, so people literally have to set alarms to wake up at 5am-2am depending on your timezone just to make sure they can get the full 22 hours in
ID: hqane0wYeah would be nice if the time ranges were localized…but I guess for once we Americans know what it’s like to be on the other side haha
I have to stay awake 22hr for the legendary drop it seems. Its a little bit BS(G).
Well looks like I won't be bothering with this at all
ID: hqh4sc7Drops are garbage loot anyway
this seems like an absolutely awful system, having to claim every 4 hours(plus the inital 2 hour drop) for an entire day...
ID: hqb9xuqTo get a water bottle just like me lmao
ID: hq9qs9yTwitch did this shit for Rust on their last drop event. It's fucking terrible. Micromanaging drops and having to watch for absolutely ridiculous timeframes is trash.
22 Hours seems a bit extreme, though I guess it's going to depend on what you actually get from "Legendary" drops.
Commons - 5 Esmarch / 2 EWR / Ushanka
Rares - 3 Wires / Beard Oil
Doesn't seem worth at all so far.
ID: hqe6gzzOne of my rares was slender mask :/
I have used this extension for chrome before to claim drops whilst AFK. It may help some of you.
ID: hq9xpk9Good to know
ID: hqao2p9Do you have to be on the open tab?
So I need to watch 22h per day (AND confirm every 4 hours) to get the "EFT Legendary" drop ?
If items like cases are considered "legendary" then the old random system was way better.
ID: hq9ky3kWe can't just have it running anymore?
ID: hq9l665Correct, you need to press claim.
ID: hq9zppiYeah, this is horseshit. Hunt did drops recently and it was like 2 hours a day ( and not over holidays!)
22 hours, absolutely ridiculous, even for EFT players.
ID: hqbebm0Bro this is a hardcore game for hardcore people! If you can’t open a stream at 3 am and leave it running 24/7 then gtfo of my hardcore game!
First rare drop, 3 CPU fans. CPU fans are not what I'd call "rare".
If the legendary drop isn't amazing, not bothering with the rest of the days of this event. 22 hours a day is just ridiculous, especially if the drops are crap.
ID: hqdfj2iSecond rare drop was 1 weapon parts.
These drops are actually laughable for the time requirement to get them.
ID: hqdzxw4Legenday drop was a TacTec Armoured Rig.
Solid, but not sure I want to continue with the rest of the drops.
ID: hqdwpofHoly fuck that’s bad.
This event would be so much better if we got the xmas balls every 3 hours instead.
Wait so if I woke up too late today and didn't tune into a stream exactly when they started, am I now going to lose out on items because I need 22 hours to claim them all?
ID: hqbtpwmCorrect
ID: hqd9vbpYep.. The drops started at like 6am for me, so I'm out of luck to get the legendary... Stupid
So basically you have to have a stream running for 22 hours, and every 4 hours goto a web page and click button, so sleeping in between those 4 hour intervals.
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT. BSG, hang your fucking heads in shame.
This is hilariously bad, we are basically viewbotting for BSG if we want the good drops.
ID: hqajtwrThat's all the drop events have been. They basically pay us with in game items for MASSIVE free exposure on Twitch. That's how the game absolutely took off, after the first set of drops introduced tons of people to the game by streamers playing and having huge viewership
ID: hqao3iwIsn't that all pretty much any Twitch drop campaign is regardless of company. I get a lot of people enjoy Twitch and for a lot of them drops are a nice added bonus but for all of the people who don't care about it its just an artificial boost. Ever since they were first introduced if I game I like has had drops its just idle a stream and mute and minimize. Only thing has changed recently is the forcing you to click claim so now we need the Chrome addon.
Damn this sucks for people who have a job or a life
This has to be a mistake. 22 hours in a 24 hour period to claim drops on day ONE of ~2 weeks? Is Twitch and BSG actually trying to kill people?
ID: hq9s8a8Took a while, but my first drop just came through, double barrel shotgun (Prapor message, 7 day claim time for those interested). Can't complain as it is free, just need the daily to pop up again. 😀
Start this as a comment thread for drops you got. I got a water bottle(:
ID: hqa6tbs7 esmarch
2 Emergency Water Rations 7 Esmarch Tourniquettes Double Barrel ShottyRare
2 Whiskey Bottles MP5 SDLegendary
MP7A1 unmoddedI didn't expect much, but im still disappointed. That "Legendary" drop sucks hard. Not even considering that we pay for all this with server stability...
The way the Twitch drops are stuctured is an absolute joke. It is a thinly veiled encouragement for players to legally viewbot your game to artificially increase it's perceived popularity on Twitch. On top of that, the drops from actually watching are trash. The event is causing massive server instability, game crashes, lag spikes, you name it. The difference in playing the game over the last 2 days (compared to start of wipe) is night and fucking day.
I was willing to look the other way for the drop structure originally, because the drops are garbage so I feel no desire to tune in on Twitch and waste my time. But, you can't even ignore the event and just PLAY because the servers keep crashing, and menus take fucking ages to load. Instead of popping into my stash and quickly choosing my next loadout, there's a 5 second delay at a minimum, any time I move a piece of gear onto my PMC, or try to load a mag, or try to mod a gun. And that's assuming my game doesn't fully crash out, or kick me to the main menu due to "object transfer" not working.
If you cannot keep the servers stable during the events, stop doing them. All you're doing is making it "look" like the game is increasing in popularity, while destroying the game for people who are actually trying to play. This went from a wipe I was over-the-moon excited to play, to a wipe I might not touch again after this week.
the game is unplayable. Can't move items in stash. END THE FUCKING TWITCH DROPS. THE ITEMS ARE SHIT AND IT IS FUCKING UP THE SERVERS
Wonder if BSG had control over the drop format or if it was on twitch to decide. Me no likey this formaty
ID: hq9kselMy assumption is that it's to drive engagement for the streamers. But I don't actually know.
ID: hq9nxtcProbably an attempt to stop people afk’ing it. Fortunately there’s auto drops claim extensions for chrome
Easy, after you've played hundreds of hours in EFT the 'human' part dissipates on its own.