There are two primary reasons why you should always shoot adolescents in Tarkov, if you hear them over VoIP.

1 : Anonymous2022/01/13 18:21 ID: s35wt9

1) They're not even old enough to play this game. I don't care whether they stole their parents credit card or bitched until their parents bought them the game, this game is not for kids.

2) I'm sorry if there are well behaving and mature adolescents here, but I am honestly never again taking any more chances. I've been playing multi-player games for a little over 20 years now and that one stereotype is true - majority of kids are shit, have no morals, no ethics, no verbal boundaries and no care in the world. Taking a chance with them, especially in a game like Tarkov, will at least 90% lead to a backstab.

2 : Anonymous2022/01/13 20:26 ID: hsj7pd3

Tarkov isn’t a game I’m gonna trust a kid talking to me. Lol to much to risk. I only really use voip when scaving. To many of my quests are to kill pmcs now so I shoot on site

ID: hsjsy2w

True on the last part. Just when voip was added most pmc's were talking aswell, I was afraid the player's were gonna turn into softies who ask first shoot later. Instead of the other way around. Luckily I mostly just shoot on sight

ID: hsjzjeq

I had a fantastic experience in dorms on customs a few days ago chatting to a pmc as a pmc. I needed to kill him for a task, he asked about resolving peacefully, had a lovely chat, and then we fought after he shot at me when I said I couldn’t promise anything. No lying over being peaceful, we had a good fight, it was great

3 : Anonymous2022/01/13 18:25 ID: hsio3ru

Yeah kids in video games are vile. Even the AI ones in Skyrim. Fuck them.

Rust has put me off remotely ever trusting a child in a video game.

Personally I believe you should lure them out with voip, tell them you know where loot is, then pop them in the face.

ID: hsiu78h

Same here. Rust taught me that kids are basically untethered fucking sociopaths with no regard to, well anything. In my experience kids are about 10x more toxic because they are still in that "Oh you built a sandcastle and love it? I'm gonna destroy it cause your tears are funny"

ID: hsivy5x

There's a reason that according to the DSM-5, you can't get diagnosed with psychopathy before the age of 18.

Because all kids are fucking psychopath lol

ID: hsiur63

Yeah kids playing online games unsupervised just leads to a shocking lack of empathy. One of my favourite videos ever is that little griefing Russian kid getting bullied by an admin on Minecraft, not for sadistic reasons or anything, it's just likely the first time he couldn't shit on someone online.

Imho kids shouldnt be playing online games that let them feel superior by shitting on other people, either they win and end up with superiority issues, or they get stomped, and end up with inferiority ones.

ID: hsj97h4

Man I feel like so many of us come from Rust in escape from tarkov.

ID: hsjoe16

Yep, Came from just but can't play it because you need to be a desk shitter and play all day to stop your base getting raided

ID: hsjdfyy

What about teenagers lol, I’m usually the one using voip and getting backstabbed by others ( adults too )

ID: hsjeq29

I mean it depends, like usually kids are the 11-14 year old variety. You'll find that a lot of the adults on here act like children as well though so you only really have a voice to go on.

ID: hsjgdft

Yeah, people are trying to make this a generational thing and half the population of people are just shitty in general… let’s not make this a boomer vs millennial vs gen z thing.

ID: hsjhuib

The only person who ever betrayed me was an adult with deep voice, not some teenager. I don't see any reason why I wouldn't trust someone based on his age or voice.

ID: hsjl3oy

lmao, time to speak in a lower tone so that people wouldn't KOS me lol.

ID: hsjonqn

Thats evil i died like this 5 Times by now and its always so fucking awful like im trying being friendly and you Just gonna shoot me?

ID: hsjp8iy

If your age is on the clock, you get melted by the glock, or anything else I can shoot you with.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/13 20:22 ID: hsj6yk1

I learned this back in the Day-Z days

ID: hsjy30w

Alternatively dayZ taught me how to be peaceful in tarkov.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/13 21:12 ID: hsjevdy

I'm a grown woman that fully sounds like a little boy over voip. RIP me.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/13 19:27 ID: hsiy52c

Also: Fuck them kids!

ID: hsjit9k

This right here officer

ID: hsjnaxf

As an officer, I'll allow it with these kids.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/13 21:07 ID: hsje1z1

As a 19 yr old male who has a higher pitched voice, I have had to deal with people thinking I am a child. I don't know if that has had to deal with any VoIP interactions I have had in Tarkov but it has in other games.

I also understand your other point though. Maybe don't shoot right when you hear, that's all I'm saying. Or if you do shoot right away, can you at least miss some shots instead of head-eyes-ing me.

ID: hsjf2um

19 year olds are basically children. -college student

ID: hsjh12a

College students are basically children - college graduate.

ID: hsjp9n9

As a 23 year old girl, people also often think I’m a child lol, so I’m definitely with you on this one.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/13 22:16 ID: hsjp0os

never stopped playing like I did pre-VOIP.

Shoot once, double tap, no need for further questions.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/13 22:22 ID: hsjpy1x


10 : Anonymous2022/01/13 22:16 ID: hsjp2fs

Man. I've already ran into a few guys like you, saying stuff like "Fuck off kid, leave. I don't trust kids in this game. No I won't be friendly if I see you I'll shoot. Just leave."

Meanwhile my 28yo ass with little bitch syndrome is just tryna make friends. I can't help my high pitch voice Q.Q

11 : Anonymous2022/01/13 21:10 ID: hsjej16

The VR space was basically ruined by the fact that Facebook doesn’t actually enforce the law about kids being 13+ online. Quest 2 was a huge Christmas item for kids and now the entire VR space is a fucking shit show. It’s all just kids. I never play multiplayer games anymore as a result.

12 : Anonymous2022/01/13 18:39 ID: hsiqfgo

I don't give a damn how old a player is, i'm just sick of seeing all these asshats with racist playernames.

ID: hsjet57

I’m pretty sure reporting racist names is taken seriously by BSG

ID: hsjhbs1

I'd be very surprised considering how many i've seen

13 : Anonymous2022/01/13 18:38 ID: hsiq6yb

It's not just that. I've had people kill me in the past (way before VoIP) and after I added him he told me the reason - he thought I was a cheater.

I can't remember the exact sequence of events but long story short - I was on Factory with fort, kiver (that was before face hitboxes too), befriended a guy by wiggling, we got attacked and I dispatched 2 or 3 scavs and a PMC or two, we were looting and he shot me in the face.

Some people, especially new people (the guy in my example also said he was new), don't have a robust understanding of how the game works yet, so they tend to just make stupid decisions rather than think for half a second before shooting.

But I can't blame them either, it's their decision how to play the game. I play it by choosing to cooperate truthfully with no backstabbing, some people play by killing on sight, others befriend to shoot you in the back seconds later, others befriend so you can play for entire raid only to kill you just before extract.

One thing is for sure - this will all change once PMC Karma arrives. It may not stop the people above, but at least there will be big drawbacks when doing it (to your own faction). We have a glimpse of what it could be whenever we have a good VoIP co-op experience with others, and so far - I have had more good experiences than bad.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/13 21:48 ID: hsjkj1n

15 year old here. Yeah my friends of my age are total dicks. If you hear a high-pitched voice shoot. I won't be affected since i already have a voice deep enough to pass as adult lmao.

15 : Anonymous2022/01/13 21:22 ID: hsjgfju

Yeah that stereotype is the reason i cant enjoy games i like because no one takes a 14 year old seriously

I bought arma 3 with my own money and everytime i tried do play milsim i just got a lot of hate from everyone. There were a few nirmal dudes but yeah

And now with eft Everytime i use voip it ends with either

The duse tryna shoot me or me getting called a fa***

ID: hsjl4nv

Have you tried not being 14

ID: hsjmelx

Yes i plan on upgrading do 15 soon

ID: hsjl9zq

Same. It’s why I never talk

16 : Anonymous2022/01/13 21:53 ID: hsjlfci

The fact that the main, non-meme tarkov forum is 40% child hate at this point brings joy to my heart.

17 : Anonymous2022/01/13 20:14 ID: hsj5p9k

Yeah i remember when i was a kid i was afraid to let my parents read the Warcraft 3 chats cause they were so offensive. Ranging from racism to just down right fucked up psycho. Its amazing how far the internet has come. The bad part was in the back of my head i thought maybe thats how adults actually acted lol, in reality they were just bratty teens. (no voip back then)

18 : Anonymous2022/01/13 22:06 ID: hsjnjuu

I find VoiP interactions are a lot more pleasant when you just lie to people. "Yeah sorry just tryna do delivery from the past", "can you show me how to extract? Haven't played on this map much" and "I just have a pistol, man, I couldn't hurt you if I wanted" tend to garner some leeway. I almost never shoot them, but it's almost always to my favor if they think I'm just a puny little guy. Just a bumbling fella

19 : Anonymous2022/01/13 22:24 ID: hsjqb4e

The player scav that gifted me a ophthalmoscope just because I was new to the game sounded like he was 12 years old.

Kids will learn the hard truths of life on their own, irl. No reason to treat them poorly in a video game simply because of their assumed mental maturity.

20 : Anonymous2022/01/13 22:40 ID: hsjsszq

I love how there were two posts on Tarkov front page about killing kids

21 : Anonymous2022/01/13 22:42 ID: hsjt2j1

This and the other front page post currently make me scared to use VOIP, heres hoping I still meet the friendly people I usually run into 😛

22 : Anonymous2022/01/13 22:52 ID: hsjun84

i’ve never met a group of people that whine about a hardcore survival game as much as the people on this sub.

23 : Anonymous2022/01/13 22:55 ID: hsjv4k2

Ok boomer

24 : Anonymous2022/01/13 23:06 ID: hsjwwwf

Been betrayed by pretty much everyone. Loot lust doesn’t discriminate. I don’t trust a single person I meet in game, happy to cooperate but I’ll always be on guard.

25 : Anonymous2022/01/13 23:18 ID: hsjypzt

You guys really do not try hard to not seem like this subreddit is a toxic cesspool

26 : Anonymous2022/01/13 23:28 ID: hsk050m

Tarkov is a harsh ass game and we shouldn't expect to be able to speech 100 our way through everything

shoot us if you need to


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