Player scavs currently dominate popular raid locations because they spawn too early.

1 : Anonymous2022/01/19 18:59 ID: s7xjaa

I say this as someone who has abused over 300 scav raids this wipe and have 100m+ stash value because of it. Scavs being such an effortless and profitable way to play maps like lighthouse, reserve or interchange is not healthy for the game.

This issue has been brewing for a few wipes but voip+karma really pushed it over the edge. I do not feel like i have anything challenging me from running to a high value loot area and draining it before a PMC can even get a chance at the loot.

With scavs spawning in only 120 seconds after PMCS on some maps. P-scavs simply spawn far too early into a raid and the risk/reward ratio is completely skewed because of it.

2 : Anonymous2022/01/19 19:14 ID: htct3hk

That’s so weird because I scav on shoreline almost exclusively and load in with only 14-18 minutes left. Only occasionally I’ll drop in with 34 mins left. The vast majority of times you barely have more than 10 mins.

ID: htcvybq

Exactly, and most times you have to beeline to extract for half of these minutes

ID: htdandz

i depedns on the map i guess, as the OP say on the maps he states scavs spwan only 120 secs after PMC and that's a problem, shoreline is already abd enough for PMCs so the fact that as a scav u spawn with 10min left and you have to go accross map and can't even loot anything is ehh... shoreline = worst map btw, fight me.

ID: htd4i2w

You only get 13-14 minutes on shoreline because hardly anyone scavs there. The q is piled up on other maps forcing them to let scavs in earlier on the more popular maps.

ID: htdaium

It's definitely this and it's really bad for the game. THey are nerfing a lot of things to make pmcs have to run shit kits that make PMC runs even more vulnerable to player scavs too. The game meta is becoming worse and worse in this sense

ID: htczenz

Probably the worst place to scav into besides woods. Lighthouse, Interchange, and Reserve OP for scavs.

ID: htd6k7p

Woods is actually incredibly profitable but you need to know where the stashes are. Its one of the most profitable maps. Better than reserve now that they nerfed that maps loot so badly.

ID: htdb86f

Well shoreline makes for pretty relaxed scav runs that give you reliable 300k-600k and more if the hidden-stash-RNG is good. Before this wipe it was even better, as filing cabinets have been significantly nerfed according to my experience. 40 hidden stashes that are not highly contested are a pretty good resource, yesterday I came out with a GPU, Skull, goldchain, GP coin, an SR.25, a 5-7 with SS190, a full stack of 7.39 BP and some random stuff what made it over 1 million roubles.

ID: htd0crq

Well, at least before this patch, it was my go to. Before VOIP, scav cooperation barely existed.

I was exclusively focused on survivability so I ran nighttime shoreline and had an 85% survival rate.

This patch, I feel like shoreline is devoid of loot. Most my typical spots are wiped clean already.

ID: htdkcvv

You don’t know what you’re talking about

ID: htcvvvy

I have seen posts claiming that karma can get you early scav raids. When my karma was negative, I mostly got 8-10 minute factory scavs. Now my karma is 1.3 and my facrory scavs have 10-18 minutes.

ID: htcygpf

I have .78 scav karma and I get 16 min factory scavs almost exclusively I hate it, spawn in and just get bodied instantly.

ID: htd1x5q

-1.7 rep and can get lighthouse at 36mins left quite often

ID: htd02eb

2+ rep and I usually spawn in with 15 minutes left, but I get a keycard about 1/5 scavs.

ID: htcyn78

Pretty sure that's not true

ID: htd0wmr


ID: htd40ep

I scav'd interchange the other day, spawned in front of Oli, ran in and immediately ran into PMCs on the stairs into Oil. VOIPed with them for a bit, they had literally just spawned in and ran in the front of the store - they stopped because they heard footsteps in Oli, and within 10 seconds or so my scav ass came running up behind them. That is ridiculously early, if I had something better than a toz I could've snuck up behind them because why would they be looking behind them a minute into raid? That's been pretty consistent for me

3 : Anonymous2022/01/19 19:21 ID: htcu8h9

For me it's a bit weird since i have never been deployed as a scav before the 30-25 mins mark last wipe and i did handreds of runs, this wipe (especially toward the early wipe days) i've been deployed some times with 45 mins left of raid

ID: htd2ow4

same has happened to me, the other day i literally spawned inside idea with 42 minutes left, the computer room was untouched. Didn't make it out but still, it's a little bonkers, I could have won my gunfight and would have also made it out with some PMC gear--for no risk.

ID: htd30z5

I’m the same. I have a 4 day work week so I don’t have people to play with on fridays when I’m off. I would do chores and run scavs when the timer was up. Every time was 10-18 minutes with the very lucky 25 minutes left. Now, every time I scav interchange, I’m 35 minutes+. I love it because I’ve been getting more PMC kills as a scav, but I don’t think this should be happening

4 : Anonymous2022/01/19 19:36 ID: htcwp1f

Last wipe I had an interchange raid where I killed 6 !!!! Player scavs <5 minutes into the raid, and posted a clip and people just talked shit to me “it’s a scav base there should be scavs there early and often!!” But like no, scavs are supposed to scavenge leftover loot, not compete with pmcs for tech light and GPUs…

ID: htdum1j

There should be more scavs in the early stages of the maps. More NPC scavs. No player scavs until after the halfway mark of the map. That's the point of playing a "scavenger." As a scav I rarely even want to run into a PMC, just grab some leftover loot and scoot.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/19 19:50 ID: htcytqk

I routinely spawn in at 36min on Lighthouse and had a player scav spawn in the first minute of a woods raid yesterday.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/19 19:45 ID: htcy3a0

I always spawn 10 minutes into the raid, and get instantly wrecked by a player that happens to be in the area. Shouldn't be spawning until 15 min left on the bigger maps and 10 left on factory.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/19 19:21 ID: htcu95s

Scaving really is way too easy at the moment. Most of the time you can walk around the map like it's a casual shopping trip, because besides some PMCs there not too much to care about.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/19 20:28 ID: htd50ax

I’ve been saying this, I totally agree. I feel like too many player scavs spawn in one lobby too. More than PMCs it feels like.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/19 22:17 ID: htdmvtp

In the case of lighthouse, scavs should be treated like bears from the rogues. It's frustrating as hell that as a PMC I have to take a few specific routes to systematically clear them so I don't get rinsed from 200m then on my scav I'm sprinting in there without a care in the world grabbing a bunch of loot and high fiving rogues.

10 : Anonymous2022/01/19 20:12 ID: htd2e5c

There should be at least a 5-10 min period before player scavs spawn in. Fucking lighthouse player scavs spawn in 2mins into the raid lol

11 : Anonymous2022/01/19 20:35 ID: htd68vw

Getting so sick doing rogues and having player Scavs show up with 34 min left in the raid.

12 : Anonymous2022/01/19 20:46 ID: htd7ylt

Scavs shouldn't be allowed to choose maps.

ID: htd9w06

I've said this for a while now, being able to select the map you spawn into tends to overpopulate percieved "high loot value" maps with too many scavs.

13 : Anonymous2022/01/19 22:49 ID: htdrmu4

I feel like this was done to help with scav queue times. But fuck that, if you want to scav into the highest loot map, then you should have to wait longer.

I say this as a dirty scav player who loves making all my money scaving.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/19 20:01 ID: htd0pt6

I stopped at merin key and hid in a bush hoping someone would come by and open it. I then ambush them and take loot. Someone did come by, I did ambush them. It was a scav. Thanks for the merin key scav.

15 : Anonymous2022/01/19 19:08 ID: htcs1gt

As a pmc, I embrace this. Scavs are very easy targets for me and provide almost zero threat. They can’t use a secure container so any potential good loot will be mine upon killing.

The downside of playing scav is enormous: you don’t level your pmc skills and only get some roubles which are worthless if you don’t play pmc.

ID: htcw1jv

It's about garhering economy too. Scav runs are free and a decent karma will be a free 150-200k loadout. I tend to spawn with labsKC every now and then too which adds 160k to that equation.

Scavs spawning with mosin/sv-98/svd also have really big bullets to shoot which can defo kill PMCs fast.

Scavs should be scavs - scavengers - trying to scrape by the last pieces of loot, not being able to face almost full lobby of PMCs. That's not the idea for a healthy and balanced game environment

Quick edit/addition:

this also means that you can chose as a PMC to risk staying in raid or leave earlier to skip the scavrush

ID: htd0v4o

The downside of playing scav is enormous: you don’t level your pmc skills and only get some roubles which are worthless if you don’t play pmc.

Comments like this are so weird to me.

The game is suppose to be fun. I like the scav runs because they are fun and I get to shoot people with shitty guns.

ID: htdiwdw

The game is suppose to be fun.


ID: htcvvyp

There's really not any downside though, my extracts are plentiful and my spawn locations place me on top of high value areas and allow me to loot and leave in less then 7-8 minutes.

16 : Anonymous2022/01/19 20:15 ID: htd2xw2

All my scav runs in lighthouse today were over 30 min, I did about 4 or 5.

17 : Anonymous2022/01/19 22:29 ID: htdor9g

Spawn too early? Holy shit every scav run I get in on usually only has like 12-13 minutes left in the game lmao what scav runs are you getting in?

18 : Anonymous2022/01/19 21:52 ID: htdixme

Scav karma ruined scav runs.. Its just a PvE loot fest, 300k-500k on average per run. Basically no threat what so ever. Scav runs used to be some of the most intense and rewarding runs in the game, they completely took away any fun part of scav. I introduced 3 of my gamer friends to Tarkov this wipe (having 4.7k hours) and explaining them scav karma was hilarious. Forced friendly care bear bullshit makes zero sense in tarkov.

19 : Anonymous2022/01/19 19:06 ID: htcrqvg

Lmao even if they spawn 5 minutes in there should be a PMC or more in most high value areas, and if you get your cheeks clapped by some drunk guy with a half broken gun it isn't a problem with the game.

ID: htcsbq1

The problem isn't when it's just 1 player scav. I can't tell you how many times my 4 man scav team has rolled a solo PMC in chalet after spawning right next to it with 37 minutes left in the raid. Similarly, PMCs can lose the attrition battle as groups of 1-2 Scavs come pouring in

ID: htcsxl1

My scavs typically spawn more kitted then most PMCs I encounter. Scav rep is a big factor there but I usually spawn with an AK, SVD, or VSS, tier 3 or 4 armor, ears, and my ammo is usually solid too.

Scav guns do jam but at high rep my guns are usually around 65% and it's pretty easy to 2 tap a chest with 7.62 BP

20 : Anonymous2022/01/19 19:18 ID: htctqxc


21 : Anonymous2022/01/19 19:48 ID: htcylpt

I still think that scav runs should be completely random where you can't pick what map you get to scav on. Scav runs are free gear runs so you should be placed wherever there's an opening at the time to make all the maps feel more active and alive rather than just the select few. Right now there is really no reason to scav anywhere other than Lighthouse, Interchange and Reserve if you're going for easy money/loot run.

22 : Anonymous2022/01/19 19:55 ID: htczpmd

I almost exclusively load with like 15 minutes to go, sometimes less

23 : Anonymous2022/01/19 21:49 ID: htdifcy

You people who say Player Scav is too strong are some of the biggest noobs in the community and it shows heavily with a post like this lmao

Coming from someone who heavily enjoys a Player Scav raid, if you EVER think pressing that Player Scav Button is in anyway more “efficient” than a PMC run you’ve lost your god damn mind lol.

Player Scav will ALWAYS be worse than a PMC run... because as a PMC you can spawn at the start of a raid, not 1 minute in, not 10 minutes in or the usual 20 minutes in, THE START. You also get to pick your loadout not some piece of shit TT pistol that has an MOA of 32 and will jam after a magazine. You also get a fucking container to put stuff in if you die... Lastly, you’re gaining experience every PMC raid to level your traders and your own skills. A player Scav gets none of that, it’s just helpful for your Anxiety because you don’t risk anything. But in reality, a PMC with an SKS and PS ammo is virtually free and gets all the bonuses listed above.

TLDR; PMC will always always be better than a Player Scav in terms of efficiency.. So stop bitching Player Scavs are too good

24 : Anonymous2022/01/19 19:02 ID: htcr31d


25 : Anonymous2022/01/19 19:12 ID: htcsps5

That's patently untrue, even if they get the loot before PMC's they have no secure container and known extracts, the alternative is having high level PMC serial cheesers run there on stims and pocket it, then there's really nothing you can do about it.


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